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What works for us.
- We (actually from here on out, we is Sharon) only buy seed mix from a pet store that we
trust. If the bird won't eat from a batch, we go somewhere else and get a new batch. Birds
have favorite foods and others they don't want. We keep the seeds in the refrigerator to
prevent bug infestation. We always have strands of fresh Millet available to Birdie for a
change. Birdie loves Millet, Herbie ( a loved predecessor) never would eat it. All the birds we've
had liked seed sticks with honey but that obviously didn't do it for Herbie.
Birdie loves fresh pieces of apple, cantaloupe, carrots, string beans. I've seen
recommendations to give budgies grated carrots. Sure, spoil the fun. When Birdie
sees me eating a "baby" carrot or string bean, he dives for the vegetable and
shreds it himself. The force per unit area that the bird can exert with his beak is
mind boggling.
- If feeding a budgie vegetables or fruit, a real good idea, it is important to watch the
"poop" for diarrhea. Strangely enough too much of a good thing leads to diarrhea
and ultimately dehydration. If Birdie develops diarrhea, we limit him to seed for a day or
two and all is well. Many people recommend feeding budgies Romaine lettuce also.
We've never tried it since we don't like it. Iceberg lettuce is a big no! no!
- The grit we give him is fortified with calcium.
- We have never given him vitamins. We gave Herbie and others vitamins. I don't know
if it helped. People who sell it recommend it, but no one else seems to.
What Veterinarians Recently Told Us
Birdie has a history of recurring crop infections. In November of
2000 we had a medical emergency and the opportunity to discuss what might be
causing the crop infections with two vets from two different facilities. What we
learned was:
- Seed is not a normal diet for Budgies. Fruits and vegetables are.
Vets tend to feed budgies almost anything including dog food. Both Vets felt
a more normal
diet may improve his auto-immune system. I forgot to ask about Iceberg lettuce,
a previous no! no!
I've noticed, Birdie goes nuts over mixed nuts. I can't sneak them into my
room without having the bird literally pushing his head through my fingers
to get at them. I have no idea how he detects them but he does. I tend to
limit his success much to his frustration because it seems to me they are
covered with salt. Under other conditions, we can't get a finger any where
near his head.
- Green vegetables are best. Birdie loves string beans and carrots (yes I
know they are not green). He can't figure out what to do with broccoli. He
also eats cucumber.
- Fruit is ok but has little nutritional value. We've noticed it can easily
precipitate Diarrhea which can lead to dehydration. We used to feed him
apples every day which he loves but have changed this schedule to only a
couple of times a week. He also loves grapes but we've stopped giving him
- Nutri-berries or equivalent are suppose to be vastly superior to straight
seed. Birdie loves the stuff but I really don't think he can open the seed
in the Nutri-berries nor does he eat the pellets. The pellets are suppose to
be great but I've never had a bird that liked them. We do give him lots of
Nutri-berries and he does prefer it to seed.
- The crop infection bacteria may be coming in on the coins he plays with.
We now clean the coins he plays with.
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Jerold H Feinstein
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