
'The New York Times INDEX 1984 A Book of Record'

DEMOCRACY, National Endowment for. See also Pol, Ag 6. Third World, Je 18 Article on work of new National Endowment for Democracy, federally financed foundation designed to compete in worldwide struggle for people's minds by financing 'democratic institution-binding' in forein lands; foundation head Carl Gershman comments, cartoon (M), My 29,II,10:3

House of Representatives votes, 226-173, against #31.3 million appropriation for National Endowment for Democracy which would have financed program to channel millions of dollars to pro-Western labor, business and political party institutes abroad; program, called Project Democracy, had backing of both Reagan Administration and influential House Democrats (M), Je 1,IV,15.3

Roll-call on House vote (S),Je 3,I,58:1

Senate votes, 51 to 42, to try to salvage Reagan Administration's plans for multimillion-dollar project to promote American ideals abroad; House voted down project last month (S), Je 29,I,13:1

National Endowment for Democracy is encountering financial difficulties (M), Ag 15,I,21:1

Democratic and Republican misgivings in Congress about channeling Federal money to organizations with close ties to major political parties have stalled funding of Democratic and Republican arms of National Endowment for Democracy, created to foster and support democratic institutions abroad; drawing (M), D 3,II,8:4

DEMOCRACY Project. See also Arms Control, Mr. 11, Executives and Management, Ap 24. US Intl Rel, Ja 19, Mr 11