Society of    Sponsor Geocities


Last Update 25 April 2002

 Purpose, Members Projects, Members Sites, Meetings, News Letter, Annual Events, Committee, SAAC Documents, Joining the Society, Links, Home-made Tools,Engines, Weather, Freebies,Irish Aviation Sites ,Rotary FlightNews ,SAAC Field , For Sale
The purpose of this society is to promote the safe construction maintenance and flying of home built aircraft in Ireland.

Members Web Sites:

Philip McCabe, Chris Condell 

There is a monthly meeting of the society at Eamons Workshop at the rear of Juggys Well Dunlaoghaire at about 8 PM on the third Tuesday of each month. This is an informal meeting where new members can join, information and encouragement is exchanged 

News Letter
It is envisaged that members should receive a number of news letters during the year. Members are invited to contribute and share their experiences through this medium The frequency of these letters depends on the extent of members submissions. 

SAAC organize an annual get together once a year, in 2001 this was held at SAACs field in Wexford and despite the poor weather the barbecue and breakfast were an excellent opportunity for members to see the new field and “terminal building”.  

The society's AGM for 2002 was held in The Workshop Juggys Well on January 27. The following committee was elected:

Eamon Fitzgerald    Speaker / President    353-1-2808663
Charles O'Shea      Chairman and Permits     353-1-2829215
Ralph Llewellyn      Secretary
David Ryan            Treasurer   353-1-2693101
Paddy Byrne    353-1-4500670
Chris Condell    353-1-6288061
Philip McCabe     353-4580656
J.J O’Sullivan     353-2694823

Noel  Gallagher     353-404-68579
John Duggan      353-53-46877

Joining The Society
Fee is 30 Euro per year. Contact Dave Ryan or come to one of the monthly meetings. 

Project registration is XXX Euro. To register a project one must be a paid up member.


Landings: A list of links for homebuilders which include many special interest groups and many kit makers web sites. 

FAA Advisory Document AC 43.13-1b  This document covers reckomended practises for all types of light aircraft. It also includes information on Engines.

Home-made Tools
This site outlines the joy of fabricating sheet metal ribs and has some good photos of a home made flanging tool.

Links to and Weights of various Engines
This is an extensive list of many aero engines from Briggs & Stratton through 1/2 VW Subaru to conventional aero engines 


Satellite Images and animations Updated every 6 hours

Current surface analysis with forecasts up to 120 hours . I find the North Atlantic charts the most useful. 

Satellite Image Ireland UK and to the North and West: Links to Nottingham University which provide various satellite images go down 1 level to select other images