
Unfortunately, nothing with them has been settled yet and certain additional submissions have been delayed because i haven't been able to afford them.

Also delayed have been promised submission to Gorbachev and Lech Walesa. The statement to the Soviet leader, i promised in the Christmas, 1988 one, will contain an accurate summary-chronology of my "International Diplomatic Work...on a direct basis" re nuclear arms reductions.* This would be needed to put a fair perspective on the problems in 1982 (after Reagan formally adopted the nuclear arms reduction strategy i helped formulate in 1978) that may have discouraged those popular entertainers from following through at that time with the plans we made following the 1978 Soviet cancellation of the Fleetwood Mac goodwill concert tour of the U.S.S.R. You realize that neither Reagan nor Trudeau pre-advised me of their intentions in this field and paid no attention to how many people in the international community were, nonetheless, aware of those 1978 plans.
The statement to Gorbachev also was being planned to help Gorbachev to permit a multi-party system in the U.S.S.R. As i said earlier here about writing you this, the example we set will have far reaching effects. If there is no satisfaction with the policymaking by the government in power or the policymaking would benefit from outside advisements...is not the real nature of democracy to have the potentials offered by an established multi-party system?**
And incidentally, proceeding from the 1978 work and supplements since--including
the February 5, 1988 submission to the New York Stock Exchange's John J. Phelan, Jr.--this submission to the faltering Soviet leader was to contain a suggestion for how he should respond to the continuing nationalism rising in the Soviet republics....The suggestion might not be welcome from a strident U.S. or Canadian government with doubts created by how my diplomatic work in this field has been respected by them, but i suspect it would be given serious consideration coming from me with respect for the contents of my first four submissions to Gorbachev or doubts about Gorbachev would be valid. Given the publicity this will draw to my "International Diplomatic Work...on a direct basis," i couldn't very well leave the hostage "loose end" unaddressed....I trust you understand the point of my May 24, 1989 request then.

I also owe a submission to Dr. Tom Perry, Jr. of "Physicians For The Prevention of Nuclear War"--also the N.D.P. Vancouver-Point Grey M.L.A.--whom i met on September 16, 1989 at a rally following the "WALK FOR THE ENVIRONMENT".*** This will contain the copies of the aforementioned statements to Reagan and Gorbachev that i promised in them would be given to the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize-winning group.

I also owe a submission to Colonel (retired) Norm Hoye of "Veterans Against Nuclear Arms", with whom i have spoken by phone several times since my last statement to you, and from whom i've been sent information about that group.****

But i've been unable to get in touch with Raymond Chan, the Canadian Chinese human rights activist i was referred to last July by Tiananmen Square massacre protesters. I will as soon as i have ready my statement about Red Chinese policymaking in relation to my overall work.
You see, sir, in doing some research about the history of Communist policy repressing religious and political freedom in China, i discovered a striking coincidence between its characteristics and those that enabled Pretoria to develop a nuclear arms capability and those which have been so typical of the responses by Ottawa and Washington to my my "International Diplomatic Work...on a direct basis." Apparently there is something quite significant i can now do to help the oppressed students, consistent with what i can offer to main-

*-All i want to say here about this is that i haven't sent this summary-chronology to Gorbachev. Since he left office and has been replaced by (the presently ailing again) Boris Yeltsin, i have at times pondered to whom i should make such a submission if it turns out that the Clinton are not going to scale back up the abandoned Reagan Administration plan to deploy an S.D.I./"Star Wars" shield to cover all the military and diplomatic facilities throughout the world of the U.S.--and presumably its allies.
Do i have visions in my mind of this system homing in from either space or land on the suitcase-sized nuclear weapons, "five pound bag of sugar"-sized biological weapons, and presumably the "one millionth of a gram" per human fatality biological weapons mentioned on the February 18, 1996 edition of "60 Minutes"?
Just as often as i have visions of pigs flying.
And i've already explained i told President Carter, Dr. Waldheim, et al in 1978 that i did "inhale" in the past--the last time specifically during the Yom Kippur War when i was stranded in Vancouver, there were news reports that "all of us" then have been on the brink of World War III, and i was missing a girlfriend back in Thunder Bay.
I have never since "inhale(d)" or done any illegal drugs. I had two beers late last year--making my total consumption of alcohol in the past year and a half...two beers.
DON'T THINK THE WISDOM OF THOMAS JEFFERSON IS PASSÉ YET IN WHAT YOU ARE ENTITLED TO FROM YOUR GOVERNMENT? LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD: TAKE A BRIEF SIDESTEP HERE TO SIGN MY GUESTBOOK. **-This is as good an explanation for what this website--and its guestbook--is about as i could draw from the contents of my files about this "International Diplomatic Work...on a direct basis" for the world's children. If visitors to this website find satisfaction with what seems certain to lie ahead because of how this "International Diplomatic Work...on a direct basis" for the world's children was responded to by the governments in Ottawa and Washington, they ought to say so in the guestbook.
If they're not happy with it, they ought to say so in the guestbook.
***-Just for the record here, this event was staged at Vancouver's Queen Elizabeth Park, where President Clinton and President Yeltsin had dinner on the Saturday night they were in this city for their first summit meeting together, in 1993.
****-I met with Colonel Hoye at his Vancouver area home on March 1, 1990, and gave him copies of what you find if you TAKE A BRIEF SIDESTEP HERE, TAKE A SECOND BRIEF SIDESTEP HERE, TAKE A THIRD BRIEF SIDESTEP HERE, and TAKE A FOURTH BRIEF SIDESTEP HERE. We didn't spend a lot of time together. He and his wife offered me refreshments and we talked briefly.
I mentioned to him that my father is a Royal Canadian Air Force veteran, wounded over Europe fighting the Nazis during World War Two, and he indicated his respect for this.
I noticed on their coffee table a copy of a magazine published by the Royal Canadian Legion, a group of Canadian veterans who host events and have a chain of pubs across the country to help the cause and needs of veterans. I told him when i was younger and living with my parents i used to see and browse through the copies my father got in the mail. We had been discussing the name and purposes of his group, and he told me: They don't believe a nuclear war is survivable. Where they could be, in their golden years like so many others, be playing shuffleboard, attending bingos, or living in Florida, they continue the cause that cost them so much when they were younger: the struggle for peace for themselves and "all of us".
I told him that i told Bob Dole in the course of the 1978 "International Diplomatic Work...on a direct basis" for the world's children about my father's war record. I told him that when i was a teenager back in Thunder Bay and the subject of World War II was being taught in high school, knowing he was a flight officer in the R.C.A.F. during World War II and seeing my father going to the refrigerator each morning to get a salve to put on his wound to ease the pain, i casually asked him about the war one day. I told Colonel Hoye that he snapped angrily at me, asking me if i didn't have to be at school or something, and refused to talk further. The next day my mother came up to me, told me that he had asked her to explain to me that the wound still caused him pain and he had some bad memories from the war: He had lost some good friends during the fighting.
A few days later he came up to me, apologized for losing his temper with me about this, and told me that i "better hope (i) never have to fight in a war."
I told Colonel Hoye that i told Bob Dole in 1978 that i told my father back then that if i was him back when he was a teenager, i'd have done the same thing. I know what they sacrificed to secure for "all of us" what they fought for. As i reminded President Carter in my November 20, 1981 registered letter to him, what you find if you TAKE A BRIEF SIDESTEP HERE.
40 million people died to secure for us freedom from the tyranny of the precursor to apartheid.
Commenting on the Royal Canadian Legion magazine, Colonel Hoye told me that his "Veterans Against Nuclear Arms" group has a bit of trouble with that group of veterans because, he told me with mild amusement, "They don't know what to make of us."
I told him that== 1978 Carter understanding/1989 to Dr. Perry/1985 article to Greenpeace event quote/ Kennedy termf Presumably, if this website gets attention after Cronkite (link to Caldicott)...and guestbook...the Legion will know what to make of them.

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