March 6, 1996
                                             Prof. Dr. Ivica Kostović, Minister 
                                             Ministry of Science and Technology
                                             Strossmayerov trg 4
                                             10000 ZAGREB
    Dear Dr. Kostović, 
           I am writing to you with the earnest request to examine the status of 
    professor from the University of Zagreb, Dr.Marijan Jošt, a world known plant 
    breeder and scientist. I have recently received information from the United 
    States that a deep unjustice takes place at the University of Zagreb in 
    Croatia. I have learned that prof. Jošt was deprived of his professorship at 
    the University without valid reasons and in spite of court orders stating that 
    the charges against him were groundless he continues to be suspended from his 
    position in the University.  By  people in  many countries  who have had 
    professional contacts with prof. Jošt it is considered as an extremly  unfair  
    treatment. Prof.Jošt is  well known to agricultural  research  workers abroad 
    from his practical achievements in plant breeding, publications, contributions  
    in international symposia  and from serving as  coordinator and main author 
    of published  results  obtained from  world wide International Wheat Restorer 
    Germplasm Screening Nurseries whose importance for recognizing the chances of
    introducing hybrid wheat varieties into production cannot be overestimated.
    I cannot understand why the research worker of this caliber should be deprived 
    of his position at the University. 
           I hope you will be able to intervene in this unjust situation of prof. 
    Marijan Jošt and to cause that he recovers his position. It will mean not only
    the restoration of basic justic, but also will contribute to the development
    of new wheat varieties, to progress in plant breeding research and will serve
    your country.
                                                 Sincerely yours
                                                 Dr. Ludwik Spiss 
                                                 Professor of Plant Breeding 
    Prof.Dr.Marijan Šunjić, Rector
    University of Zagreb
    Trg maršala Tita 14
    10000 Zagreb