Here is Theonomist's GuestBook. Thank you for signing!

Bert Juneau - 01/18/99 18:37:26
Christian or non-christian: multiculturalist
Theonomist or non-theonomist: non
tolerationist or anti-tolerationist: tolerationist
pro-feminist/gay or anti-feminist gay: gay man
liberal or non-liberal: social liberal
sense of humor or no sense of humor: good sense of humor
Your arguement is based on a supposition, that what is written in "the Bible" is the will of God. Do you honestly think the information we have is complete an expresses the will of God? Who among us has a complete enough understanding of God so as to an ounce His will? If the Bible is to be taken literally, shall we then damn all the Arabs, as sons of incest? Shall we not listen to Christ himself when he says "what you do unto the least of these you do unto me"?

Thomas Hegge - 09/04/98 06:22:47
Christian or non-christian: I know that breaking God's laws makes you unhappy, yes
I can agree with nearly all your views. Great site!

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