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February 2002 Edition

New Years Day Glider Contest

By Brent Hoover CD

    Nine contestants flew 5 rounds of Precision duration, three @ two minutes and two @ three minutes. Concurrent with those five rounds were the competitions for Highest Scoring 2 channel, 2 meter; Longest Flight of the Year (so far); and First Crash of the year. Award certificates and coffee were provided by Tom Osborne. Amy Hoover supplied the "Thermal Chili" for this year's event. First Crash of the Year was awarded to Tim Sparks for damage inflicted while proving that two objects cannot occupy the same place at the same time. (Happens to someone every year, Tim)

   Longest Flight of the Year was taken with a flight of 10:39 by Julian Robertson. 2 Meter 2 Channel was won with a six point advantage by Brian Elliott. Third place overall was won by Julian Robertson with a score of 610. Second place overall was won by Johnny Berlin with a score of 754. First place overall was won by Gordy Stahl with a score of 768.

Many thanks to all who participated, especially all of the volunteers, before during and after the contest. If you weren't there, you missed a good time, or maybe had too good of a time the night before!


Thanks to Tom Osborne for the great picture...

January Meeting…

    The January meeting of the Monroe County R/C Club was called to order by Bruce & Brent, in the absence of our president. Mark got called away on some personal business at the last minute but will be back in command for the February meeting. Twenty-one people were in attendance at our first meeting in the Indiana Eye Center (nice building) and five of them were guests. Three of the guests were voted into the club. Please welcome Matthew Rakowski & his son Jason from Martinsville, and Bryan Booze from Bloomington.

Matt Fornefeld provided the show & tell portion of the meeting with his latest building project. A very nice, very big, Monocoupe with a Moki 1.34 engine.

Swap meet details were worked out (see article), and a date was set for this year’s fun-fly of June 22. Dave Poland will be putting together the program again this year. Brent went over the glider contest results from New Year’s Day.

The meeting was closed around 8:00 or so.


Interesting Bits…

    There’s fame all over the place. Richard Anderson was featured in the March issue of Model Airplane News with his review of the Kellett auto-gyro. Mika Woodward was featured in the March issue of Model Aviation with a picture of his Giant Aeromaster & wing walking “Barbie”. Dave Poland is featured on Dan Winship’s internet web page holding the wing of his Davis Acropro. Congratulations gentlemen on your national exposure.

Richard Anderson turned fifty years old on 12/31/2001! Ask him how it feels to be old...


Swap Meet Details…

    Sunday, March 3rd is the date of the 2002 Monroe County R/C Club Swap Meet. The event will be at the Monroe County Fairgrounds and is open to everyone, not just club members! The doors will open to vendors for set-up at 8:00 a.m. and general admission will begin at 9:00 a.m. Admission will be $2.00 again this year and tables are available for $10.00 each. If you buy a table, one admission is included. Flyers will be available at the February club meeting and some have already been passed out at other area swap meets. We will need some club members to assist with the set-up, tear-down, ticket sales, and food sales. Volunteer early, don’t make it hard on the organizers to find help. Contact Bob Watson at 812-824-2521 or e-mail him at


Sad News

    Our good neighbor on the West end of the club field, Carl Peterson 42, passed away on January 16, 2002. You may not have known Carl personally but if you have spent any time at the field, you surely saw him outside working around his place. He was usually on some kind of powered equipment. He would regularly mow parts of our field, while he was mowing his own place, just because he was a nice guy. Carl was also instrumental in helping us get Wylie Road paved when the dust became such a problem. He & his wife were at our Christmas dinner just a few weeks ago. He will be missed.


Event Calendar

February 13 Monthly Club Meeeting

February 14 Valentines Day

March 3 Annual Swap Meet at Monroe County Fairgrounds.

March 9 Johnson County Swap Meet at Columbus

March 9 Indy Sportliners Swap Meet (1313 S. Post Road)

May 4-5 Brazil IMAC Contest (Clinton, IN Airport)

June 22 Annual Club Fun-Fly

July 23-29 Oshkosh “AirVenture” 2002

September 6-8 Gathering of Corsairs at Mount Comfort Airport, Indianapolis (

September 21-22 IMAA Fly-in at Harrison Ohio