MCRCC News Letter
May 2000
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Supporting Model Aviation and the Community Since 1970
An Academy of Model Aeronautics Chartered Club (#294)
P.O. Box 484, Bloomington, Indiana 47402President: Mark Sexton 812-825-4343| Vice President: Bruce Hoffman 812-876-6219
Secretary/ Treasurer: Brent Hoover 812-824-7256| News Letter Editor: Brian Elliot 765-342-7236
Website Manager: Lou Magyar 812-876-8076
Meetings (monthly): 2nd Wednesday at 7:00 p.m., in the Cook Bldg.Just North of Otis Elevator Co. on Curry Pike, Bloomington, IN
Flying Site: 1 mile East of SR 37 on Wylie Road, Bloomington, IN
GENERAL:April Meeting...
There were 19 people in attendance at the March meeting. Five of those people were visitors and were voted into the club. Please welcome Doug Bagg, Ray Crittenden, Matthew Fornefeld, Greg Hess, & Cynthia Moorhead, all of Bloomington. Cynthia is a "Glider Gal" but we won't hold that against her.
Airshow Date Changed...
The club airshow date has been changed due to a conflict. The new date is Sunday, August 13. If there is a conflict on this new date, please let Mark Sexton know as soon as possible! We want to get the advertising bandwagon rolling & get a good crowd out to the field for the show this year.
By-Laws changes completed...
The by-laws changes have been finalized, approved, & it's a "done deal". You should have received a copy of the latest & greatest from Brent Hoover via e-mail. If you need or want a hard copy just let him know. They should be available at the May meeting.
It's a Party!!!...
Dan & Mary Drake, long time members & supporters of the Monroe County R/C Club, are moving out of Indiana. Some of you were trained by Dan & many of you have enjoyed some of Mary's "thermal chili" during one of the New Year's Day Glider Contests. The club is hosting a going away party for them on Sunday, May 7 at the Sexton residence in Bloomington. The extravaganza will begin around 1:00 p.m. It's a "covered dish" affair & the club will be supplying the hot dogs, hamburgers, & pop. The directions to Mark & Tina's house are: Take hwy 45 West about 5 miles from town, turn right on Eller across from Combs Veterinary Clinic, go to first housing addition, turn right on Westmont Avenue. Go to next road, turn right on Eastmont Avenue. Go to the next road to the right & turn right. This is Valmore Avenue. Go to the intersection & turn left. This is Walter Avenue. The house is the first one on the right. If you have any questions, give Mark a call at 812-825-4343.
Part of the Game...
If you haven't been coming out to the field on a regular basis, you don't know what you've been missing. Dave Poland's new Model Tech, Great Lakes Biplane is looking for a new home (without the new Saito 90 twin). Ask him about those "high speed" landings. Charlie Thompson's Four Star 40 had a battle with a big tree at Nebo. The plane is flying again but Charlie is climbing out straight now instead of making that immediate left turn at lift off. My Ace Wiz has a loose fire wall now after trying to go inverted at two feet high in a 40 MPH wind. Always take off into the wind & don't try to roll inverted until you're at least 1 wing span high! Arrangements are pending for Bob Shireman's Goldburg Cub. It was shot down in a spectacular mid-air collision, right over the runway, by Richard Anderson's "Protender" at Nebo Memorial Field on 4/27/2000. The elevator control is non-functional when the back half of the airplane is missing! There's a picture of the remains on the Yahoo Club page.
Toledo Show Report...
Several club members attended the annual Toledo R/C Expo on April 7-9. The show was great but the flea market seemed to be a little "down" from previous years. There were more R/C cars & boats this year but still plenty of airplanes around. The pool at the Perrysburg Best Western was warm & the hot tub was smokin. Dinner on Friday evening at "Stingers" was not as good as in the past & there were rumblings about moving it to "Hooters" next year. Somebody was heard to say "Hiiii Yoooooooo". Several planes & parts came back to Indiana from the show & some from the hobby shops in Toledo that we checked out while we were there. Look for a picture of a few of the "Fat Guys" on the club's Yahoo website. The address is listed at the top of this newsletter.
Fine Shape...
The field has been mowed & rolled & mowed & rolled. The runway is in fine shape but the surrounding ground has been pretty wet of late. There's some new gravel in the drive thanks to John (our landlord) but you still have to be careful when pulling in to park. Michael Sexton will be taking over the weekly mowing duties for the rest of the season so cheer him on if you see him out there working.
Free Transmitter Flags...
There's a roll of red surveyor's tape in the frequency pin cabinet at the field. If you need a red flag for your 72 Mhz. band transmitter antenna, just make one on the spot. There's also a sharpie pen in there if you want to get fancy & write your channel number on the flag. There's 500' of tape so make all the flags you want.
Miscellaneous Info...An event calendar can be accessed from the clubs Website. Please follow the link on the main page to get there. Anyone can use this Calendar and make a posting to a message board. The only requirement is that you join the Yahoo Groups and become a registered user. Its FREE and no personal information need be provided if you do not want it made public.
The message board is a GREAT place to post items you have for sale and make some general announcements.
There is also a photo album section there. Anyone can post a photo of what ever subject (model airplane club related please) they want! We have made several albums for you to add your photo... or you can make your own!
Please try to keep photos limited to 50k or less. We have only 5 meg of space available to post photos and it'll go fast. If you have pictures that you would like to post, please e-mail them to Lou and he'll get them posted on the main website.
If anyone would like to buy a Club shirt or hat please drop Bruce a line. The shirts sell for $21.50 and the hats are $9.00.
General Interest: The MCRCC Web Page is now in service... The site address
There is also a simpler URL to remember. Try: for an easier connection to remember
and better still.... Try: Fly.To/MCRCC
For those of you that have internet capabilities you may view the MCRCC News Letter at any of these URL's.
The Calendar can be accessed at:
If you have e-mail you may send your address to Brian at
If you have anything that might be of interest to the club please contact Lou Magyar at 812-876-8076 or you may drop him a line at
FOR SALE ITEMS:none this month
Don't forget to mark your calendar for these upcoming events.
*Dates with ? are not set in stone yet...May 6 & 7 - Brazil IMAC Contest
May 7 - Dan & Mary Drake's Party at Mark's house 1:00 p.m.
May 10 - May Club Meeting
May 27 & 28 - Champaign (Rantoul) IMAC Contest
June 3 - R/C Fly-in 9:00 a.m. Tracee Field (Atterbury)
June 16-18 - Autogyro Flyin, Tillsonburg, Canada
July 13-16 - Muncie Nationals for IMAC
July 23 - Atterbury R/C Air Show 2:00 p.m.
July 29 & 30 - Brazil IMAC Contest
Aug. 5? - Club Fun Fly (Club Field)
August 13 - Annual Club Airshow (Club Field)
Aug. 20? - Nothin but Cubs Fly-In (Club Field)
Sept. 9 & 10 -Atterbury Giant Scale Fly-In
Sept. 29 - Oct. 1 - WW I Dawn Patrol Rendezvous (Wright Patterson A.F.B.)
Oct. 7 - Monroe County Airport Awareness Day (Monroe County Airport)
Oct. 14 - Hoosier Hills Airshow Team Demo in Martinsville - 2:00 p.m. at McDaniel Field
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