Welcome to our little piece of a little state. We would like to hear your comments about our webpage or about the program Civil Air Patrol runs in Rhode Island.

Kcox - 09/22/00 22:14:56
My Email:kcox@radiks.net

Eric-Karen- Was being nosey- found your page. Sounds as though you guys are pretty busy Kelly

Robert E. Chanfer - 09/12/00 05:50:12
My Email:Generalpop@juno.com

Just showing an interest in C.A.P. Will be retiering soon and may be interested in being of some service. Have a grandson in a Conn. squadron.

Janice Lentz - 08/13/00 16:15:20
My Email:k4ijk@arrl.net

I am a member of the Asheville Composite squadron, Asheville, NC. I will be relocating to RI the end of September. I am looking to transfer to RI Wing. I am workiing in the position of Personnel Officer. I have many years of administrative experience. Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you

Joey Catanzaro - 07/11/00 02:28:40
My URL:http://www.yahoo.com
My Email:DMira@Spire.com


Robert E. Scovill, Jr. - 06/01/00 01:34:29
My URL:sumpthis.com

A Safety Issue in General Aviation You have received this e-mail because you have been identified as someone who is involved with or interested in general aviation safety. A US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) report on general aviation statistics* indicates that 5,670 accidents involving general aviation aircraft occurred over the years 1997 through 1999. Fatalities occurred in 1,060 of these accidents, killing 1,894 people. The number of fatalities could have been 1,895 for this report period had I not survived four separate emergency landings, which included total engine failure on 3 occasions. What I, Robert E. Scovill, Jr., have discovered, through extensive research and FAA-supervised testing, is truly life saving information. I have informally shared these findings with many pilots and aircraft owners, as well as FAA officials and others over the last several months and the response and support has been overwhelming. In order to facilitate the further dissemination and review of the information, I invite you to visit a web site called Sump This, which provides further details including extensive documentation and digital photographs related to the testing. In addition, the web site offers additional findings and commentary concerning the obstacles that exist in the current system of oversight by the FAA and the NTSB. To learn more, please visit Sump This at http://sumpthis.com/ Robert E. Scovill, Jr. res@sumpthis.com * Aviation statistics quoted from: http://www.ntsb.gov/aviation/Table10.htm/

Capt. Ken Eggleston, CAP - 05/30/00 08:01:59
My Email:eggleston@gci.net

Glad to see CAP is as active on the east coast as it is on the west coast of the Bering Sea.

R Christofaro - 03/13/00 22:36:05
My Email:rchristofa@aol.com

Very nice web page I currently serve as a Reserve MSgt with the USAF and find this page interesting. Keep up the good work

Thaddeus Piorek Jr. - 02/29/00 22:26:23
My Email:piorek@worldpath.net

Nice Web Page. Keep the good work. LTC Thaddeus Piorek Jr., CAP New Hampshire Wing/Inspector General

Andy McFee - 02/20/00 01:53:48
My Email:nytelyte17@aol.com

I want to join the air force but not till I'm older. And I'm afriad of heights but i could use the computers right?

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