MIDI Guitar sites (This will become the new linklist at the GR-30 page. Old list)

Please mail me when you encounter interesting links for this page (please also add your own description)

This page was last updated on maandag 26 juli 1999

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Aiming to be complete Troubador Tech - MIDI Guitars: A nearly complete roster A listing of currently manufactured MIDI guitars, discontinued MIDI guitars, guitar-shaped MIDI controllers, and links to MIDI guitar resources. Roland GR-1, GR-09, GR-30, GI-10, AXON NGC 60, AXON NGC 66, AXON NGC 77, AXON AX-100, Shadow SH-075, Shadow GTM-6, Bono Electronic GM-3 MIDI Interface, Yamaha G50, IVL Pitchrider 7000, Ibanez IMG2010, Ibanez MC1, K-Muse Photon, Phi Tech Photon, Zeta Systems GC660, Zeta Systems GC440, Zeta Mirror 6, Octave-Plateau Voyetra MIDI Guitar, Passac Sentient Six, Gibson Widget, Gibson MAX, Guitorgan, Casio MIDI guitar, Roland MIDI guitar, SynthAxe, Stepp, Beetle Quantar, Yamaha G10, Casio DG-20, Suzuki UniSynth XG-1m, Cloutier Guitars, John Birch Guitars, Forefront Technology M3, Virtual DSP MidiAxe, MIDI bass systems, Korg Z3 John Pollock
Some MIDI's for guitar bTd Guitar MIDI archive     Bryan.T.Dongray
Great guitar songs. Adjust the settings for the GR-30 and your ears will love you. Classical Guitar Midi Archives The Classical Guitar Midi Archives contains a wide variety of music files you can listen to at the click of your mouse. classical guitar music, midi archives, index, composers' names, renaissance, baroque, classicism, romantism, modern, Aguado, Bach, Tarrega, Chopin, Giuliani, Boccherini, Lauro François Faucher
WEB-discussion group on MIDI-guitar FindMail eGroups.com Info   group moderator
A linkpage MIDI Guitar Sites - MIDI Music Net Links Guitar-related MIDI sites, from your Mining Company Guide MIDI, music, guitar, mining company, links, resources, information, guidance, bibliography, netguide Steve Allen
A page with amongst other topics a user list. The Guitar Synthesizer Demo Page This page is a resource for those who are interested in the guitar synthesizer. music, Kris Hartung, Roland, RMC, Gibson, sound clips kris hartung                                                                                    
Comments from users on the GR-30 Roland GR-30 Guitar Synthesizer     www.harmony-central.com
I am anxiously waiting for it ! Cakewalk Guitar Studio Guitar Studio provides all the tools a guitar player needs to record, edit and mix MIDI and digital audio projects start to finish.   Contacting Cakewalk


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