
This site is dedicated to an explanation of superconductivity and a closely related phenomenon, super fluidity. Briefly, superconductivity is a flow of electricity without resistance. This occurs very rarely, and only under very specific conditions.

This is only a primer in superconductivity; for more information you should check my annotated bibliography or my list of links. Any errors in accuracy are mine and mine alone. If you have any questions, concerns, or additional information, please contact me at:

This document is divided into several sections:

Superconductivity for non-scientists

This section is an attempt to make the broad topic of superconductivity available to everyone, regardless of their scientific or mathematical backgrounds. My belief is that scientific principles, when well explained, are of broad appeal. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions on how to make this section accomplish that goal more effectively.

Superconductivity can be defined as the flow of electricity, absent of any resistance. What, though, does that really mean? And when can it happen?

Electricity itself is an astounding phenomenon. It arises from the basic structure of matter, and occurs almost instantaneously. Surprisingly, though, it is similar to a very familiar thing: the flow of water from streams and lakes into the ocean. Electricity flows through a circuit much like water flows through a stream. If there is a barrier in the stream, the water slows down. In the same way, if there is a gap in the circuit, electricity will not flow through it. Superconductivity is a hot topic in physics circles these days. Depending on where you turn, explanations of superconductivity range from incomprehensible mathematical texts to shameless cheerleading for the marvels of technology. An enormous amount of research is being focused on this single word, and to most people the ultimate value remains unclear. This site is not an authoritative text on superconductivity; far from it, in fact. As I am progressing in my own understanding of superconductivity through my course work at the University of Waterloo I am adding details to this site. Perhaps the best quote about superconductivity is Einstein's. As he was trying to explain his fascination with this seemingly abstract and (then) academic phenomenon to a science reporter he said:

"It's charm is based on three words: zero, infinity, and perfect."

Roughly defined, superconductivity is the flow of electricity without resistance. This occurs very rarely, and only under very specific conditions. So rare was this phenomenon that it was not detected until 1908 by Kamerlingh Onnes when he succeeded in liquefying helium, giving a means to cool other substances to very low temperatures.
Superconductivity occurs in some substances when they are cooled below a certain critical temperature. Scientists call this temperature the "critical temperature".

Historical Overview

The story of superconductivity begins in 1908, when Kamerlingh Onnes succeeded in liquefying helium. It had taken many years to achieve this, and the techniques developed proved essential in later studies of other phemena, including superconductivity. Onnes' success gave him a method of studying other materials at low temperatures. In 1911, he was studying the electrical conductivity of Mercury at very low temperatures when a startling observation was made. While the electrical resistance had been steadily declining with reduced temperature, at 4.2 degrees Kelvin it suddenly vanished. Onnes called this phenomemon superconductivity.

Within a few years Onnes was able to demonstrate that several other substances were capable of exhibiting superconductivity. Tin was found to superconduct at 3.8 degrees Kelvin; lead was found to superconduct at 6 degrees Kelvin. In a crucial experiment to demonstrate the efficacy of this property, Onnes set a current flowing in a loop of lead cooled to 4 degrees Kelvin, removed the current source, and allowed the current to run for one year. No measurable reduction in current was observed.

The potential uses of these perfect conductors were many and varied -- high intensity electromagnets and ecoonomical, long-distance power lines were among the earliest to gain recognition. Two main problems existed, however, to limit the immediate effectiveness and commercial viability of superconducting materials. First, it was exceedingly difficult to maintain the low temperatures required for superconductivity. Indeed, liquefying helium was difficult enough in the first place, but to produce sufficient quantities to keep a commercial superconductor in service was prohibitively expensive. Second, for some unexplained reason, superconductivity was not exhibited in the presence of either large magnetic fields or large current densities. Current density, incidentally, is the current divided by the area, or Amperes per metre squared. Both of these properties were required for the industrial or commercial applications proposed for superconductivity.

Although the commercial viability of superconductors seemed nonexistent, research continued into the mysterious origins of this phenomenon. No coherent theory present at the time could explain this sudden elimination of resistance. In 1933, Walthner Meissner was attempting to determine the origins of superconductivity, and in the process discovered a second, crucial property of superconductors: they are diamagnetic. That is, a superconductor will not allow a magnetic field to penetrate into its interior. Instead, it sets of screening currents that are equal in magnitude, but opposite in direction to those being applied, thus leaving a net field of zero in its interior. When the screening currents are set up, like poles are in proximity, and they will repel. Hence, the stronger the initial applied magnetic field, the stronger the repulsion created by the like poles created by screening currents. This phenomenon of diamagneticism has been called the Meissner Effect. Although inexplicable at the time, theories have been developed to explain the various properties of superconductors. The next section covers the various theories in some detail.

In 1957 it was theorized that some materials could be found that would be able to retain their superconducting properties in the face of high current densities or strong magnetic fields. In 1960 theory was vindicated with the discover of Nobium three Tin. Nobium three Tin is capable of superconducting at 8.8 tesla, which is sufficient for most industrial applications. Thus, a major obstacle to the commercial usage of superconductors had been removed.

The next two decades were characterized by a consolidation of the field of superconductivity. That is, there were no discoveries of new properties of the existing superconductors or of radical new classes of superconductors. A variety of new superconductors of the Nobium three Tin variety were discovered, and which were capable of bearing high current densities and strong magnetic fields. More importantly, perhaps, were the efforts of engineers at companies such as Supercon Inc., Intermagnetics General Corporation, and Oxford Instruments in the 1960s and 1970s. These companies focused on applying superconductors to a wide range of instrumentation and other devices; they refined manufacturing techniques to create commercially reliable and economically affordable superconductors. Key successes in this field include:

While the discovery of Nobium three Tin -type superconductors removed a key obstacle to commercial application of superconductivity and the micro-electronics revolution spurred a host of new innovations and commercial applications, a problem yet remained. Many of the most useful applications remained tantilizingly out of reach because of the critical temperatures involved. All superconductors found before 1980 had a critical temperature below 20 degrees Kelvin. To achieve such low temperatures required elaborate preparations and safeguards which were simply not feasible for large-scale projects. The sheer volume of liquid hydrogen required to cool a 100 km powerline to its critical temperature would quickly overwhelm the savings generated by the efficient transport and minimal resistance. Similarly, although superconductors had potential to revolution the personal computer (which was just then emerging as a mainstream research tool that could replace the reliance on mainframes) the cost of cooling a computer to 20 degrees Kelvin erased the potential productivity gains. Other problems included repairing superconducting components (it could not be done on the fly -- a total system shutdown would be required) and the space restriction imposed by the massive refrigeration systems needed. The malleability of superconductors also became an issue, as many were found to be highly brittle and unsuitable for use in wires or delicate components. In the 1980s, the focus shifted imperceptibly from utilizing the existing superconductors to finding new ones. The crucial properties required were high critical temperatures and improved malleability.

The next major advance in superconductor research came in 1986. Two scientists at the IBM Zuric Laboratory -- Alex Mueller and Georg Bednorz -- spent most of 1984 and 1985 searchingg for superconductors with a high critical temperature in a group of metal oxide ceramic metals called the perovskites. In 1986 they believed that they had procured evidence to show barium lanthium copper oxide to superconduct with a critical temperature of 30 kelvins. They released a tentative report to allow for peer review.

At the annual meeting of the Materials Research Society in Boston that fall, two researchers from the University of Tokyo were not only able to confirm Mueller and Bednorz's results, but also to show that barium lantium copper oxide was diamagnetic (or exhibited the Meissner Effect), as were all other superconductors. A few months later, the exact critical temperature was established as 57 K, a new record. Researchers began a frenetic search for new superconductors chemically similar to barium lanthium copper oxide, and excitement began to build.

On February 16th, 1987, Paul Chu and his team of researchers from the University of Houston reported finding a critical temperature of 93 K in barrium yttrium copper oxide. Other researchers substituted various rare earth elements for the yttrium, and this prompted the discovery of ten new superconductors.

In 1988, two new copper oxide ceramics using bismuth and thallium were found to have critical temperatures of 110 K and 125 K respectively. This temperature represented a major landmark in superconductivity research, for it allows a switch away from expensive helium-based refrigeration and to nitrogen-based refrigeration. Liquid nitrogen is about as expensive as beer or milk, so large-scale commercial applications began instantly feasible.

Theoretical Explanations

When Kammerlingh Onnes first observed superconductivity he believed that some sort of radical change had occured on the microscopic level; perhaps he was observing something akin to a change of state, he thought. This idea has proved to be a cornerstone of superconductivity theories. Although it is no longer considered to be a change of state, the concept of a fundamental change on the atomic level has fuelled subsequent research.

Onnes soon realized that he was not dealing with a straight-forward chemical change or reaction. There was no observable equilibrium state between the semi-conducting and superconducting states of matter, he noted. Instead, Onnes likened it to the change from sand to glass, as opposed to a chemical reaction or change, such as water expanding when it freezes. Glass is formed when the liquid form is cooled too quickly, without allowing sufficient time for the molecules to order themselves. The change is permanent: once formed glass cannot be melted and allowed to solidify into anything other than glass.
Similarly, Onnes argued, superconductivity is not a half-way occurence. Once the temperature is reduced to the critical point, any current, regardless of its magnitude, will be superconducted; if the temperature is raised beyond the critical marker, then the current will peter out, regardless of other factors. Incidents that lack an equilibrium state, like the formation of glass or the occurence of superconductivity, are the exception in nature. For that reason it tends to be more difficult to theorize about them and to posit valid explanations for their occurence.

A key observation was made by Fritz London. He remarked that, in one way, the superconductor acted like a single particle of vast size, and not a collection of atoms. Although he could not recommend a mechanism, London was certain that this was the explanation for the Meissner effect and the diamagnetism displayed by superconductors.

The first theory to combine the ideas of both Onnes and London was called the "Two Fluids Model." It first became popular in the 1920s, although it still has some modern day adherents. Elements of this theory were incorporated into some of the other modern day theories. The key idea is that there are two types of electrons in metals -- normal and superconducting. For some reason, low temperatures allow the superconducting electrons to increase in number, until they are in sufficient number to predominate the material's physical characteristics. Several faults existed with this theory, including the dubious mechanism for the transference between 'normal' and 'superconducting' electrons.

In 1957 Barden, Cooper, and Schrieffer (BCS) theorized that all electrons in a superconductor develop a mutual attraction and flow together as a frictionless fluid. They suggested that electrons with opposite spins were paired, and that these 'Cooper Pairs' would condense into an electrical superfluid at low temperatures, where the energy levels would be a little below normal electron energy levels. The electrons forming the 'Cooper Pairs' were those with similar values for the primary, secondary, and magnetic quantum numbers, but opposite values for their spin quantum number.

Technological Applications

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