I. There shall be a section on the Cyberian website entitled "Rules of Cyberia"
II. The following shall be included on this page: "The following actions are prohibited on all e-mail servers and websites associated with Cyberia:
1. E-spamming and other malicious acts of e-mail including chain letters and bulk mailings
2. Viruses, Trojan horses, or other forms of file transmitted malicious destruction.
3. Hacking of passwords or defamation of websites.
4. Threats of violent acts against either persons or their Cyberian identities.
5. Acts of armed or violent crimes against individuals within Cyberia or the government of Cyberia in e-mail or website form (i.e. "I am planting a bomb on the steps of the Cyberian Capitol" or "I am attempting to assassinate the President")"
I. The following title shall be included in the Cyberian Federal Criminal Code
II. The code shall be entitled "1.0 Malicious and Violent Acts Against The State"
III. The code shall read as follows:
1.1 Malicious or Violent Insurgence: an act involving use (and not mere threats) of weapons or violence (including but not limited to e-spamming, viruses, e-mail bombs, or the verbal representation of violent acts on e-mail or websites) when the primary purpose of such acts is to overturn the constitution or to force elected or appointed officials out of their official positions or to disable them from effectively carrying out public duties.
1.11 E-Spamming: the act of sending intentionally repetitive e-mail messages to either an individual, the Cyberian mailing lists, forums, or any other message boards of Cyberia in order to disrupt activity.
1.11a The first offense shall carry the punishment of two to four weeks suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia.
1.11b The second offense shall carry the punishment of six to ten week suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia.
1.11c The third offense shall carry shall carry the punishment of a lifetime suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia unless this rule is waived by the judge or jurists which may then set a sentence they deem appropriate.
1.12 Viruses: the act of sending files to an individual or group or the transmission of files through a website with intent of corrupting an individual's hard drive or other disks or the files contained within.
1.12a All individuals charged under code 1.12 must be charged with either 1.121 or 1.122 but not both.
1.121 Unintentional Viruses: the act of transmitting a virus without knowledge or malice.
1.121a The first offense shall carry the punishment of a strict reprimand to the sender of the file or the webmaster of the site and the order for a full scan of all computers associated with the corrupted file.
1.121b The second offense shall carry the punishment of one to two weeks of suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia to the sender of the file in question or the webmaster of the site and the order for a full scan of all computers associated with the corrupted file.
1.121c Each addition offense shall carry one additional week of suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia for the sender of the file in question or the webmaster of the site and the order for a full scan of all computers associated with the corrupted file.
1.122 Intentional Viruses: the act of transmitted a virus with knowledge and malice.
1.122a The first offense shall carry the punishment of three to five week suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia.
1.122b The second offense shall carry the punishment of twenty to thirty week suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia.
1.122c The third offense shall carry the punishment of a lifetime suspension of all activities associated with Cyberia unless this rule is waived by the judge or jurists which may then set a sentence they deem appropriate.
1.13 Hacking: the act of maliciously distorting websites, individual e-mails, mailing lists, or any other aspects associated with Cyberia
1.13a All individuals charged under code 1.13 may be charged with any of the subcodes which are applicable
1.131 E-mail Impersonation: the act of stealing IP addresses or user names to in some way impersonate an individual to portray the real individual in a bad light or commit crimes using the real individual's account.
1.131a The first offense shall carry the punishment of three to five weeks of suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia.
1.131b The second offense shall carry the punishment of twelve to twenty weeks of suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia.
1.131c The third offense shall carry the punishment of a lifetime suspension of all activities associated with Cyberia unless this rule is waived by the judge or jurists which may then set a sentence they deem appropriate.
1.132 Password Stealing: the act of obtaining a user's password without prior permission and using it to corrupt the users files or for use in e-mail impersonation.
1.132a The first offense shall carry the punishment of six to ten weeks of suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia.
1.132b The second offense shall carry the punishment of twenty to thirty-six weeks of suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia.
1.132c The third offense shall carry the punishment of a lifetime suspension of all activities associated with Cyberia unless this rule is waived by the judge or jurists which may then set a sentence they deem appropriate.
1.133 Website Corruption: the act of using stolen passwords to change the html code of websites in order to change the physical appearance of the website in either a humorous or malicious way. 1.133a The judge or jurists will decide whether there is malice involved in a website corruption. Should the judge or jurists decide there was no malice involved, the individual in question shall be prosecuted under code 1.1331. If the judge or jurist decide there was malice involved, the individual in question shall be prosecuted under code 1.1332. It is strongly suggested the individual in either case also be prosecuted under code 1.132 (password stealing).
1.1331 Non-Malicious Website Corruption: the act of using stolen password to change the html code of websites in order to change the physical appearance of the website in a way which no damage is intended to the reputation of the victim or victims. 1.1331a The first offense shall carry the punishment of five to eight weeks of suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia.
1.1331b The second offense shall carry the punishment of twelve to sixteen weeks of suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia.
1.1331c The third offense shall carry the punishment of a lifetime suspension of all activities associated with Cyberia unless this rule is waived by the judge or jurists which may then set a sentence they deem appropriate.
1.1332 Malicious Website Corruption: the act of using stolen passwords to change the html code of websites in order to change the physical appearance of the website in a way which damage is intended to the reputation of the victim or victims.
1.1332a The first offense shall carry the punishment of ten to sixteen weeks of suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia.
1.1332b The second offense shall carry the punishment of twenty to twenty-four weeks of suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia.
1.1332c The third offense shall carry the punishment of a lifetime suspension of all activities associated with Cyberia unless this rule is waived by the judge or jurists which may then set a sentence they deem appropriate.
1.14 Chain Letters: the act of sending e-mail to other members of Cyberia requesting them to send it to a specified number of others in the e-mail community and the suggestion of positive or negative reprisals if they fail to do so.
1.14a The first offense shall carry the punishment of two to four weeks suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia.
1.14b The second offense shall carry the punishment of six to ten week suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia.
1.14c The third offense shall carry shall carry the punishment of a lifetime suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia unless this rule is waived by the judge or jurists which may then set a sentence they deem appropriate.
1.15 Bulk Mailings: the act of sending e-mail to other members of Cyberia soliciting their participation in such things as real-estate ventures, web design companies, or the like.
1.15a Advertisements on websites or in the signature files or e-mails are not criminal under this code.
1.15b Any solicitation of more than two other people is considered to be a bulk mailing.
1.151a The first offense shall carry the punishment of two to four weeks suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia.
1.151b The second offense shall carry the punishment of six to ten week suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia.
1.151c The third offense shall carry shall carry the punishment of a lifetime suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia unless this rule is waived by the judge or jurists which may then set a sentence they deem appropriate.
1.16 Verbal representation of violent acts: the act of the written representation of violent acts in the form of e-mail or website to take the action described in written form. For example, if a citizen of Cyberia sends another and e-mail saying "I hit you" that would be considered to be hitting the person and all applicable laws would apply.
1.16a The punishable violent acts and their punishments are found in Cyberian Federal Criminal Code 2.0.
1.161a The first offense shall carry the punishment of eight weeks to lifetime suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia at the discretion of the judge or jurists depending on the severity of the crime and the application of other penal codes associated with the acts.
1.161b The second offense shall carry the punishment of eight weeks to lifetime suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia at the discretion of the judge or jurists depending on the severity of the crime and the application of other penal codes associated with the acts.
1.161c The third offense shall carry the punishment of a lifetime suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia unless this rule is waived by the judge or jurists which may then set a sentence they deem appropriate.
1.2 Rebellion: a series of acts of armed or violent insurgence
1.21 Rebellion shall be punished based on the total sum of the suspension time which the judge or jurists decide on based on the individual acts associated with the rebellion.
1.22 The minimum punishment for any acts of rebellion shall be twelve weeks of suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia.
1.3 Threats of Armed Violence or Rebellion: an action which may not consist merely of words indicating a clear and serious threat to commit armed violent insurgence or rebellion.
1.3a The judge or jurist must decide that there was malice involved in the statements. If the judge or jurist decide that the threats were made in jest, the case must be dismissed.
1.31a The first offense shall carry the punishment of four to twelve weeks of suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia.1.31b The second offense shall carry the punishment of twenty to thirty-six weeks suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia.
1.31c The third offense shall carry the punishment of a lifetime suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia unless this rule is waived by the judge or jurists which may then set a sentence they deem appropriate.
1.4 Conspiracy Of Armed Violence or Rebellion: the act of co-planning an action of Armed Violence or Rebellion without direct participation in the act.
1.4a The judge or jurist must prove the linkage to the act of all individuals called up on charges or they must be acquitted.
1.41a The first offense shall carry the punishment of four to twelve weeks of suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia.
1.41b The second offense shall carry the punishment of twenty to thirty-six weeks suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia.
1.41c The third offense shall carry the punishment of a lifetime suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia unless this rule is waived by the judge or jurists which may then set a sentence they deem appropriate.
1.5 Complicity Of Armed Violence or Rebellion: the act of a citizen having knowledge that another citizen seriously intends to commit a crime against the state as contained in this code, together with failure of the citizen informing the authorities of this knowledge.
1.5a Complicity in crimes shall not be punished if the citizens charged with it was threatened, blackmailed, or had legitimate reason to fear his or her safety had he or she informed the authorities. This decision on whether or not there was coercion not to confess shall be made by a judge or jurists.
1.51 Complicity of Malicious Insurgence: the act of a citizen having knowledge that another citizen seriously intends to commit one of the crimes listed in Cyberian Federal Criminal Code 1.11-1.15 together with failure of the citizen informing the authorities of this knowledge.
1.51a The first offense shall carry the punishment of one to two weeks of suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia.
1.51b The second offense shall carry the punishment of four weeks suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia.
1.51c Each additional offense shall carry the punishment of one additional week of suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia.
1.52 Complicity of Violent Insurgence or Rebellion: the act of a citizen having knowledge that another citizen seriously intends to commit one of the crimes listed in Cyberian Federal Criminal Code 1.16,1.2, or 1.4 together with failure of the citizen informing the authorities of this knowledge.
1.52a The first offense shall carry the punishment of one to three weeks of suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia.
1.52b The second offense shall carry the punishment of five to eight weeks suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia.
1.52c The third offense shall carry the punishment of a lifetime suspension from all activities associated with Cyberia unless this rule is waived by the judge or jurists which may then set a sentence they deem appropriate.
I. The following title shall be included in the Cyberian Justice Codes
II. The code shall be entitled "1.0 The Rights Of Individuals Involved In Criminal Proceedings or Convicted Of Crimes"
III. The code shall read as follows:
1.1 Anyone convicted of a crime shall have a right to appeal.
1.2 Once suspension of a citizen is revoked or expired, the President shall inform the convict that they have their citizenship back, and renew their citizenship accordingly.
1.3 No punishment may take place prior to indictment except in cases of clear and obvious danger.
1.4 Legal proceedings must be carried out in a way open to the general public unless the judge or jurists decide that a matter of national security is being discussed.
1.5 Notice of prosecution must be published upon indictment containing the exact charges which the defendant is being tried for.
1.6 Court proceedings must take place on a just and speedy basis.
I. The following title shall be included in the Cyberian Justice Codes
II. The code shall be entitled "2.0 The Rights Of Political Parties In Cyberia"
III. The code shall read as follows:
2.1 There shall be no guilt by association and no banning of political parties or ideologies.
2.2 No political party or other group may be expelled or suspended or imprisoned en masse unless all of them are shown in a court of law to be guilty in a court of law to be guilty of crimes for which that punishment is mandated.