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May 2002 Edition

April Meeting

The April meeting of the Monroe County R/C Club was called to order by president Mark Sexton at 7:01 (EST) with around twenty people in attendance. Three new members were voted into the club and one old member was welcomed back. Please welcome new members, Jay Strosnider of Bloomington, Eric Bond of Bloomington, and Mark Claerbout of Bloomington. The old member returning was Bill Lone. We welcomed him back by voting him in as a life member, since he was previously a long time member & is now an old retired airplane guy.

We looked at some pictures that were taken at Toledo by Richard Anderson.

The new changes to the by-laws regarding guest flying at the club field were discussed. They will be posted at the field.

Ten corporate advertisers have renewed for 2002 which will sure help a ton toward paying our mowing costs this season.

Jeff McGlocklin came out & rolled the field while most of us were at the Toledo show. Thanks Jeff! The field has been under water several times since then & will get rolled again when things dry out a little. Michael Sexton has started mowing and will continue to mow the runway & the pits once a week. The three islands will get trimmed up every other week and the high grass will get knocked down once a month. Michael usually tries to mow on Thursday evenings but he has to cooperate with the weather man and the flooded field. If he shows up to mow while you are flying, he will work with you to get the job done with the least amount of flying disruption.

Matt Fornefeld’s class on R/C, that he is conducting at his church, is going well and he expects to bring several new members into the club. Good job Matt!

The May meeting will be indoors at the Eye Center. The June through September meetings will be at the flying field unless bad weather moves us back indoors.

The fuel order was completed and Dave Poland will have the fuel shipped to Sexton Vault Co. for distribution.

The membership roster will be purged in June. If you have not paid your dues by then, you will become a non member. You may continue to get the newsletter via e-mail (because it’s still free) but snail mail recipients will stop receiving one. We don’t have enough income to keep the grass cut all season & still buy postage for non- members.

The meeting was closed at 7:50.

Fuel Order Is In!!!

The annual bulk fuel order has arrived. Mark will bring fuel to the May meeting on 5/8. Please be prepared to pay for your order and haul it home. If you need your fuel before the meeting, you can make arrangements with Mark. His home number is 812-825-4343. The price per gallon this year is $10.00.

Thanks to Mr. Dave Poland for making the arrangements and placing the order.

Use That Board…

Yes we’ve been over this before but it never hurts to drive it home a little harder. The frequency control system at the flying field is there for your protection as well as for the protection of others. When you get to the field your first action should be to check out the frequency control board. See who else is flying & check for any frequency conflicts. There is a transmitter impound area for any conflicts. Do not turn on any radio equipment unless you have the pin for that channel! If you are the only person at the field, do it anyway. It’s a good habit to get in and you never know when someone else might show up

while you are in the air. When you take a pin from the cabinet, put your AMA card in that slot. If someone else needs that pin, they will know who has it. When you know that there is a conflict, return the pin after flying & put your transmitter in the impound area. This will help keep anyone from being temped to turn on a radio that they don’t have a pin for. Your aircraft might not mean that much to you but the other guy’s aircraft that you just crashed probably means a lot to him! “I’m sorry” might not get it. Follow the rules or be prepared to get your pocket book out!

Nebo Thursdays

The mowing season has begun and so has a Thursday evening tradition. While Michael Sexton mows the club field on Wylie Road, several members travel North to Nebo Memorial Field in Martinsville, for Thursday evening flying.

If the weather is flyable, we usually gather around 4:30— 6:00 p.m. and fly till dark. If you’re interested, just ask around & it shouldn’t be too hard to find directions to Nebo.

Interesting Bits...

It’s OK if you glue some parts together that aren’t supposed to be glued, if you do it at home & nobody finds out. If you just happen to be a famous national magazine contributor, gyro nut, old airplane guy, and bring that plane to the field & can’t figure out why the throttle won’t work, don’t let Jimmy Vanvleet watch. He may find your screw-up for you, but I’m sure he wouldn’t tell anyone about it, Richard!

Bill Black has a new Futaba 9C transmitter. We aren’t sure if it’s a new feature or some kind of atmospheric phenomenon, but it seems to be transmitting on three channels at the same time. 17 is it’s normal channel, 26 has a full scale dead carrier, and 36 has a full scale signal with normal audio mixed with the audio from WXIN (channel 59 TV). We haven’t figured out how to get the TV picture on the display.

Mark lost his Sportster at Nebo. It’s not really lost, he has all the pieces. No interference was detected after the crash on his channel (30). More miracles of modern electronics!

Special dispensation rule #627: If there is an agreement between all vehicle owners present and the cross wind exceeds 25 MPH, you may attempt a controlled crash landing in the pits at Nebo.

Has it has rained every weekend in April ???

How much wind is too much? As in golf, you just have to pick the right club.

Take offs are optional, landings are mandatory...

Event Calendar

May 4-5 Brazil IMAC Contest (Clinton, IN Airport)

May 8 Monthly Club Meeting & Fuel Distribution

June 22 Annual Club Fun-Fly

July 23-29 Oshkosh “AirVenture” 2002

August 11 Annual Club Air Show

August 25 Annual Club Picnic (club field)

September 6-8 Gathering of Corsairs at Mount Comfort Airport, Indianapolis (

September 21-22 IMAA Fly-in at Harrison Ohio