The Antifascist Struggle in Sweden:
The current situation in Sweden
A petition to demand the Swedish government the recognition of Peruvian Antifascists as political refugees.
The fascists will kill them if they're send back to Peru. The Swedish government claims that Peru became a democratic country, this in spite of the facts. Either the Swedish government is unaware of the actual situation in Peru or they're killing Antifascists on purpose.
Shame on the Swedish government.
Despite the effort by numerous people and by putting the petition on here, a Peruan political refugee was send back to Peru,... you can read the result here.
By Rolf Martens.
Recently, the Swedish government has decided to deliver 16 people, who on extremely justified grounds have applied for political asylum here and who in some cases have been living in this country for more than three years awaiting a decision on their applications, into the hands of the oppressive and genocidal Fujimori regime in Peru.
There is great danger that such expulsions will be carried out in the immediate future, unless sufficient pressure can be brought to bear on "our" government for those persons - who speak so "nicely" about "democracy", "freedom", "humanitarianism" etc., who call themselves "socialists", even - to revoke their truly criminal decisions.
They intend to carry out torture, possibly murder, by long-distance and on the sly. They need to be told that the blood on their hands, if they go through with this, can be seen from afar, too.
One of several ways for readers of this to support the demand that these decisions be retracted is by forwarding this article or part of it, with the addition "Agree", to the government here, c/o the prime minister, address:
Why has the Swedish social-democrat bourgeois government made those heinous decisions, and why has it made them just now? How can it be, also, that today it dares even think of committing such crimes? And is this really a "wise" thing for the bourgeoisie here to do to, considering their own interests, in which of course the well-being and the lives of "ordinary" people, whether native or foreign-born, in reality count for little, but where such things as power, security and profits for themselves are the ones that matter?
These questions in my opinion contain some food for thought in this connection for the adherents of the ideology of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong, and hopefully for others, too. I'll try to give some brief answers to them in this article.
The present immediate grave threats to several Peruvian refugees here of course have international causes. Obviously, the Swedish government has bowed to pressure from above all the government of the United States, which is the most important force backing up the extreme exploitation, tyranny and genocidal war of the Fujimori regime against the Peruvian people.
The decisions now demonstratively to hand over refugee opponents of that regime to it come at a time when it's quite obvious internationally that the so-called "Operation Capitulation" mounted by the CIA of the USA and the Peruvian SIN and directed against the PCP, the Communist Party of Peru, which is leading the armed insurrection against the regime, in the main has failed. The guerrilla forces may have suffered a setback because of it. But they haven't laid down their arms. Information which despite the last months' general silence on this in the media here has "leaked" to Sweden, too, e.g. via the Internet, shows that the people's war in Peru continues.
This is an uncomfortable fact for the bourgeoisie of all countries, not least for those among them who, as in the USA, in Russia and also in countries like Sweden, get a large part of their profits from exploiting entire foreign peoples, in the Third World and in Eastern Europe. In their opinion, it "sets a dangerous example". They would like to have people believe that there's "no more civil war" in Peru, "no more" murderous oppression in the government-controlled areas, "no longer" any arbitrary arrests or any systematic torture in the prisons, etc.
There "now is democracy" in Peru! This is the main "reason" given by the Swedish government for its "change of practice" from 12.10.1995 onwards concerning applicants for political asylum from that country. They're trying to convince those who in one way or another get to know of their actions, which the media here are keeping deadly quiet about, that political opponents of the Fujimori regime - whether they are PCP adherents or not - "run no risk" at its hands. Will anyone believe this?
They probably are trying to sell this "argument" by pointing at the so-called "elections" which took place in Peru last April and with which the Fujimori/military clique tried to get its dictatorial rule "legalised". But it's a well-known fact, at least to the readers of some of the newsgroups that I'm posting this article to, that those "elections" were phoney and also, justly, boycotted by even more people than any previous ones in Peru. All half-way credible reports show that the oppression in that country is as bad as ever.
Do these recent expulsion decisions have anything to do with the reactionary practice in Sweden as well as in some other Western European countries in recent years to restrict the number of refugees and immigrants in general accepted, "for economic reasons"? Hardly.
It's true that here in Sweden, which used to have a yearly economic growth of 5% and up until 1973 recruited tens of thousands of workers from poorer countries, the arch-reactionary "green" policies and campaigns of the last two decades have been driven to even more extreme lengths than elsewhere. This deliberate destruction of large parts of the country's industrial base in recent years has resulted in 600 000 jobs being lost out of a total of 4.5 million, and so "our" bourgeoisie now are advising would-be refugees and other immigrants from lower-wage countries that they should stay where they are so that they can be exploited properly and make up for that lost production. But in this respect of course 16 people more or less make little difference. The reasons in this case are political.
And there probably is one other and even more important political reason why Peruvian refugees in Sweden - whether PCP adherents or not - have come under such serious attack just now, in addition to the interest of giving the Fujimori regime directly a hand and making believe that "all is well" in Peru. In connection with the above mentioned "Operation Capitulation", a certain debate just now is developing within what you could call the international Marxist-Leninist movement if that didn't sound too pretentious - for at the present time, this movement is so weak and in part so led-astray as to be practically non-existent - or within the international anti-imperialist movement, at least. This debate in important respects involves some different forces precisely here in Sweden, and there's reason to believe that it's very little to the liking of the U.S. imperialists, who would rather see that a certain important international fraud, which has worked so "well" to their interests for more than a decade, should *not* now come under general suspicion and attack.
It would carry too far to go into the details of the whole burning issue of this debate in this article. I'll post more on that subject later. For now, interested readers can only be referred to some previous publications by me and by others, which are listed at the end of this article.
It must be pointed out that, if it hadn't been for that present extreme weakness of the international Marxist-Leninist movement, the fact that those meagre genuine forces which there may be in the different countries are so more or less totally cut-off from each other and so massively immersed in a sauce of completely opportunist and corrupt forces, the government here in Sweden would never have dared to commit such crimes as they now are planning to do. They would have been met by massive international protest at once. Thus that subversion which the CIA and other reactionary forces are carrying out against that movement, a "fact of life" which certain opportunists
don't want to see and certainly avoid all mention of, also contributes to the present grave personal danger for some people here. The issue of this subversion must be brought up on the table and discussed internationally!
Is it "wise" for the bourgeoisie here to go through with these crimes, taking their own interests into consideration? It isn't. Bourgeoisie of course is bourgeoisie, but they always have a choice between a more extreme superpower boot-licking stand and a less extreme one. Their decisions now to hand over political refugees to the Peruvian murder regime largely at the request, one may gather, of U.S. imperialism, is an expression of the more extreme lackeyism but it's precisely this grovelling-policy that also, during the last two decades, to such great extent has helped the superpower-sponsored "green" extremist forces here destroy the Swedish industrial base and cut deep holes into the pockets not only of working people here but even into those of this country's bourgeoisie itself. Thus also in order for them to somewhat increase and not decrease their profits - for as long as their rule may still last - it really is more sensible for the bourgeoisie here, too, to tell the U.S. imperialists off and *not* continue grovelling in the dust completely to them.
No expulsions from Sweden to the Peruvian murder regime!
For more information on issues concerning Peruvian political refugees in Sweden, you can contact:
FREDDEA (An alliance in the Stockholm region of 11 organisations; the abbreviation stands for: Frente de Defensa por el Derecho de Asilo)
Concerning some burning questions today for the international Marxist- Leninist and anti-imperialist movement, readers are referred to the following publications:
Recent issues of the magazine EL DIARIO INTERNACIONAL, editor: Luis Arce Borja. (In Spanish; main articles also published in English and other languages.) These can be ordered from:
Main articles in its three latest issues: No. 24 (No 1994): "Operation Capitulation" No. 25 (March 1995): "In Defence of the Peruvian Revolution (Reply to the Investigators of RIM") No. 26 (June 1995): "Another Somersault of the Circus Tumblers of RIM" These issues also are available from me.
Leaflets published by me - order by e-mail or via postal address below:
1. "To the Coordinating Committee and to the other members of the Steering Committee of the International Emergency Committee to Defend the Life of Dr Abimael Guzman (IEC) ", 12.4.1994 (Letter, 2 pages, English/Spanish)
2. INFORMATIONSBLAD No. 24 Eng: "Why Does the RIM Help U.S. Imperialism Encircle the PCP?", 12.8.1994 (8 pages, English)
3. "A Proposal to Convene a Plenary Meeting of the Steering Committee of the IEC", 26.2.1995 (2 pages, English)
4. "Declaration Concerning Certain Suspicions", 27.4.1995 (1/2 page, English/Spanish/German/Swedish)
Out of these, no:s 1, 3 and 4 were published by me in my capacity as member (since 1993) of the Steering Committee of the IEC.
Postal address:
Rolf Martens Nobelvaegen 38 S - 214 33 Malmoe Sweden Tel: +46 - 40 - 12 48 32