(taken from 'What Lies Beyond This Door' by GORDON C. WONG:)



Like most kids, when i was growing up there was the world of chores, school, homework, and what your parents expected you to grow up to be...and then there was the more real world for children of movies, television, comic books, and whatever ways we found to keep our feet planted in between.

As all of us know, this is never easy, and many of us lose our way somewhere along the line, choosing one world or the other and forgetting how important the abandoned world was to us... when we were too young to know any better.

Some of us still make it, though, perhaps the world at large not really caring enough to notice what some of us became.
But that's for the better, one might think, or else we'd lose all sight of how important it is that each of us is distinct and different.

In 1972, i was almost killed in a car crash (that did kill one of my closest friends of the time), and the recuperation period made me do a lot of thinking and reassessment of what i had done and what i was becoming.
I'd written a form of 'Reason' the year before, probably my last ditch effort to not forget what i'd learned from being part of what happened during the 1960s' cultural ferment--and over the years since, as i put my feet down in one world or the other (it not always being clear which was which), i wrote what you see here.

Some of what you see were written with the thought of putting them to music one day, as i'm sure you'll recognize.
And if i've learned nothing else so far in my life, it's that i should say here that someday still they may be put to music as i'm still growing and can't say yet what i may find myself doing tomorrow.