Glad you could make it! This site has been under construction for YEARS - I keep finding it and trying to update it. I was just asked to remove an entry from my guestbook, so here I am again (17-APR-09).   Every time I am reminded of these pages, it rekindles my interest in website design.   I'm a little busy now, though, as I just bought 4 properties in the Phoenix area - 1 in Scottsdale to live in, and 3 in Avondale to rent out.   I will try to do better in the near future! :)

My name WAS Melissa McGehee. It is now Melissa Smith. I WAS a mechanical engineer for . I had been assigned a project involving process and software development in 1999, and went on to become a Project Manager for the company. In December 2003 I moved to Lubbock, TX to be with a neurosurgeon I met through kiss.com, Harold Smith. We married on March 12, 2005. I am currently in limbo, so to speak, as I am no longer employed as an engineer. I was enrolled at Texas Tech University in an attempt to complete prerequisites for medical school, but I withdrew in September 2005 to rescue animals in New Orleans and Chalmette after Hurricane Katrina. We will see what life brings next!

Unfortunately, a number of the pages on this website are no longer fully functional. I just happened upon this site again on 10-OCT-06, and I am trying to bring it up to speed. Many things have changed in the last six years, so it will take a while to fully update the site (which isn't even my primary site to begin with). Please bear with me, and if you are trying to appy for the ME scholarship PLEASE send me a simple email to melissa@door.net introducing yourself. The other emails programmed into this site are no longer functional. I will do what I can.

The following pages will serve as a little window to my life, with topics like my critters, the scholarship I offer, and lots of pictures from the six years ('91-'97) I spent at The University of Texas at Austin.

First, though, please sign my Guestbook!!

You can also take a peek if you like.

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New York

Mexico City

UT vs Nebraska

Yahoo Party

Mardi Gras 98

Fiesta Texas


Halloween 98
Visit the rest of my 1998 vacation in Singapore!<---- under construction!

There are more pages to be created detailing my trips to Hungary, Italy, and Greece!

For pictures of my pets, general info on me, and information on my scholarship I offer, please visit my other site at:

My interests are:
animals and inventions.

Email me at melissa@door.net in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.
By the way, you were visitor # since January 17, 1998!

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