pamphlet appeared recently with the expressed aim of being
read by 'people interested in animal liberation who want to
consider why animal exploitation exists, as well as how',
and 'by those who define themselves as anarchists or communists
who either dismiss animal liberation altogether or personally
sympathise with it but don't see how it relates to their broader
political stance'. Its overall argument is that animal and
human exploitation are intrinsically related, and that the
fight for communism is inseparable to the struggle against
animal exploitation.
In general terms the pamphlet is very good. It traces the
history of animal exploitation and it attempts to link that
with the history of human exploitation by capital (and not
only). A variety of valid points are made: the practice of
animal exploitation is directly linked to the needs of capital
and its ongoing quest for profit, instead of being characterised
as an abstract 'evilness' of humans in general against animals.
More particularly, the author identifies that there exists
a striking commonality between the exploitation of humans
and animals, and this is traced back to capital's domination
over our lives and its subordination of every human or animal
need to the needs of valorisation. The author thus says at
some point: "…with animals and with humans, the factory system
aims to restrict the movement of the body to maximise profit",
or, further on, "….[both animals and humans are treated
as] an inert, unthinking object, whose creative, bodily,
emotional needs are ignored…".
Furthermore, the practice of mass extermination is linked
to the treatment of 'unproductive' and 'redundant' (from capital's
point of view) humans and animals. Vivisection, this disgusting
element of advanced capitalism, is openly linked to particular
interests of capital, whereas medical research (whether it
uses animals for experiments or not) is exposed for what it
really is: a profit-oriented business which "…would rather
let people die than allow their patented products to be made
available on a non-profit basis".
Moreover, animal exploitation is shown to be interrelated
to capital's projection of itself through commodity fetishism.
The fact that animals are only seen as commodities with a
'natural' exchange value attached to them, instead of living
organisms (in the same way that humans are seen as such) is
stressed, as well as the way in which capital's marketing
practices manage to conceal this ("…pork not pig, beef not
Coming to the analysis of political struggles, certain aspects
of animal liberation are strongly criticised. The practice
of boycotting particular companies for their part in animal
exploitation is correctly discredited as a misleading view
which ignores the totality of capitalism, while the disgusting
practice of attacking workers in animal factories as equally
responsible for the maltreatment of animals is shown to be
a fucked up practice which shows a "…lack of understanding
of the dynamics of present day society, of a class analysis…".
Finally, the author is quick to renounce any notion of 'animal
rights' in the same way that 'human rights' are attacked as
a capitalist construction aimed at disguising existing inequalities
and exploitation, and as an institutional construction for
the facilitation of capital's domination.
However, despite these valid points the article encounters
a number of problems when trying to argue that "…the development
and maintenance of capitalism as a system that exploits humans
is in some ways dependent upon the abuse of animals."
In tracing the history of animal exploitation, the author
makes the remark that in primitive societies, humans were
initially vegetarian, thus trying to assert that there is
something natural about choosing this sort of diet. Yet, he
fails to recognise that in these primitive societies most
habits were determined by necessity and not by a conscious
and moralistic choice. A totally unjustified glorification
of primitive societies follows from this approach, resulting
in the author saying that "…[primitive] communities
typically live in a harmonious relationship with their environment;
it is their home and their provider and it is not their interest
to destroy it, by for instance, exterminating animal species".
Again, the author mistakenly glorifies the primitive community
by presenting only one aspect of it and ignoring that this
'harmonious' relationship was also dangerous, limited and
dictated by a kind of necessity which we have nothing to be
jealous for. The wild characteristics of animals of that period,
which the author addresses in a positive way, also resulted
in the constant fear of humans of being consumed by them,
and was also partially responsible for people's choice to
'domesticate' themselves and the animals. Moreover, to claim
that people's harmonious relationship with their environment
led them to refrain from destroying it implies that 'people'
(in general) today have
an interest in destroying the environment, an attitude which
comes in contradiction with the way in which the author later
on links the destruction of the environment with the class
nature of society and not with 'people's' attitude in general.
At another point, the author quotes Cammate who argues that
"…out of the 'animal husbandry' grew both the notion of property
ad exchange value', a view which wrongly implies that exchange
value (i.e. the mode of appearance of things produced as
commodities) existed
long before production was generalised commodity-production.
It becomes increasingly apparent that, in analysing the origins
of animal abuse, the author exaggerates its development and
argues things like "From
the earliest stages of domestication meat consumption was
the conspicuous display of dominant ruling power" (our emphasis),
thus implying that even today,
the same social status is given to meat-eating. Moreover,
this exaggeration reaches ridiculous levels, when the author
implies that even the practice of war between humans was only
made possible because of the domestication of animals and
the attachment of value to their ownership. The fact that
conflicts over things of value was the origin of war between
humans is clearly irrelevant of what exactly
these things were.
This reversal of subject and object is further committed by
the author, when he argues that primitive accumulation primarily
dependent on the animal industry, in the sense that peasants
were driven off from their land in order to make room for
sheep. Although primitive accumulation was generated through
the exclusion of peasants from the land, to argue that the
animal industry was its primal motor only results in mystifying
the origin of capitalism. Sheep were only an expression of
capital's development and not
its underlying motor. The author exacerbates the argument
when claiming that "the animal industry was the starting motor
of primitive accumulation, without which the subsequent gains
for the ruling class (the creation of a proletariat, access
to mineral wealth, etc) may not have been accomplished". The
fact that sheep happened to be vital for primitive accumulation
in its starting points does not imply in any way that capitalism
would not have developed if animals were not regarded as commodities.
Coming to a more contemporary analysis of capitalist social
relations, the author states that "…the development of the
factory for humans in the modern period was influenced by
[the] long history of factory farming", and that "…the
origins of the assembly line production are to be found in
the US beef packing yards of the late 19th century".
To say that the assembly line production process started in
one part of industry and later influenced others because of
its effectiveness in innovating capitalist production, again
says nothing about the actual product
of this industry. And although it may be the case that "…Henry
Ford acknowledged that the idea for the automobile assembly
line 'came in a general way from the overhead trolley that
the Chicago packers used in dressing beef'…", this is irrelevant.
The fact that the first industry to use assembly-line organisation
of labour was animal-related does not mean that it could not
have been another industry. There is nothing inherent in the
animal industry which makes it the cutting edge of technological/exploitative
innovations in the factory system, and thus the link between
the development of the factory system and animal abuse seems,
to say the least, highly coincidental.
In his examination of the animal liberation movement, the
author argues that there is something inherently subversive
in its practice, something which is initially based on the
fact that "…given that we have argued for the centrality of
animals to capitalism, a movement challenging the position
of animals could hardly help but impact on capital". However,
if that centrality is challenged, the argument collapses.
In a way it is right to argue that "…saving [the]
animals from suffering and an early death directly confronts
the logic of capital, abolishing their status as products,
commodities and raw materials by reinstating them as living
beings outside of the system of production and exchange".
From another standpoint though, the same argument could be
made for shoplifting, which, in a similar way abolishes the
exchange value of commodities, and reinstates (in a sense)
their use-value. Yet, it would hardly be plausible to argue
that capitalism is threatened by it. However positive shoplifting
is, it essentially expresses a need for 'free consumption'
of the existing commodities, and not a subversive relation
to a system of commodity production. The re-appropriation
of some
commodities does not necessarily imply a starting point for
a generalised critique of capital in its totality, and saving
some animals from a lab is no more a pathway to revolutionary
consciousness than a variety of other situations, which might
even occur in meat-eating environments.
Following the general argument that humans and animals are
equally mistreated by capital, and that the exploitation of
the former is interrelated to that of the latter since both
are considered as commodities, no obvious connection is made
between the struggle of proletarians against capital and the
struggle for the liberation of animals. Nobody would deny
that animals are treated in despicable ways, and that this
stems from them being seen as commodities. But this does not
convincingly result in equating the struggle for the liberation
of animals with the movement of communism. (1) In other words,
although it is indeed shown that generalised animal abuse
is as much a result of capitalist social relations, reading
the pamphlet did not result in realising the inseparability
between the struggle for communism and that of animal exploitation.
It merely re-asserted the fact that animals are as much commodified
as humans.
Communism is in fact the reconciliation of man and nature,
and the end of the domination of one by another. Yet, the
arguments brought forward in Beasts
of Burden never manage
to confront the inherent moralism of the animal liberation
ideology, regardless of whether it can be shown that animal
abuse is historically constituted.
At times when revolutionary practice is strikingly absent
from our everyday life, when the movement that abolishes existing
conditions appears to be in (temporary) retreat, and when
the animal liberation movement attracts more people than struggles
against capital per se, the pamphlet seems misplaced. Unless,
that is, it convinces activists of animal liberation to reconsider
the class character of animal abuse and to direct their attacks
towards the society which gives birth to such practices and
not merely one if its appearances.
(1) At some point in the pamphlet, the author argues that
"…Marxist political economy adopted the enlightened project
of the domination of nature in its entirety with the natural
world being perceived as an unlimited raw material for industrial
progress", but with the development of capitalism and the
ongoing destruction of the ecological system, "…some communists
have begun to criticise this model". In fact, communists criticised
and fought against this Stalinist model which identified revolution
with the development of the productive forces and industrialism
long before the destruction of the environment became the
starting point of such a critique, and even for Marx communism
"…as fully developed naturalism, equals humanism, and as fully
developed humanism equals naturalism…"(Early Writings).
You can find the original
text here