(Or a bunch of whiny kids with sweaters talking shit)

Perhaps an introduction is in order.

My name is John Guthrie, I live in Alaska, I have never been to an emo show in my life, yet I am the founder of the channel. I've owned the channel since September '97 I think, some dumbshit before me owned it, but he never went in it. It's probably a good thing I own it, now that I'm akicked from #punk, so it gives me something to do on this boring saturday afternoons (which I now use to write webpages).

What the channel is about.

Well, most of the time we don't do anything and usually no one talks. But every once in a while, we'll talk emo-shop. About bands and albums we like, etc. Lots of time is also spent trashing #punk, but this has kind of slowed down a bit in the last month or so.

Why I made this page.

I have no fucking clue. I just thought it'd be kinda cool. Eventually, I'll put up like surveys and maybe some record reviews (if people would get off their lazy asses and write some).