Welcome dear visitor of the GR-30 page !
What's new ? First of all: this page itself of course. Because every addition will show here.
Here you can find the latest additions to the site in the form of extra html-pages. Each time something is added, it is listed here, a short description is given and also the date of its introduction. You will be able to click to the page from below as well as from the starting page. After some (longer) period the oldest listing will be erased from this page. Since 2000 the new items will be added at the top of the list.
This page was last updated on dinsdag 18 november 2003
Title | Name | Since | Description | # | Changed | Character |
GR-30 MP3-Music Stage | CaminataE.htm | november 18 2003 | MP3-contributions of Erick Leon from Mexico | 12 | static | |
GR-3X Manuals and documents | Manuals.htm | october 1 2003 | First attempt to offer complete manuals on the GR-30 and GR-33 | 11 | semi-static | |
GR-30 MP3-Music Stage | Wafaber.htm | september 18 2000 | These pages contain the MP3 files made with the help of the GR-30 by several contributors | 10 | static | |
GR-30 MIDI-Music Stages | HankHufnagelMIDI.htm | september 18 2000 | These pages contain the MIDI files made with the help of the GR-30 by several contributors. | 9 | static | |
Music made with the GR-30 MIDI's and MP3's | gr30music.htm | september 18 2000 | Startpage for music made with the help of the GR-30 | 8 | dynamic | |
What's new? | whatsnew.html | june 21 1998 | list of added pages (THIS ONE) | 1 | dynamic | |
Classifieds | classifd.html | june 21 1998 | advertisements | 2 | dynamic | |
The NEW G-30 page | gr30.html | june 27 1998 | This becomes the new opening page on the site. This
page takes the same old name. The former opening page is now called: |
3 | september 19 2000 | semi-static |
GR-30 (Frequently) Asked Questions | gr30faq.html | july 20 1998 | Questions and answers. Rules to it are given on the page. |
4 | dynamic | |
Welcome to the GR-30 page: Let's hear it beat ! | popup.html | july 23 1998 | A reminder to send in (GR-30) MIDI files | 5 | removed at september 18 2000 | static |
GR-30 NEWSLETTER | gr30newsletter.html | july 23 1998 | The newsletter as sent by e-mail to participants of the mailing-list.. | 6 | dynamic | |
MIDI Guitar sites | midigusi.html | october 11 1998 | (This will become the new linklist at the GR-30 page. Old list) | 7 | dynamic |
Back to the GR-30 opening page.