
 It's taken me 10 pages already--along with the substantiating
attachments and enclosures--to just briefly summarize the circumstances
leading up to the October 19, 1987 stock markets crash. But i believe
the point has been made that international "concerns" about the
future of South Africa may have caused both "Irangate"
and the markets reversal. I doubt that it's a "coincidence"
that the stock markets crash happened on the Monday morning following
the previous week's Commonwealth Conference in Vancouver--focusing most
of its attention on apartheid (with an incredible amount of accompanying
international publicity...the Commonwealth, after all, represents the governments
of approximately 1/4 of the world population) and resulting in policy goal
divisions that would have serious implications for the future of international
economic stability and relations on a broader basis--as is suggested by
the annotated sections of attachment i)* with
my explanation here that presumably the stock market chairmen didn't understand
in such detail before my (pending) submissions to them. However, what i
reiterate here is already basically documented and in the hands of many
parties in the international community. One doubts in all seriousness,
President Botha, that any developing or multiracial country
wants to see the goals and "concerns" of its people and government
treated with less care and less respect than virtually the only one in
the world today that determines its goals and expresses its "concerns"
according to "systematic racism"--and uses force to implement
them. This is a world that only slightly more than 40 years ago lost 40
million human lives in a world war specifically against the "systematic
racism" of the Nazis. This is a world that in "The Universal
Declaration on Human Rights" of its primary international diplomatic
body, the United Nations, respects this horrendous loss of human lives
and the untold suffering beyond them by recognizing and respecting them,
and establishing the broadest possible international consensus to prevent
any recurrence of such losees(sic). As it happens, President Botha,
i haven't sent a report as SENIOR ADVISER TO THE YEAR OF THE CHILD to UNITED
NATIONS SECRETARY-GENERAL Javier Perez de Cuellar for over a year.
Thus, he's not aware--at least by advisement from me--that i received the
29 August 1986 letter from Anglican Christian
Archbishop of Capetown Desmond Tutu. Nor to date have i ever prepared
as accurate a chronology of these aspects of my "International Diplomatic
Work...on a direct basis" as i now do for you. It is my opinion that
it would be in the "best" interests of "all
of us" to be aware of and to understand these circumstances. Therefore,
as i say, this statement to you has been prepared as an "open letter"
and i will disclose copies of it where it seems appropriate to do so. For
what it's worth to you, i don't plan to submit a copy to the Prime Minister
of Canada until i receive the response from him that Ms.
Carney's November 12, 1987 letter indicates i should expect any day
now. However, around Christmas i'll send copies to the leaders of Canada's
two political opposition parties. All three Canadian federal parties, and
Premier Vander Zalm's provincial Social Credit Party, are aware
of my communications with South Africa, and have sent me correspondence
as you see by attachments k) through r) here in response to the circumstances
described here for you. The ones with October and November, 1986 dates
are their parties' responses to provision by me of copies of the 29
August 1986 letter from "Desmond Johannesburg". The last
correspondence i received from Prime Minister Mulroney('s office)
was the November 21, 1984 letter indicated by attachment s). I'm
bringing this up now, President Botha, because i want it understood
why i told Glenn Babb i wasn't particularly interested in making
any more submissions to the Prime Minister of Canada. Ms. Carney
and her Vancouver office have been very cooperative in providing me with
such things as "Mission to South Africa The Commonwealth Report"
and the official summary of the "COMMONWEALTH HEADS OF GOVERNMENT
MEETING VANCOUVER 1987". When i finally was able to look at "(my)
present situation" in relation to the circumstances in the world today
that relate to it, i did resume submissions to Prime Minister
Mulroney, requesting his opinions. He has expressed none to

I never deny i have made or make mistakes. In fact, as everyone who knows me or deals with me knows, i am always out front about my mistakes--making it obvious when i make them that i am correcting them, and, if appropriate, that i am apologetic about them. And i qualify this issue of being apologetic because i have no war crimes behind me. I didn't evade the draft/conscription. (I would have fought in World War II, as i told my R.C.A.F. veteran father 30 years ago the one and only time we ever talked about his war experience: he was wounded over France fighting the Nazis and lost some good friends as a result of the war.) didn't authorize a break in at Democratic Party headquarters in the Watergate hotel and/or try to cover up the circumstances of the event from the American people. (If you refer back to the cover page of this website and the established links to it, you see i have expressed agreement with a number of "principles" espoused by the author of America's Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson...which, if honestly applied, would never have permitted such policymaking.) I didn't receive any dubious bank loan. Ididn't make any possibly illegal campaign fundraising calls from my office. I didn't allegedly expose myself to an Arkansas civil servant. And, bearing in mind to whom i gave copies of, particularly, this "possibly only honest summary of the 'International Diplomatic Work...on a direct basis' for the world's children" and the December, 1986 statement to President Reagan...i haven't been playing a lot of golf while i continue to live in "(my) present situation" in which i don't get paid for "International Diplomatic Work...on a direct basis" that a Canadian court ruled prevented me from looking for work, and in which i was given an unsolicited/unwarranted(?) 16-year extension on the "maximum 6-week" disentitlement to unemployment insurance benefits after i quit the Toronto area warehouse job 2 days after Anwar Sadat was assassinated. (I would reiterate here that that Toronto area warehouse job was an 8-hour-a-day job, five days a week. I received calls to that work site from the Office of the Premier of Ontario and Ms. Claire Gregory of the U.S. National Security Adviser's Office.) ...I notice here that i made a mistake in this "possibly only honest summary of the 'International Diplomatic Work...on a direct basis' for the world's children". I misdirected P.W. Botha to the incorrect term of reference. It is not i), but j). To check it out, TAKE A BRIEF SIDESTEP HERE. I'd like to point out here that this brief list of things i didn't do in the course of my work for governments or my personal life is hardly as comprehensive as it could be if i spent, say, 3-5 minutes thinking about what could be included. It will likely be expanded further as the website develops if i remain in "(my) present situation" of being honestly able to claim this is "possibly (the) only honest summary of the 'International Diplomatic Work...on a direct basis' for the world's children" and those intimately involved in such a list of policymaking and foibles persist in 'illustrating for "all of us" the exact opposite of what Thomas Jefferson espoused as "the whole art of government."

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