MCRCC News Letter
August 2000
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Supporting Model Aviation and the Community Since 1970
An Academy of Model Aeronautics Chartered Club (#294)
P.O. Box 484, Bloomington, Indiana 47402President: Mark Sexton 812-825-4343| Vice President: Bruce Hoffman 812-876-6219
Secretary/ Treasurer: Brent Hoover 812-824-7256| News Letter Editor: Brian Elliot 765-342-7236
Website Manager: Lou Magyar 812-876-8076
Meetings (monthly): 2nd Wednesday at 7:00 p.m., in the Cook Bldg.Just North of Otis Elevator Co. on Curry Pike, Bloomington, IN
Flying Site: 1 mile East of SR 37 on Wylie Road, Bloomington, IN
GENERAL:July Meeting...
The July meeting got underway at 7:12 p.m. and I forgot to count the number of people in attendance. Seems like the room was full but it's always nice to have a good turnout. If you weren't there, try to make this month's meeting next Wednesday (8/9) at 7:00 p.m. The main topics of discussion were the Morgan County Fair show (7/29) and the annual club air show on Sunday August 13. We also talked about getting the big Monroe County R/C Club sign facing Wylie Road refurbished. The meeting was closed at 7:47 p.m.
More Mowing News...
It was decided at the July meeting that the tall grass around the runway was officially "out of control". Our neighbor Mr. Peterson knocked it down for us last month but it's shooting right back up through the thick mulch. Mark Sexton's brother-in-law will be contracted to keep it from getting out of hand for the rest of the season. He has the proper equipment and will do the job for a reasonable amount of money.
Have YOU Called Yet?...
It's almost airshow time & Wylie Road is still as dusty as ever (when it's not raining). Have you done your part to support our effort to get something done? Call the Monroe County Highway Department at 812-825-5355 and ask for John Chambers. Let him know that we use the road and have to endure the dust while using our field. Maybe we can still get something done before the airshow.
F-AIR Show...
The Monroe County R/C Club was represented at the Morgan County Fair on Saturday evening July 29. The merchants building wanted to try something new this year and have one booth set aside for different community groups. Each group gets the booth for one evening during the fair. Since one of the fair board members works with Bob Shireman at Matchless Machine, she thought it might be nice to have our club in the booth to kick off the first night of the fair. We had a nice display in a 30' X 30' area. We passed out a lot of air show flyers and did some PR work for the model aviation hobby. There were seven aircraft on display and we had some of Bruce Hoffman's airplane videos playing. We also had a flight simulator running so the fair goers could try their hand at the sticks. Helpers included Bob (RG) Shireman, Charlie Thompson, Randy Byers, John Pullen, Cheryl Price, & Brian Elliott.
Air Show...
The annual Monroe County R/C Club Air Show is coming up on Sunday August 13. Get your planes shined up and tell everyone you know to come out & enjoy the show this year. Flyers are available if you want to help with the advertising. Bruce Hoffman will be the program announcer, so be sure to let him know what you are going to fly so he can get you on the schedule. We hope to have a big public turnout this year to publicize our hobby and our facilities. The port-a-john has been ordered and the advertising is happening as you read this, so hope for clear skies & be there on August 13. The show starts at 1:00 p.m. and we will need help parking cars, doing the raffle, & selling pop & hot dogs, as well as performers in the show.
Your Article HERE...
All you have to do is submit it!
Miscellaneous Info...An event calendar can be accessed from the clubs Website. Please follow the link on the main page to get there. Anyone can use this Calendar and make a posting to a message board. The only requirement is that you join the Yahoo Groups and become a registered user. Its FREE and no personal information need be provided if you do not want it made public.
The message board is a GREAT place to post items you have for sale and make some general announcements.
There is also a photo album section there. Anyone can post a photo of what ever subject (model airplane club related please) they want! We have made several albums for you to add your photo... or you can make your own!
Please try to keep photos limited to 50k or less. We have only 5 meg of space available to post photos and it'll go fast. If you have pictures that you would like to post, please e-mail them to Lou and he'll get them posted on the main website.
If anyone would like to buy a Club shirt or hat please drop Bruce a line. The shirts sell for $21.50 and the hats are $9.00.
General Interest: The MCRCC Web Page is now in service... The site address
There is also a simpler URL to remember. Try: for an easier connection to remember
and better still.... Try: Fly.To/MCRCC
For those of you that have internet capabilities you may view the MCRCC News Letter at any of these URL's.
The Calendar can be accessed at:
If you have e-mail you may send your address to Brian at
If you have anything that might be of interest to the club please contact Lou Magyar at 812-876-8076 or you may drop him a line at
FOR SALE ITEMS:none this month
Don't forget to mark your calendar for these upcoming events.
*Dates with ? are not set in stone yet...August 5??? Club Fun Fly (Club Field)
August 9 Monthly Club Meeting
August 13 Annual Club Airshow (Club Field)
August 19 Cincinnati IMAA (Giant Scale) Fly-in
Sept. 9 Atterbury Giant Scale Fly-In
September 17? Nothin but Cubs Fly-In (Club Field)
Sept. 29 - Oct. 1 WW I Dawn Patrol Rendezvous (Wright Patterson A.F.B.)
October 1 Annual Club Picnic (Club Field)
October 7 Monroe County Airport Awareness Day (Monroe County Airport)
October 14 Hoosier Hills Airshow Team Demo in Martinsville 2:00 p.m. at McDaniel Field
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