MCRCC News Letter October-2000
MCRCC News Letter

October 2000
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Supporting Model Aviation and the Community Since 1970
An Academy of Model Aeronautics Chartered Club (#294)
P.O. Box 484, Bloomington, Indiana 47402

President: Mark Sexton 812-825-4343| Vice President: Bruce Hoffman 812-876-6219

Secretary/ Treasurer: Brent Hoover 812-824-7256| News Letter Editor: Brian Elliot 765-342-7236

Website Manager: Lou Magyar 812-876-8076

Meetings (monthly): 2nd Wednesday at 7:00 p.m., in the Cook Bldg.

Just North of Otis Elevator Co. on Curry Pike, Bloomington, IN

Flying Site: 1 mile East of SR 37 on Wylie Road, Bloomington, IN





September Meeting...

There were 20 people present for the September meeting, which was called to order at 7:05:15 (EST). Neal Zook mentioned the misprint in the last newsletter of the MonroeCounty Highway Department. The correct number is 812-825-5355, if you want to thank them for fixing up Wylie Road. There were four new members voted into the club and four new members from last month that didn't get mentioned. Please welcome new members: Otto "Nick" Carder of Elletsville, Kevin & Brian Curry of Martinsville, Bruce Himebaugh of Bloomington, George Williams of Martinsville, Julian Robertson of Nineveh, Brandon Elkins of Springville, and Frank Shears of Bloomington. Give them a hand when they need one & let them know we're glad to have them aboard. Yearly elections are coming up and the club voted to have Dave Poland & Bruce Hoffman be the nominating committee, since they were not present at the meeting to defend themselves. Pass along your thoughts on next year's officers to Dave & Bruce. I forgot to log the meeting closing time again. I think I need an assistant. The meeting after the meeting was moved from "Nick's" to the "City Deli", because of the heavy traffic on campus surrounding the Bob Knight speech. Thanks fer dinner Tom!! ...

Club Picnic This Sunday!!!...

Don't forget the annual Monroe County R/C Club Picnic this Sunday, October 8. There will be flying all day (weather permitting) and the eating should get underway around 12:30 or 1:00. The club will supply the hamburgers & hot dogs, so all you need to bring is your family, a covered dish, your drinks, your dinner ware, and aircraft (naturally).

Wonder Lab Event Big Success...

I didn't get an official report on the Wonder Lab "Fun Fest" that the club participated in on September 16, but I found this text on the internet "Yahoo" club page message board from Bob Watson. Thanks to the following MCRCC members the Wonder Lab fun fest was a success. I hope I do not leave any one out. Joe Jackson, Brent Hoover, Ed Stockey, Matt Fornefeld, Steve Jackson, & Gary Monahan, for manning the booth and flight simulator all day and our flyer's that put on the flying demonstrations, Brian Elliott, Charlie Thompson, Bruce Hoffman, & Tom Hartman. We made some where in excess of $100.00, at a dollar a shot. That is a lot of kids on the simulator. I hope this generates some good PR for the club. Oops, almost forgot a big thanks to Mark Sexton, for bringing out his lawn mower so I could cut the flying site. Thanks again guys.

Bob Watson

We're loosing another CD!!!...

Mike Rollins, our contest director for the annual club fun-fly, is moving to the state of Washington at the end of this year. He has some airplanes for sale that he is afraid would be damaged during the move. Look for a list in the November newsletter or get a head start on the goodies by calling him at 812-876-4626. His e-mail address at is no longer valid so I'll try to get his home e-mail address before next month.

Cubs Only ...

The "Cubs Only" fly-in at the club field on September 17 was great. The weather was perfect and the food was hot. What else can you ask for? There were 20 or so people at the field during the day. Some were visitors or spectators but there were at least fifteen airplanes there that I saw. I could have missed something during my nap. They weren't all real "Cubs" but they were all close enough. The pilot that traveled the farthest was from Florida. The winner of the beautiful red & white 1/4 scale super cub was Dave Poland, since he had the only raffle ticket. We sold hot dogs & pop for lunch & gave away some gift certificates that were left over from the air show last month. Thanks to Mark Sexton for bringing the fixens for lunch. We hope to do it again next year and are in need of a contest director. Does anybody want to volunteer?

WWI Fly-IN...... by Bruce Hoffman

The third Dawn Patrol Rendezvous was held at the U.S. Air force Museum on Wright Field in Dayton, Ohio, September 29 - October 1. The event was sponsored in part by the Great War Aeroplanes Association and had a World War I era theme. There were many full scale aircraft and plenty of R/C model aircraft, as well as a large group of antique automobiles. The flying field was divided and signal flags were used to let pilots know who could use the airspace. A white flag on the R/C side and a red flag on the full scale side, meant that the model pilots could use the airspace. When the colors were switched and the full scale pilots got the white flag, the R/C pilots got the red flag, that meant the models were grounded and the full scale planes had the airspace. Then there were the military aircraft from the base that always had priority. It was strange to see a Newport 11 sharing the sky with a C-181. Our club was represented at the event by Bob Shireman and his models of the Foker DR-1 triplane and D-7 biplane. Andrew Shireman was his ground crew & I was the chauffeur. Other local people we saw at the event were Charlie Thompson with his wife & Bill Black with his wife. There was a blue van in our hotel parking lot with a local license plate but we never figured out who it belonged to. The weather was golden for the whole weekend and it was quite a show. The next gathering is scheduled for sometime in 2003 but the date is not finalized yet. That should give anyone who wants to participate in the next event time to build a WWI era model aircraft & join in the fun.

Miscellaneous Info...

An event calendar can be accessed from the clubs Website. Please follow the link on the main page to get there. Anyone can use this Calendar and make a posting to a message board. The only requirement is that you join the Yahoo Groups and become a registered user. Its FREE and no personal information need be provided if you do not want it made public.

The message board is a GREAT place to post items you have for sale and make some general announcements.

There is also a photo album section there. Anyone can post a photo of what ever subject (model airplane club related please) they want! We have made several albums for you to add your photo... or you can make your own!

Please try to keep photos limited to 50k or less. We have only 5 meg of space available to post photos and it'll go fast. If you have pictures that you would like to post, please e-mail them to Lou and he'll get them posted on the main website.

If anyone would like to buy a Club shirt or hat please drop Bruce a line. The shirts sell for $21.50 and the hats are $9.00.

General Interest: The MCRCC Web Page is now in service... The site address is:

There is also a simpler URL to remember. Try: for an easier connection to remember

and better still.... Try: Fly.To/MCRCC

For those of you that have internet capabilities you may view the MCRCC News Letter at any of these URL's.
The Calendar can be accessed at:

If you have e-mail you may send your address to Brian at

If you have anything that might be of interest to the club please contact Lou Magyar at 812-876-8076 or you may drop him a line at


none this month


Don't forget to mark your calendar for these upcoming events.
*Dates with ? are not set in stone yet...

Don't forget to mark your calendar for these upcoming events.

October 7 Monroe County Airport Awareness Day (Monroe County Airport)

October 8 Annual Club Picnic (Club Field)

October 14 Hoosier Hills Airshow Team Demo in Martinsville 2:00 p.m. at McDaniel Field

October 15 Martinsville Fall Foliage Festival Parade (1:00 p.m.)

October 28 Hoosier Hikers Walk/Run in Morgan - Monroe State Forest.

October 28 Dave Poland's Fall Camp Fire Cook-out

January 20, 2001 Deric Rush Band at "The Gathering" 5227 W. Airport Rd. Bloomington (9:00 p.m.)

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