So, here are a few "politically correct" ones (and their meanings) person with an alternative body image:                              fat

alternative dentation                                                         false teeth

aurally inconvenienced                                                     deaf

canine American                                                              dog living in the USA

career change opportunity                                                redundancy

cerebrally challenged                                                        stupid

charm-free                                                                       boring

chemically inconvenienced                                                drunk

chronologically challenged                                                 old

in an orderly transition between career changes                  unemployed

incomplete success                                                            failure

indefinitely idled                                                                unemployed

individual with temporarily unmet objectives                       a failure (person)

inoperative statement                                                         mistake

involuntarily leisured                                                           unemployed

involuntarily undomiciled                                                     homeless

least best                                                                            worst

metabolically different                                                         dead

morally different                                                                  evil

motivationally deficient                                                         lazy

negative patient care outcome                                              death

non-living person                                                                 corpse

negative saver                                                                     spendthrift

non-traditional shopper                                                       shoplifter

optically inconvenienced                                                      blind 1