MCRCC News Letter
January 2000Happy New Year!
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President: Mark Sexton 812-825-4343| Vice President: Bruce Hoffman 812-876-6219Secretary/ Treasurer: Brent Hoover 812-824-7256| News Letter Editor: Brian Elliot 765-342-7236
Website Manager: Lou Magyar 812-876-8076
Meetings (monthly): 2nd Wednesday at 7:00 p.m., in the Cook Bldg.Just North of Otis Elevator Co. on Curry Pike, Bloomington, IN
Flying Site: 1 mile East of SR 37 on Wylie Road, Bloomington, IN
GENERAL:Your Input Requested...
Well, here's the first edition of the Monroe County R/C Club newsletter for the new millennium! You better hang on to it, it could be a collectors item someday (sure). I will be your newsletter editor for this year unless I get kicked off the job. I will be replacing Richard Anderson so he can have a break after years of rough, faithful, outstanding, & sometimes grumbling, service. Tell him thanks for a job well done when you see him!
If there's anything you would like to see in this newsletter please let me know. I will be expecting you to contribute your two cents worth. If you would like to submit an article or opinion or whatever, you can send it to me via e-mail, snail mail, or hand it to me scribbled on a napkin. I will attempt to correct the spelling and edit if needed. After all this is a family show so I'll try to keep out any graphic crash descriptions.
I will send the newsletter via e-mail to as many members as possible to cut down on the cost of postage, paper, copies, printer ink, etc., so if you're not on the internet e-mail system yet, get there. If you prefer to receive your newsletter via the US Postal Service, please let me know. I can insert graphics & pictures on the hard copy but will just send plain text via e-mail. Nobody wants to wait ten minutes for graphics to download when they pick up their messages. If you have pictures, you can upload them to the Yahoo web page so they can be accessed there. There are some fine photos on there now so check it out. The address is: There is also a message board and an event calendar that you can access from your own computer. You have to register to access everything but it's no big deal. It's free, they don't want your credit card number, and no salesman will call. Thanks to Lou Magyar our web manager for setting it all up for us.
I look forward to working with all of you on this newsletter but right now it's time to fly...
Brian Elliott N9JPX
Christmas Dinner ReportThe Christmas dinner/meeting was held at Chapman's in Bloomington on December 8. Forty-four people had planned to attend and thirty-one actually showed up. We had a great time and everyone who attended seemed pleased with the facility. Due to some fast negotiations by our president Mark Sexton, they didn't charge us for the people who didn't attend which saved the club some major bucks. They also provided us with a TV/VCR to watch some pre-dinner crash videos. Bill Couch's daughter won the first door prize of the evening by having the secret tag on the bottom of her chair. Charlie Thompson won the second door prize when our man Dave Poland drew his name out of the box. The annual Most Valuable Member Award was presented by Tom Osborne to our new V.P. Bruce Hoffman. The competition for the grand prize this year was set up again by Bruce Hoffman. He had a group of pictures and a group of names with the object being to match the airplane with it's owner. This wasn't as easy as it sounds since some of the pictures were of long gone aircraft and there were names on his list that didn't even have a picture on the board. Mr. Dave Poland won the contest (with a little help) and took home the big prize that was something he really needed, another airplane. Many thanks to Tom Osborne for conducting the program and doing the door prizes and to Bruce for organizing the contest. During the business meeting it was decided to send a Christmas card to Rumpke, thanking their drivers for slowing down as they pass the flying field. We also decided to send a Chapman's gift certificate to our field neighbors the Petersons since they were unable to attend the dinner.
21st Annual Glider Contest
Get out your gliders, charge the batteries, and check your computer radios for Y2K glitches. The annual New Years Day Glider Contest gets under way on 1/1/2000, according to contest director, club secretary/treasurer, & all around glider guy, Brent Hoover. This event is held in the IU stadium parking lot (North West corner) & the first flight is scheduled to lift off at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (check local listings). Make sure your AMA membership is up to date. If the front of your card isn't black, send it back. No white-out photo copies with the date scribbled in please! This is a sanctioned event with classes for 2 meter & standard sailplanes. Don't think you have to have a glider to come out & play in the cold. These flyers need moral support & chasing the winch lines will keep the body from freezing stiff.
A Note From The President
Happy New Year to all, I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. The Christmas party at Chapmans was much improved over Damons last year. The food was very good, and everyone there seemed pleased. I want to thank Brent for all his hard work making the arrangements at Chapmans. Brent was in Mexico on business and could not enjoy the party. Thank you again Brent for your hard work. I want to thank everyone that was able to attend this year's Christmas party. To the members who could not attend, you missed a good time and I hope you can attend next year. Everyone have a prosperous and good flying new year.
Tom Hartman soloed with his Midwest Aerostar at the club field on December 19. Congratulations...
Andrew Shireman (Bob's son) got a shiny new Goldberg Eagle 2 ARF for Christmas. Look out...
Rumor has it that Dave Poland is building a new "Stick" to replace the old one that was "shot down" by Mark Sexton's P-51 at the air show.
We had snow on December 23/24. Do you have your skis on your airplane yet? Let's go out & play in the cold!!!
Dues are due. Old Brent needs the money!
It won't be long now until it's time to paying the lawn mower man again. Remember our business & corporate sponsors when you shop. See them listed on our web site.
An event calendar can be accessed from the clubs Website. Please follow the link on the main page to get there. Anyone can use this Calendar and make a posting to a message board. The only requirement is that you join the Yahoo Groups and become a registered user. Its FREE and no personal information need be provided if you do not want it made public.
The message board is a GREAT place to post items you have for sale and make some general announcements.
There is also a photo album section there. Anyone can post a photo of what ever subject (model airplane club related please) they want! We have made several albums for you to add your photo... or you can make your own!
Please try to keep photos limited to 50k or less. We have only 5 meg of space available to post photos and it'll go fast. If you have pictures that you would like to post, please e-mail them to Lou and he'll get them posted on the main website.
If anyone would like to buy a Club shirt or hat please drop Bruce a line. The shirts sell for $21.50 and the hats are $9.00.
General Interest: The MCRCC Web Page is now in service... The site address
There is also a simpler URL to remember. Try: for an easier connection to remember
and better still.... Try: Fly.To/MCRCC
For those of you that have internet capabilities you may view the MCRCC News Letter at any of these URL's.
The Calendar can be accessed at:
If you have e-mail you may send your address to Brian at
If you have anything that might be of interest to the club please contact Lou Magyar at 812-876-8076 or you may drop him a line at
FOR SALE ITEMS:none this month
Jan 12 Monthly club meeting, Cook Bldg. 7:00 p.m.
Feb 26 2nd annual swap meet, Monroe County Fairgrounds 8:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. ?
Jun 16-18 Autogyro Flyin, Tillsonburg, Canada
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