tyoshino's CCD Astrophotography Page


I've just began CCD Astrophotography with my home built CB245 CCD camera. I'm an electronics engineer by profession and CCD camera itself is in my familiar field, but as for telescope and astronomy, I'm just a novice. I do appreciate your comments and suggestions.
Thank you.
Tetsuo Yoshino

Getting warmer day by day , easier for me to do this kind of hobby. 4-years ago, it was a guess work to introduce M101 under heavy light pollution. This time, it's different owing to the DSC. W:2minx20, CMY:2minx8 (2002.3.9)

This is the first image in 2002. 9 4-minute exposures with PEC for W image, 3 4-minute exposures for CMY images. Image processing is done by Iris and home -build Messier, DSC is controlled by Guide7. New version of the Guide7 features GSC download from internet. It's very convenient though I need long ethernet cable down to my back yard.(2002.1.4)

Temporal holiday due to recession gave me a chance to take this shot. 10x2minutes exposures for W and 5x2minutes exposures for CMY.(2001.12.12)

Clear sky week-end with no other things to do came again at last. This is an M33 WCMY composite image made by Messier. Still I could not get proper color calibration and flat field though.


This is a WCMY composite made by my program "Messier". I've been working on DDP program for Macintosh platform. It has taken a pretty long time, but at last I decided to open up.
Try out!
(updated 2001.3.11)

This is my first color image. This image was taken by
Andy Saulietis' Filter Wheel, Edmund Scientific CMY filter set and processed by Dr. Okano's DDP / LRGB method, although, color calibration is not so accurate. N 2 min x 7 exposures, CMY 2 min x 3 exposures each. Owing to my small telescope (80 mm F11), I regret the image is not so impressive and I wish I had a 300 mm Newtonian. (JunÊ 12 1999)

AÊ sheet of black paper covering around the optical window reduces the hot area at the center of field very much. M82 six 4-minute exposures stacked. 1/16/'99Ê Introduce object byÊ DSC and autoguide with PEC.

M78It's a cold and starry winter night here which I've been waited for. Along with the autoguider, I equipped my mount with a digital setting circle (a pair of GP-encoders and Ouranos interface with planetarium software; Earth Centered Universe). This facilitate finding an object under the heavy light pollution. M78 four 2-minute exposures stacked.Ê 1/3/'99 Autoguided with PEC.

m1pec.jpgDuring the cloudy weekends of summer season,Ê I worked with building an autoguider based on the design in the CCD Camera Cookbook.Ê Here's the first image guided by it with periodic error correction mode.
M1, three 4-minute exposures stacked. 11/28/98. For your reference, the other image without PEC is on the autoguider page.

Starry weekend came after one month of waiting. This Image is M101 Pinwheel Galaxy taken on 4/19/98. I could not find the object by my eyes and the camera was pointed at by a guess. This may be the faintest object I can shoot from my backyard under heavy light pollution of my home town. Twelve 2-minute exposures were stacked.

Image of M81 taken on 3/7/98. Thirteen 2 minutes exposures were stacked. Owing to some trouble in cooling system or noise from newly equipped Zip drive, there exists higher level of dark frame noise on this shot. Trouble shooting may be necessary...

Image of M1 taken on 1/25/98. Seven 2 minutes exposures were stacked. Median filtered.

Image of Whirlpool Galaxy taken on 1/2/98. Ten 2 minutes exposures were stacked. There exists searchlight beam in northern sky and still I can get this image.

Image of Orion nebula taken on 12/13/97. I've been waited for clear sky on Saturday night for one month. At last, it cleared and there were full moon in the sky. Four 2 minutes exposures were stacked.

Image of M57 taken on 11/1/97 with CB245 and 80 mm F11 refractor from Mobara Chiba, Japan. Four 2 minutes exposures were stacked.

Image of M33 taken on 11/2/97 with CB245 and 80 mm F11 refractor from Mobara Chiba, Japan. Five 2 minutes exposures were stacked.
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Related Links

Steve Lee's Astronomy and CCD Home Page
Kunihiko Okano's CCD Gallery Home Page

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My CB245 CCD Camera
My Autoguider

Build the Cookbook Camera Autoguider (Thanks to Olav Callesen!)

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