The Ásatrú Kindred of Argentina "Thor's Hammer" has been on-line for more than 2 years and a half. During this period of time, we have suffered attacks, both to our e-mail accounts and to our site, perpetrated by a christian extremist group called "Soldiers of Christ".
These "Soldiers of Christ" attacked our site in 5 different ocassions, and our e-mail account are under attack on a daily basis. Very importante information has been deleted from our site, the texts were replaced with other texts insulting Odinism, and the image of our homepage was replaced with christian crosses and other offensive images. You can see that images in the links at the bottom of this page.
Regarding the attacks to our e-mail accounts, they not only have been sending us insulting messages, but also hacked some of our accounts, deleting all the e-mails, the e-mail addresses stored there, they've modified our passwords, tehy 've sent their own messages using our accounts. Up to now (February 10, 2250 RE), we have received 23.430 e-mails from the "Soldiers of Christ". They are using, at least 32 different e-mail accounts to attack us, the majority of them from free e-mail providers such as Hormail, Excite mail, Lettera, Yahoo Mail, LatinMail, Iname, Starmedia and Ciudad Internet). But they are also using fake e-mail accounts, and spamming and mail-bombing software.
Ásatrú Kindred of Argentina "Thor's Hammer" have never attacked, or sent offensive mails to any person, organization or group. That si not our policy. We use our time and means to improve our site and to improve our activities.
Now, how are these "Soldiers of Christ"? According some information we have been receiving, they are a christian group that has members in Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Estados Unidos, España y Colombia. They work with different names, such as "Church of the Loyal Christians".
If you have any information regarding the "Soldiers of Christ", or regarding any other groups that may be related to them or have similar activities, please send it to Thank you very much.
© 1997-2000 EC / 2250 ER - Hermandad Ásatrú Argentina "Martillo de Thor" / Alianza del Lobo