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Students to go to Venezuela

By Maureen Smith

Is Venezuela's Bolivarian revolution dangerous or inspiring? Worrisome or hopeful? Some college students from the United States will have a chance to find out for themselves this August, on a tour of Venezuela led by Lisa Sullivan of Venezuela and her daughter Maia Rodriguez, now a student at Earlham College in Indiana. There are still openings on the delegation, and interested students should quickly get in touch with Lisa Sullivan at or Maia Rodriguez at to enquire. This is a chance to experience history as it is made.

This exciting tour begins on August 1, 2007, and ends on August 11. The cost of the trip is $1200, including accomodations, meals, in-country transportation, reading material, and just about everything but airfare. I know that this will be a wonderful experience, since Lisa Sullivan led the Venezuela tour I went on last January and February. You are guaranteed to meet all kinds of great activists who lead a revolutionary life in an atmosphere where hope prevails. $1200 is a lot of money for most young people, but there is time to do some fund-raising among local supporters to help with the cost. Promise them a report-back when you return!

Maureen Smith, a member of the Santa Cruz County Peace and Freedom Party Central Committee, was the 1980 Peace and Freedom nominee for U.S. President.

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