MCRCC News Letter May-98
MCRCC News Letter

May 98
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President: Mark Sexton 812-825-4343| Vice President: Richard Anderson 765-537-2940

Secretary/ Treasurer: Brent Hoover 812-339-6811| News Letter Editor: Richard Anderson 765-537-2940

Assistant News Letter Editor: Mike Hoggat 812-331-1306| Web Master: Lou Magyar 812-876-8076

The May 1998 meeting of the MCRC will be held on Wednesday the 13th at 7:00 PM in the Cook, Inc. building located at 925 So Curry Pike.
GENERAL:Attendance at last months meeting was 17. Not too shabby but I know we can do better.

The tentative date for the club Air Show is July the 19th. Please plan to attend and lend a hand even if your not flying we still need your help.

Tuesdays will continue to be Glider days as the number of sailplane fanatics continues to grow.

The clubs By-Laws will be not be changed this year.

For those of you that haven't been to the field lately the old structure was demolished with pleasure by Joe Jackson and Lou Magyar. If anyone else was present that I missed please forgive me. A new structure was built on April 26th. Many thanks to all that particapated in this monumental occasion.

There is still some work to be done such as move the frequency board and paint the new building. So for those who missed out there is still another chance to help out.

Another matter of great importance is Paying Club Dues. It is that time again that we have to remind those that have perhaps forgotten or over looked this important matter. If you happen to be in this minority group please contact one of the club's ofiicers to get this matter resolved. Continued non-compliance will result in your name being dropped from the News Letter mailing list for right now with stronger measures being taken in the future..

The club has been informed by our landlord, John Naylor, that we need to move the runway 50ft to the East. The property to the west of the runway will be put up for sale in the near future.

NEW NEWS: The MCRCC Web Page is now in service... The site address is:

What Richard needs is for all of you who have E-Mail to send him your E-Mail address so that you can be notified when the newsletter is updated. You may send your address to Richard at or you may call him and leave it on his voice mail. This could save the club 4 to 5 bucks a month in postage, which adds up, so please contact Richard as soon as possible.

If you have anything that might be of interest to the club please contact Lou Magyar at 812-876-8076 or you may drop him a line at


JUNE 26th thru 28th - GyroNUTS 98 Autogyro Fly-in. National Event!!!

JULY 15th and 16th Super Sam Contest.

JULY 19th - Club Airshow. ( Tentative date )

AUGUST 2nd - Hoosier Valley Flyers IMAA Big Bird Fly-in.

SEPTEMBER 12th thru 13th - Atterbury Big Bird Fly-in.

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