ATTENDANCE/PARTICIPATION In most classes, there is a strong statistical correlation between attendance and grade. The school also places considerable emphasis on attendance. In order to encourage strong attendance, you will receive a grade based largely on your being in class. If it is necessary to be absent, you should make every effort to find out from other students what you missed. This grade may also be 'adjusted' where the occasional student finds it difficult to maintain proper classroom decorum, but that is rare. 0, 1 absence A 2 absences B 3 absences C 4 absences D 5+absences E CRITICAL REVIEWS These are conceived toward both cultivating critical thinking skills and economic analytical capacity and to require utilization of electronic media communicative skills. Do not 'attach' e mail messages, as they frequently become encrypted and cannot be read by the instructor. See instructor is you do not have or know how to use such media access. OFFICE HOURS Before each class the instructor will make himself available to students for special attention they may feel they require toward coping with the course material. We will also plan on 'ending' class after the first few meetings by 9:30, which will give students needing such consultation additional time for that assistance. This cannot constitute make-up for time missed in class, but is offered to help students will extra assistance. NOTE OF IMPORTANCE Students are encouraged to work with other students or in study groups. This does not necessarily constitute 'cheating.' However, you know the difference between working together and cheating. If each student pulls their own weight, it is not a problem. But, cheating and plagurism are unacceptable, and will result in the failure by any student involved on any instruments on which they might take place, and there can be no make-up of such work. If you have email, please access it to seek consultation with the instructor as needed. Contact instructor at The instructor may also be reached by leaving a message on the college voice mail system which is checked weekly by instructor, or by leaving a message at the voice mail at 810.775.3364, which the instructor checks several times each day. return to beginning of micro syllabus 1