Wag Aero Sport Trainer
Manufactured by Jeff Nelson

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The Wag Areo Sport Trainer is a replica of the Piper cub.  I have looked at many Cubs and have found very few differences.  On occasion I have called Wag Aero for support and they refer me to the original type certificate for the J-3 Cub.  This can be found on the internet at http://av-info.faa.gov/tc/tcds.htm  One of the main differences is the placement of a trim tab on the left elevator.  I have opted for the old fashion jackscrew for trim.  One of the options you may choose is the larger engine upgrade.  I have installed all the components for the 125 HP and larger engine.  The maximum is a 150 HP engine.  I also am building the balanced tail surfaces for my product.  I am told that this produces lighter control feel with the bigger engine.


The main reason I chose this as my project is because of cost.  I didn't have a big cash outlay for getting started on the plane.   Total cost for the 4130 tubing and sheet was approximately $1000.00 and the plans were  $65.00 for the plane and $9.00 for the 125 HP upgrade.  I purchased the plans for the clipped wing version the Wag Aero Acro trainer as well.  This wing is much shorter than the original which allows aerobatics.  You do lose a little landing and takeoff distance with this wing.  I also chose this plane because I have always admired the Cub as a nostalgic long lasting plane with good flying qualities.  I have been in the radio control end and have scratch built many models.  I feel this is another way building a model just on a much larger scale.  I am building as many parts to this airplane as I can.  Every part so far has had some challenges to make but most are pretty straight forward.  If need be you can also buy some of the harder parts to build.  I have encountered a few parts that I made mistakes on and had to build 2 and 3 times but the savings over buying them is still evident.

If anyone is interested in becoming a member of a support group please e-mail me.  This could take the form of a web support group or a newsletter type group or both.  You can reach my email at jenelson1@hotmail.com