Music  Made with the GR-30
MIDI's and MP3's




At this page you will find a diversity of music which was made with the use of the GR-30 guitar synthesizer.

This means that the GR-30 is used, NOT that the GR-30 was the only gear in producing the music.

For instance: an MP3 containing sounds where the GR-30 was used as a bass accompaniement will be accepted, even if the guitar sounds itself came from a Zoom Gfx-707 processor.

It will be appreciated very much when you give a detailed description on how your music was produced : which devices were in your setup for this music, how were they connected, what patch settings were used for the GR-30, was it captured in one take or did you mix it afterwards etc. ?

When you do send a Midi-file that is meant to be used in conjunction with the GR-30, please specify which tracks are meant for the GR-30 and include the patch setting (or send them as a seperate file together with the music-Midi)

Music published at this page can be downloaded to be listened at, but the rights on original compositions remain in hands of the artist which created this music, unless otherwise stated.

When you want to send CD's or other hard media with your creations, don't hesitate, but please contact me first by email.

All contibutions are welcomed, but a few words in advance:

- When sending an MP3, please use a high quality compression (for instance 96 Kbit/s 44.100 Hz stereo). This results in a bigger file, but I am sure we all prefer to listen to a short but clear demonstration then to a long but messy sounding album ! Exceptions will be made where appropriate of course !

- If a file exceeds around 2Mb please contact me first by email to make sure it is worth the trouble of sending/downloading because maybe it might not be published.

- Patch settings can be send in different formats, Midi-file, sysex, GR-editor-bank or just described in plain text (or a copy by scanner from the form to describe the patch settings which you can find in the user guide).

Contributions to this page can be send to me by email, please read the above first !

Eli Miranda sent a link to some MIDI sequences of Gambale's songs ("Awakening" and "Passages"). Go to Eli's homepage to check it out !

Hank Hufnagel sent a complete .zip-file with 4 MIDI-files he made. You can download them together in the .zip or separate (Titled: Nazca, Seasun, Surf and Tiawanna).

Ole Foss made Godzilla, what about that? Of course Ole meant the music, but who knows? You can hear the MIDI for yourself here.

Perry Pasquale is trying to get the most authentic guitar sounds out of MIDI. As you will hear he plays a nice jazz guitar in the two pieces he performs for you.

Rodrigo Alcaraz made a well balanced MIDI song, which has a lot of pitch bend information in it. It was very well orchestrated as you can verify here.

Paul Duivestein (that's me ;-) starts of with some MP3's. Each time you can hear a small snippet before downloading the entire song.

The first is called Electric Chair Puppet (MP3 96 Kbit/s 44.100 Hz Stereo 3:16 min. 2,24 MB). Prelisten a part (275 KB), or go to the download.

Wafaber (MP3 128 Kbit/s 44.100 Hz Stereo 1:46 min. 1.6 MB) is title of another MP3. Listen to the snippet (234 KB) or go and get the whole song.


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