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June 2002 Edition

May Meeting

The May meeting of the Monroe County R/C Club was called to order at 7:10 p.m. Eighteen people were in attendance. I believe there were three new members voted into the club but I don’t have their information yet. More on that next time. There was another member voted in at the field which I don’t have any info on yet either.

We congratulated Matt Fornefeld on his successful R/C class at his church. The aircraft they were working on (a Midwest Malibu) is finished & has taken it’s maiden flight. Good job Matt!

One of the club’s “good deeds” for this Summer will begin on Wednesday June 12 at 1:30 p.m. when we host an Explorer’s Club at the field for some trainer instruction. Several members have volunteered to bring out trainers & buddy boxes and help expose several youths to model aviation.

Bill Black announced that there would be open model flying from noon till dark on Saturday, June 8 at Pam’s Place Airport in Eminence. It’s on Indiana 42, West of Monrovia. Everyone is welcome. There will also be model flying at Pam’s on July 6 & 7. This is a full scale airfield so spotters will be needed to watch for the real aircraft.

The annual club Fun Fly is scheduled for Saturday June 22. Dave Poland & Bruce Hoffman are the men to see about that. There will be a long list of tasks to perform and each pilot can pick the tasks he wants from that list. When the allotted time is up, the contest winner will be chosen. Last year there was not enough time to complete all the tasks so choose them wisely.

The meeting was closed at 7:48 and the annual fuel order was distributed.


Congratulations Graduates!

Several members had family or friends that graduated recently. Congratulations to all of them & good luck in the journey ahead.

Justin Byers, Randy’s son, graduated from college, which should leave old dad with more money for airplanes and Heather Sexton, Mark’s daughter, graduated from high school, which probably won’t help Mark’s pocket book a bit but he has too many airplanes already.

If you know of a graduate that we should list here, send me the information. I know about these two personally because I was asked to sample the liquid refreshments.

Nebo Supporters

I want to thank everybody who has made a donation to the John Deere gasoline fund! Many are MCRCC members and several are not. You all know who you are. Your generous donations put fuel in my tractor which keeps the grass cut & the field rolled at Nebo Memorial Field in Martinsville. Thanks again fer your support!

For Sale!!!

Charlie Thompson has a brand new, never flown, Great Planes Slo Poke. It can be seen hanging from the ceiling at Stick & Rudder Hobby. Charlie is asking $159.00 or best offer. Give him a call at 765-342-4260.

Randy Byers has an experienced US Aircore trainer. It has a lot of life left in it. Call Randy at 765-342-7476.

I have a Honda motorcycle XR 650 L for sale. It’s in excellent shape. I gotta sell it because I bought a new Kawasaki & can’t afford both & still keep my airplanes. $2200.00 or best offer.    Brian Elliott 765-342-7236

Event Calendar

June 8 Fly-in at Pam’s Place Airport in Eminence

June 12 Explorer’s Club Demo (Club Field 1:30 p.m.)

June 12 Monthly Club Meeting 7:00 p.m. (At the Field!)

June 22 Annual Club Fun-Fly

July 23-29 Oshkosh “AirVenture” 2002

August 11 Annual Club Air Show

August 25 Annual Club Picnic (club field)

September 6-8 Gathering of Corsairs at Mount Comfort Airport, Indianapolis (

September 21-22 IMAA Fly-in at Harrison Ohio