Assignment #2


Complete on a separate sheet of paper.  You may also send them to me via email at .  If you choose to type your answers, be sure to save a copy!


While preparations for STS-1 were underway in the spring of 1997, the Space Team took a few moments to sit down and actually pinpoint why we were doing all of this.  We needed to capture the spirit of the project in a few inspiring words that we could quickly refer to for direction.  We needed a “mission statement.”


After some debate on the subject, one young man, known as the class poet, offered his version of what Russell Space Center was all about.  The debate ended there and we had our mission statement, which we have decided to keep as long the project exists to give things a “higher and more noble purpose.” 


"Our minds are like oceans. We're set adrift and the perilous obstacles we may face are yet to come. For we are explorers; we challenge our minds. We think not impossible, but possible is all."


                                      --Josh V, STS-1 Russell Space Team, 1997


  1. Read and reread the mission statement several times.  Think hard about what you think it means.  Write one or two GOOD paragraphs explaining what you think it means and why it is important to our team.  Put some serious thought into this.  The past Space Teams have taken a lot of pride in this mission statement and you will too—especially as you experience many of the same things that they did.


  1. Memorize the mission statement by Friday.


3.     Why is not “good enough” for you or anyone else to simply “know their stuff?”


  1. As a proud member of the Russell Space Team, what can you do to ensure that you as well as your teammates will be ready on May 9, 2002?