Secretary/ Treasurer: Brent Hoover 812-824-7256| News Letter Editor: Richard Anderson 765-537-2940
Assistant News Letter Editor: Mike Hoggat 812-331-1306| Website Manager: Lou Magyar 812-876-8076
Many thanks to Dave Poland and Mark Ruddenborg for cutting and rolling the field for the entire month of May. They have done a fine job of taking care of the field.
If anyone is interested in watching some model related video's, Brent Hoover has a large collection of club video's that are available for viewing.
Our own Tim Sparks flew in this year's Top Gun Combat event and gave a very nice presentation at last months club meeting.
Bruce Hoffman has been voted the clubs Safety officer along with Dave Poland accepting the Field Marshal position since he's at the field 325 days out of the year anyway.
Sorry that this months News Letter issue is so scant but there isn't a lot going on that needs to be brought to the attention of the membership. If anyone has anything of interest that they would like to see published please feel free to contact me any time.
I'd like to take this time to welcome our newest club members, Phillip and Patrick Reiger.
If anyone would like to buy a Club shirt or hat please drop me a line. The shirts sell for $21.50 and the hats are $9.00. There is also a simpler URL to remember. Try for an easier connection to remember
For those of you that have internet capabilities you may view the MCRCC News Letter at either of these URL's.
If you have e-mail you may send your address to Richard at
or you may call him and leave it on his voice mail.
If you have anything that might be of interest to the club please contact Lou Magyar at 812-876-8076 or you may drop him a line at
GyroNUTS 99 Autogyro Flyin - June 25 thru 27th
Sam Contest - July 14th and 15th Hoosier Valley Flyers Big Bird Flyin - Aug 8th ***CANCELLED*** MCRCC "Nothin' but Cubs" Flyin; any size - Sept 26th Club Fun-fly organized by Mike Rollins. Sept 25th
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