Mid Term Exam/Global Politics/R. Ziegler/EVEREST UNIVERSITY North Orlando
__1. Alfred Mahan
__2. NGOs
__3. MNEs
__4. NICs
__5. Kellogg-Briand Pact
__6. North/South Controversy
__7. Third World
__8. sui generis history
__9. deja vu history
__10. GATT
__11. WTO
__12. OPEC
__13. Cold War
__14. Group of 77
__15. NAFTA
__16. EU
__17. Smoot-Hawley
__18. Versailles
__19. Munich Accord
__20. SDI
__21. MAD
__22. Marshall Plan
__23. NATO
__24. Reagan Doctrine
__25. GDP
__26. G-7
__27. Thomas Malthus

A. agreement among US, Canada, and Mexico to lower trade barriers among them
B. association of most of the third world nations to promote policies they
       deemed to be in their interest of promoting their economic development
C. all great world powers have had powerful navies.
D. cabal of oil producing nations
E. value of goods and services produced in an economuy
F. the world is overpopulated; there are not resources to support the population;
       overlooked technology
G. the largest economies in the world; they control the IMF and World Bank
H. doctrine that US and Soviets would not use their nuclear arsenals because each
       had the power to destroy the other
I. the nations of the world 'outlawed' war in the late 1920's
J. non-governmental organizations which play important roles on world stage
K. England's Chamberlain gave Hitler what he had taken in exchange for his
       promise of 'peace' in 1938
L. the emerging struggle because the developed and undeveloped nations
M. tremendously increased tariffs on tariffs and launched a trade war which only
        made the depression worse
N. treaty at end of WWI which severly punished Germany and led to depression,
       rise of Hitler, destruction of Ottoman Empire which is the center of many of
       our current world's trouble spots even today
O. the long struggle between mainly the US and USSR for almost 50 years
       following WWII.
P. Reagan's proposal to develop new defensive weapons technolgies like lazer
       and particle beams
Q. massive program undertaken by US after WWII to rebuilt Europe
R. events never precisely repeat themselves
S. refers to newly industrializing nations
T. agreement among nations to reduce trade barriers
U. organization of mutual defense of US and western Europe
V. the incipient 'union' of west European nations
W. personalities, conditions change, but patterns and parallels repeat themselves
X. 1980's strategy of defeating communism
Y. multi-national corporations
Z. this UN umbrella organization has been formed on GATT to further its objectives
       of promoting trade by reduing barriers to it
AA. term used to describe what are now more commonly called Lesser Developed Countries (LDC's) and Newly Industrializing Countries (NIC's)but referred to the underdeveloped world generally.
Part II
__1. bureaucratic politics
__2. Third Wave
__3. IMF
__4. LDCs
__5. Bretton Woods
__6. NIEO
__7. Grameen Bank
__8. ICBMs
__9. INF
__10. Helsinki Accords
__11. CWC
__12. BWC
__13. Green Peril
__14. CIA
__15. Gorbachev
__16. Lenin
__17. Bay of Pigs
__18. Missile Crisis
__19. Yom Kippur War
__20. Shah
__21. Khomeni
__22. Velvet Revolution
__23. Tienemmen
__24. Asian Tigers
__25. most favored nation status
__26. William Casey

A. 1945 fixed exchange rate system
B. lesser developed countries
C. Intermediate Range Nuclear Force Treaty
D. turf wars as between state department and defense department
E. established as UN umbrella organization by Bretton Woods which was
        to give loans to promote interstate trade, and controlled by the world's
       biggest economies
F. further enhances the argument that democratization reduces the
                         risk of interstate war
G. led the Bolshevik revolution in Russia in 1917
H. set up in 1949 to co-ordinate US intelligence activities
I. the quiet fall of communist satellite regimes in central Europe after 1989
J. Kennedy pulled the rug from under this CIA plan to put exiles into Cuba to
        fight Castro in early 1961
K. Beijing uprising for freedom that was crushed by the military in 1989
L. incontinental ballistic missiles
M. term sometimes used to describe radical fundamentalist Islam
N. presided over USSR during its implosion in 1989
O. Reagan's CIA director
P. surprise attack by Arab states on Israel in 1973, which after they had been
       defeated, resulted in the oil embargo which led to skyrocketing oil prices
Q. Congressionally approved special status granted to some nations bilaterally
       reducing trade barriers between them and the US
R. refers to the booming economies of south Asia during the 1980's
S. led a radical fundamentalist Islamic clerical revolution in Iran in 1979
T. JFK blockaded Cuba demanding USSR withdraw missiles it had installed there,
       but it was timed to coincide with US congressional elections
U. US installed ally who ruled Iran until overthrown during the Carter administration
V. scheme to offer poor nations small loans which effectively would block their
       development to state of the art technology for which the founded was awarded a Nobel Prize
W. agreement to limit biological weapons
X. the new world order
Y. this is representative of the Nixon/Soviet detente and indicates a supposed willingness by the Soviet Union to respect rights of its people
Z. agreement to limit chemical weapons

Part III
__1. paradigm
__2. idealist school
__3. real politick
__4. globalist school
__5. Monroe Doctrine
__6. dependency
__7. traditionalists
__8. behaviorists
__9. structural functionalism
__10. balance of power
__11. bipolar world
__12. multipolar world
__13. cultural imperialism
__14. Six Day War
__15. classical international system
__16. interdependence
__17. nonalignment
__18. neo-feudalism
__19. state centric lenses
__20. permeable borders
__21. teacup wars
__22. post-modernism
__23. law of uneven development
__24. nonaggression pact
__25. containment
__26. comparative advantage

A. views the world in terms of flexible alignments with many nonstatic competitive
B. focus on international law and organization, morality in international affairs,
       views human instinct as good but bad human behavior on structural
       arrangements, but war is not inevitable
C. agreement of Stalin and Hitler to divide Poland and not fight one another in 1939
D. viewing world affairs in terms of interstate relations
E. notion that customs and norms and mores are transferred from a dominant state
       to others making them effectively its satrapies
F. the ultimate goal of nation-states is security/focus in on struggle for power
       among states which exist in hostile, archaic environment/humanity is
       essentially evil, lusting for power/interest is in strength to deter attack
G. countries progress at different paces
H. US doctrine of watching over the western hemisphere
I. growing mutual reliance of nations on one another as they trade
J. holds nation state governments as supreme decision making authority
       within their borders; seeks to acknowledge no higher authority;
       but their may be no more than a handful of such nations
K. struggle for power and security among nations is only one aspect of world politics;
       need to consider other nonstate actors, economic, nonsecurity issues
L. to maintain order among states, alliances are formed
M. views world in terms of two competing centers of power, as East vs West
N. on Marx, beyong just imperialism, advanced sector is wealthy on the backs
       of the poorer nations of earth
O. a dominant, even hegemonic, world view
P. non-scientific methodology with insights from first hand participant observation
       and practical experience, or second hand immersion in great words
       of diplomatic history, statemen's memoirs, international treaties, philosophy
Q. seeks a perspective that it says is less masculine on the notion that women
       conduct foreign affairs differently
R. a 'fiction' -- idea that smaller players on world stage can stay out of major power
S. conflicts in which major world actors are only peripherally involved or great
       powers are involved by stealth
T. rigorous social scientific methods such as collection and analysis of quantitative
       data, develop and test theories to explain behavior of international actors and
       build cumulative body of data based knowledge
U. customs, mores, norms, institutions, rituals exist because they serve a             
       function, largely in terms of social cohesion and solardity
V. when Arab nations launched a surprise attack on Israel in 1967, within a week,
       they were soundly defeated and Israel had occupied much 'Arab' territory
W. technological or other factors which give one country an advantage over others
       in certain types of production
X. on the medieval economic order, nation states in decline as they cannot meet
       the needs of their people, and economic and trade makes boundaries
       less enforceable
Y. Cold War doctrine from Truman on of stopping the spread of communism
Z. cultures and markets and trade cross borders

Part IV
__1. west bank
__2. military industrial complex
__3. public sector complex
__4. irrendentis pressure
__5. rational choice
__6. cybernetic theory
__7. satisfice
__8. noncompensatory theory
__9. paradox of unrealized power
__10. God's Preference for larger battalions
__11. loss of strength gradient
__12. tax effort
__13. geopolitics
__14. hegemony
__15. appropriate technology
__16. conditionalities
__17. debt crisis
__18. nuclear proliferation
__19. attentive public
__20. convergence
__21. protectionism
__22. exchange rates
__23. unitary rational actory model
__24. summitry
__25. fixed rates
__26. floating rates

A. countries with larger tax base should prevail in conflicts
B. notion on the left that communism and capitalism were developing
       slowly into the same system
C. policies which seek to inhibit trade that is in competition with domestic
D. policies which go far enough to satisfy large numbers of people without
       alienating too many others
E. the strongest prevail militarily
F. the values of national currencies vis-a-vis one another
G. common view of foreign policy involving definition of situation, specification
       of goal, weighing of all conceivable options, with best being chosen
       as that most likely to acheive goal -- as basis for understanding foreign policy
H. 'alliance' among defense businesses, military, congress and bureaucracy
       which may block rational policy or defense projects
I. the number of peope who are actually paying attention
J. movements which lay claim to the territory of an entity or state in which
       their group is located
K. argues that decisions cannot be made on rational bases due to their complexity
       and that therefore and intuitive approach based on past experience and analogy
       must be relied upon
L. requirements imposed by IMF to obtain loans
M. geographic factors which have crucial impact on state power and interstate
N. segment of a population that depends on the government for its livelihood;
       and which in the US today is approaching half of our population; with the
       suspicion that such dependency influences their political and policy choices
O. asserts that decision makers do not engage in a careful weighing of various
       alternatives according to their relative costs and benefits
P.a powerful nation may not be able to use its entire power to achieve any
       particular objective
Q. transfer or spread of nuclear weapons technology
R. periodic, recurring crises in especially third world nations on the burden
       of debt they owe
S. control
T. notion that nation states and other actors proceed on their actions from a basis
       of their perceived sefl-interest
U. the further away a place is, the less it may be of strategic importance, even to   
       a powerful nation
V. set, agreed upon values of national currencies as those established by the
       Bretton Woods Agreement from 1945 to 1971
W. harshest of IMF conditionalities; it restricts third world nations to loans to
        acquire technologies matching their level of undevelopment, hence
       blocking them from real economic development
X. national currency exchange rates set by market forces as they have been
       by and large since the early 1970's
Y. formal meetings of heads of states
Z. that area between Jerusalem and Jordan River occupied by great number
       of Palestinians and in contention between them and the government of Isreal

90's + A
80's    B
70's    C
60's    D
below F