Certain HNN-extensions of cyclic groups.
Consider the group
/ | -1 p p rp \
G = / x,y|y x y = x ,x = 1 \ (p >= 2,r >= 2).
\ | /
\ /
Then G is an HNN-extension of the cyclic group of order rp and so is
We shall show that the growth series of G with respect to {x,y} is
rational. It turns out however that if r = 2 and we let t = 1, or if p = 2
and we let t = 1 then g(1) != __1_.
( p)
We then show that the growth series g' of G with respect to |x,y,z=x | is
( )
rational and for this generating set we get the identity g'(1) = __1_ for
r >= 2. If r = 2 and p is odd our calculation of g' agrees with that of
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