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Looking for Fun and Amusements?

Welcome!! In this page you can find many things that will keep you entertain for hours. Check out the comics (my favorites!), do some music shopping, send electronic greeting cards (yes, they are free!), play some trivia games....

the possibilities are endless....

My favorite comics sites:
Calvin and Hobbes calvin2.gif (2826 bytes)
Foxtrot foxtrot.gif (2628 bytes)
Sherman's Lagoon slagoon.gif (4985 bytes)
Peanuts snoopy.gif (4985 bytes)
Frank&Ernest frankandernest.gif (4985 bytes)

In the mood for some music shopping?
U2 here
Some Bach, and other classics here
rocks, pops, world musics, and all others here

Trivia Nuts? Here are the challeneges
Chinese civilization trivia
Uproar Trivia... win prizes!! questions updated weekly!

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