Good Mornin’ Duckies!


·        No one is to work on Space Team material during P.E., Music, Art, or Counseling or during time that they should be working on other things in class.


·        Keep all of your returned Space Team work in your Mission Manual in the order that you did it.


·        Don’t ask, “Do I have to . . . “ We never do only what we have to do to get by.  We always do above and beyond what is expected!


·         Working Lunch for entire Space Team today.  Who brought me a ham sandwich?  Just kidding!


·         Learn all E acronyms by tomorrow!  Remember to make flash cards to facilitate your learning.  Keep drilling on A – D also!


·         Put your Space Team assignment into the top left cubby next to my door (inside my room).  Make sure that your name is on it and that it is stapled if it is more than one page.


·         Space Team Pride!  Do you walk the “Space Team Walk?” 


We are the Pride of our Community, and we will distinguish ourselves!



Quote of the Day:               


“Do, or do not.  There is no ‘try’.” 


                               --Yoda.  Yep that’s right, Yoda! 

     This one surprised me too!