Technology Resources for Educators


Technology Showcase

Educational Websites Directory & Search engine

Instructional Technology Websites for Educators.




Faelosky Donis

WELCOME to Technology Resources for Educators webpage.

Teacher's Technology Forum & Resources websites.
This site is dedicated to all educators committed to providing total quality in education for all students.
The main objective for this website will be to:
A. Provide relaible and quality resources for all educators.
B. Provide online technical support and contacts for educators integrating technology in their classroom.
C. To facilitate technology integration and promoting best practices in the educational field. What is a

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Online showcase of effective teachers in Schools; Teachers that are effectevely utilizing and integrating technology into their
class' curriculum. Promoting educators network and duplication of these effective teaching strategies throughout the educational community, while increasing a local database of available contacts, resources, and methodology used within each subject matter.
Click here to view instructional technology best practices .
Lots of links, tips and tricks on basic troubleshooting software and hardware. A great quick reference listing of the best educational online websites for educators by subject matter.

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