January / February
2001 Edition Back to the Archive
December Meeting:
There was no December meeting! The Christmas dinner was scheduled on our regular meeting date of 12/13, but was canceled, due to the snow storm that hit that morning. The dinner was re-scheduled for our next regular meeting date, January 10, 2001. The dinner was fantastic. The weather was fine & the food was good. The pre-dinner snacks provided by the club were so good that we had to order a second round. Hope everybody got enough. I'm sure Brent will let us know at the February meeting, just how hungry we were, dollar wise. Our president, Mark Sexton, addressed the crowd and Tom Osborne presented the most valuable member certificate to me. I'm guessing the executive committee had a little too much to drink when they voted for that but I'm honored to be selected& hope to continue working with such an outstanding group of people! Our Vice President, Bruce Hoffman provided the entertainment for the evening with his traditional "match the picture" game. Tom Osborne won the prize with a perfect score! Some of those planes were so obscure that I had never even heard of them, let alone be able to identify them from a picture of one wheel! I'm sure I got the one of the J3 Cub landing gear & the wing of the F4U, but that was about it for me. Some of those guys really know their aircraft! If you missed the fun this time, make plans now for the second Wednesday in December 2001 & hope the weather cooperates this year.
New Look:
I'm going to try something a little different with the newsletter & see how it goes. I've had several people tell me how nice the hard copy looks, as compared to the e-mail version. I'm going to try a copy & paste from the publisher program to the e-mail program with graphics & all. This would allow some pictures to go into the newsletter if all of you who got new digital cameras for Christmas will bring them out to the field & take a few shots. You can attach the picture files to an e-mail message & send them to me. It only takes 72 DPI to view pictures on the computer screen. The rub comes in when you want to print them. That's when you need the high resolution mega files. My new software should allow this, but will make the e-mail file message a lot bigger than just plain text. If your software will not display the graphics or you have a slow connection & don't want the larger file to wait on downloading, just let me know. I can go back to a "just text" format. I think that I was the last person on the planet that was still running Windows 3.1 with e-mail software that wouldn't display graphics but there may be a few more out there somewhere. This is an experiment for me so be sure to let me know how it looks & how long it took to get it off your server. If you don't tell me what you want, I'll continue to do what ever I want.
Congratulations in R/C Combat Tim!
I received the following information from Tim Sparks via e-mail & wanted to pass it along to everybody.
Seasons Greetings! Just a little note to let you know what I've been doing during 2000 with my model airplanes. For more info go to www.rccombat.com Now If I can only repeat in 2001... TimGentlemen,
I just wanted to take a moment and congratulate you on a great year of flying! The races were very tight across the board. The RCCA National Champions as are follows:
2105 National Champion Tim Sparks
2610 National Champion Jeff Weiss
Open National Champion Mike Fredricks
Overall National Champion Jim Bodnar
I look forward to presenting you with your trophies and commemorative hats/shirts at the 2001 RCCA Championships to be held in Muncie, Indiana on July 3,4,5 2001. Again, great flying to you all and I am eagerly looking forward to flying with you in 2001.
Chris Shepherd
RCCA Pres & 2000 NPS Admin
If you have looked over the 2001 Official AMA Safety Code rules item #6. Limiting the maximum displacement for combat planes to .30, has been withdrawn by the by the AMA executive council after extreme efforts by the Radio Control Combat Association (RCA). The RCA is the special interest group, (SIG) for this area of competition. They have a great web site, WWW.rccombat.com to learn more about this exciting event. or contact Tim Sparks 988-2377, elmshoot@aol.com
Another Member Moving Away
You may have heard that Tom Hartman will be taking his helicopters & moving to Naples, Florida. He has a few goodies for sale that you might want to check out. Here’s the message I got from Tom.
I have my house listed for sale. It is in Rachel's Glen. 7000 sq ft. 2 story with finished basement, on 5.8 acres. There is also an adjoining wood lot about 3 acres. It is listed with Rod Figg at Century 21, ph 323-6000. I will have a garage sale or auction in March, but right now I have these items for sale. You can also make an offer. email at tomh@alumni.indiana or call Tom at 812-333-6633.
Model Airplane Midwest Aero-Star 40 w/OS 40 engine, only flown 5 times w/servos, muffler $ 150, Props, irons and blowers for covering wings, separate or incl. ; ZAGI 40 electric glider, incl battery, engine, servos. $ 100; Foldout Dining table, 3 foot by 1 ˝ foot, folds out to 8 foot. $75; Metal Desk $50; Conference Table $200; Tandem Bike $250; Band saw, bench type $75; Jig saw with floor stand $75; 2 matching bookshelves $100; Set of Encyclopedias $25; Bridge books, about 50 of them $100; Misc. Telephones about 10, all for $100; Trailer 1 yr. old new from Alexander's at $495, $250; Tool box, fiberglass, new cond. from Sam's club (fits trailer) $50; 2 card tables, with chairs each set $50; Tool boxes about 5 each $5-$10; Grinders, 2 each $10; 2 Battery Chargers $10-25; Shop Smith $750; Refrigerator cart $75; 2 wheel cart $30; 25" Console TV $150; Fence tools, jacks, stretchers, come-a-long pounder, chains various; 19" TV $75; 2 RCA VCR's each $25; Set of golf clubs/bag $75; Pool table, slate bed $400; Bumper pool table, slate bed $150; Ping pong table $75; Lots of tools come look! Cub Cadet Tractor, 7274 Diesel, 27 hp Only 60 hours, 4 wheel drive, 6' Blade. New in '97, $13,400 only! $ 9900.
3rd Annual Swap Meet
The third annual Monroe County R/C Club Swap Meet will be held at the Monroe County Fairgrounds on Sunday, February 25th from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Vendor set-up will begin at 8:00 a.m. There will be absolutely no sales before 9:00 a.m.
General admission is $2.00 per person. Vendor tables are $5.00 each. For advance table reservations, contact Bob Watson at 812-824-2521 or e-mail Bob at WtsnBb@cs.com. You can also contact Brent Hoover at 812-824-7256 or e-mail Brent at Bhoo.IN@worldnet.att.net. A few volunteers will be needed to help set up tables on Saturday afternoon (2/24) and tear down after the event on Sunday. If you can be available to help set up and/or tear down, please let Bob or Brent know. This event gets bigger each year so don't miss out. Get your tables early! Thanks to Bob Watson for supplying this information!
I had reserved some space for a report on the glider contest but haven't heard from the CD, Brent Hoover. Since he won the contest, he's probably out spending all that prize money. All I have is this picture that was taken by Julian Robertson, of an old, tired, fat guy, after dragging the tow line up that great big hill, in the knee deep snow. He's kinda disappointed because his official advisor/timer, Richard Anderson, let him land a little bit past the time limit & put him out of the running. Thanks for the picture Julian!
Don't forget to mark your calendar for these upcoming events.
January 2001 Dues are Due! (
Ole Brent needs the money)February 14 Monthly Club Meeting
( and Valentines Day)February 25 3rd Annual Swap meet
(Monroe County Fairgrounds)Early March?
Anybody interested in a bus trip to the Air force Museum at Dayton (WPAFB)?Contact Bill Black at 765-342-9336 or e-mail him at osiris@scican.net
March 24 Johnson County R/C Flyers Swap Meet (Bartholomew Co. Fairgrounds)April 6-8 Toledo Show (
Look for these exciting features next time
Glider Contest results?
Bob Shireman's new Barn Stormer
Presidential Address