Article 4 - The Provinces

Section 1. Provinces are sovereign units amongst themselves and may therefore set their own laws on elections, judicial appointments, and all other constitutional issues unless mention otherwise in the national constitution, but may not sign into treaties on their own. The exception to this is in the case of a state passing a law which violates the national Constitution. Decisions on violation are to be made by the national Supreme Court.

Section 2. Provinces are sovereign units amongst themselves and may pass any law on issues of personal freedoms, and similar issues. The exception to this is in the case of a state passing a law which violates the national Bill of Rights. Decisions on violation are to be made by the national Supreme Court.

Section 3. New provinces may be admitted by the National Assembly into this Union; but no new province shall be formed or erected within one or more province without the consent of the province(s) involved. All claims to territories outside of Cyberia shall be assumed by the government of Cyberia, and each territorial region shall be entitled to representation in the National Assembly by one non-voting member of the Chamber of Deputies, or, when the Senate is erected, one voting member of the Senate.

Section 4. A person charged with a crime in one province and found in another may be charged in the original province.

Section 5. Provinces may reserve the right not to recognize a law from another province on issues of a bill of rights nature.

Section 6. The national Cyberian government may make no law to infringe on the rights of a province to form a government internally within their province in whatever way the state chooses. A province may elect a governor, may have a primer or any other democratic form of government. A province may also choose not to have a legislature so long as there is a democratic election of a leader.

Section 7. Every province must draw up a constitution but the contents within are left to the discretion of the individual province. The Minister for Territorial Affairs may help the territories enact territorial charters.

Section 8. All citizens within provinces are guaranteed the freedoms contained within the federal Bill of Rights.

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