MCRCC News Letter
August 1999
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President: Mark Sexton 812-825-4343| Vice President: Richard Anderson 765-537-2940Secretary/ Treasurer: Brent Hoover 812-824-7256| News Letter Editor: Richard Anderson 765-537-2940
Assistant News Letter Editor: Mike Hoggat 812-331-1306| Website Manager: Lou Magyar 812-876-8076
The August 1999 meeting of the MCRC will be held on Wednesday the 11th at 7:00 PM in the Cook, Inc. building located at 925 So Curry Pike.
GENERAL: Attendance at last months meeting was 14.It is with great pleasure to announce that Dave Poland is now the holder of the "Dork Award" be aware of this while flying at the field because Dave is waiting for the perfect opportunity to stick someone else with it.
The clubs air show will be held in October this year. Bruce Hoffman is in charge of organizing this year's event and has requested help in securing pilots. Everyone is invited to participate no matter what type of plane you have or your flying skill. If you are interested please contact Bruce at 812-876-6219.
The club has authorized Dave Poland to purchase a new windsock at a cost of $50.00 or less. Dave would only agree to this work assignment if Brian Elliot would install the new sock.
It has been requested that a notebook be placed in the field cabinet to take down the names of those visitors who are using the field to fly on a regular basis. Please be aware of this while at the field and challenge anyone that is unfamiliar to you.
An event calendar can be accessed from the clubs Website. Please follow the link on the main page to get there. Anyone can use this Calendar and make a posting to a message board. The only requirement is that you join the Yahoo Groups and become a registered user. Its FREE and no personal information need be provided if you do not want it made public.
The message board is a GREAT place to post items you have for sale and make some general announcements.
If anyone would like to buy a Club shirt or hat please drop me a line. The shirts sell for $21.50 and the hats are $9.00.
NEW NEWS: The MCRCC Web Page is now in service... The site address
There is also a simpler URL to remember. Try: for an easier connection to remember
For those of you that have internet capabilities you may view the MCRCC News Letter at either of these URL's.
The Calendar can be accessed at:
If you have e-mail you may send your address to Richard at or you may call him and leave it on his voice mail.
If you have anything that might be of interest to the club please contact Lou Magyar at 812-876-8076 or you may drop him a line at
Hoosier Valley Flyers Big Bird Flyin - Aug 8th, 1999 ***CANCELLED***
MCRCC Fun-fly organized Sept 25th, 1999MCRCC "Nothin' but Cubs" Flyin; any size - Sept 26th, 1999
MCRCC Air Show - Coming in October - Date TBA
Sam Contest - July 14th and 15th, 2000
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