Article 5 - Political Parties

Section 1. Any individual or group within Cyberia may declare themselves a political party so long as they have a platform not already assumed by another political party. The national government shall never set membership requirements for a political party on a national scale. States are reserved the right to restrict the rights of parties so long as this restriction does not violate the national bill of rights.

Section 2. Informal groups, poised in support of a particular issue, may form a political action committee, which will be allowed as long as the registration of the name and its purpose is handed to the webmaster.

Section 3. For any plurality, single member election for Chamber of Deputies or Senate, if a nominee is opposed for a nomination within a party, a primary election must be held. If not, the person is assumed nominated. If unopposed in the general election, a person is elected.

Section 4. Parties which oppose the constitution are allowed to exist, however only through lawful amendment process may the constitution ever be revised. The constitution may never be voted out of existence for any reason.

Section 5. Any individual may register as an independent and may run for office under such a title.

Section 6. Parties and independents may form coalitions in whichever way they choose.

Article 6 - Ratification

The ratification of the majority of the people shall be sufficient for the Establishment of this Constitution.

Article 7 - Public Records

Section 1. All proceedings of any legislative body shall be a matter of public record.

Section 2. There shall be no closed meetings unless deemed necessary by 2/3 of the General Assembly for matters of national security.

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