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Wyoming Highways map index

These Wyoming highway maps are the original reason I homesteaded this site, and started teaching myself about building web pages in the first place. I was browsing through Andy Field's Wyoming Highways pages in 1997, and I came across a page where he said he wished he had some highway maps to go along with all the text he had written about them. As a cartographer, I wanted to gain experience in creating maps for the Web, so I contacted him. We e-mailed back and forth for several months, working on this project in our spare time - and the maps indexed here are the result. If you're looking for more about Wyoming highways than just maps, I'd recommend that you start at Andy's site. It's very thorough and well-researched, and his pages provide links to my maps wherever appropriate.

Legend for the "Wyoming highway routes" chart below:

"Main" US highways (1- or 2-digit numbers) are highlighted in blue, and are listed numerically (there are two exceptions; see below).

"Branches" of main highways (3-digit numbers and Alternate routes) are highlighted in light blue - and are listed under their "parent" highway. If you are looking for a particular 3-digit US highway, but don't know its "parent" - just take the last two digits. For example, the last two digits in US 310 are "10" - so its "parent" highway is US 10.

Two routes that have never served Wyoming (US 10 and US 91) are highlighted in pink. They are listed only because one each of their "offspring" (US 310 and US 191) do serve Wyoming.

Links highlighted in green go to maps showing the current route of each highway.

Any links highlighted in yellow go to maps showing historic route(s) for a highway.

The legend for this chart is above.

Wyoming highway route

Click for a map showing the route during the years listed:

US 10

(Never served Wyoming)

US 310

1926 - present

US 12

1940 - 1960

US 212

1962 - present

US 312

1960 - 1962

US 14

1936 - 1940

1940 - 1957

1957 - present

US 14 A

1965 - present

US 16

1926 - 1936

1936 - 1965

1965 - present

US 116

1926 - 1936

US 216

1931 - 1936

US 18

1926 - 1970

1970 - present

US 20

1926 - 1942

1942 - present

US 320

1926 - 1938

US 420

1926 - 1936

US 26

1926 - 1950

1950 - present

US 30

1926 - 1972

1972 - present

US 30 N

1926 - 1972

US 30 S

1926 - 1972

US 85

1926 - present

US 85 A

1937 - 1945?

US 185

1926 - 1936

US 285

1926 - 1936

US 87

1926 - 1936

1936 - 1940

1940 - 1960

1960 - 1982

1982 - present

US 87 E

1926 - 1936

US 87 W

1926 - 1936

US 187

1926 - 1936

1936 - 1940

1940 - 1960

1960 - 1982

US 287

1936 - 1940

1940 - 1960

1960 - 1982

1982 - present

US 89

1936 - 1939

1939 - present

US 189

1939 - present

US 91

(Never served Wyoming)

US 191

1926 - 1982

1982 - present


1956 - present


1956 - present


1956 - present

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Page last updated 14 January 2000.