Some comments collected from Thai Binh's Home Page:

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lho - 09/06/97 06:12:55 My Comments: I'm a Vietnamese-American and is enjoying the freedom from this nation. I always hope that one day very soon communism in the world will be self-destroyed because of its obsolete theory. The communists know this fact and are being afraid. They try hard o keep their power for their sole selfishness by oprressing and griping off innocent people. I support all fights that could throw the communism, and I support the people of Thai Binh, Vietnam, for doing so. Thank you.
Duyen DDo - 09/05/97 20:21:17 My URL: My Comments: Duyen hoa`n toa`n u?ng ho^. nha^n da^n Thai Bi`nh ddu+'ng le^n cho^'ng la.i lu~ ngu*o*`i o'c khi?. Duyen.
Le Minh Khue - 09/05/97 20:06:54 My URL: My Comments: I applaud about the opening a Web_Page for Thai Binh. By internet online, people on the world would know how Ngu*o*`i Vie^.t have been lived under communist regime. And fight against the their nasty government. Thank for you proposal, bnpham! Khue Le
Ben Trinh - 09/05/97 18:37:24 My Comments: U?ng ho^. d-o^`ng ba`o mi`nh hê't lo`ng
Huu T Tran - 09/05/97 17:56:07 My Comments: I am total 100% with the people at Thai Binh, I wish very city in Viet Nam start to do the same thing with people at Thai Binh, that the way to go. Nguy. Nha^n - 09/05/97 10:41:14 My URL: My Comments: Ki'nh Cha`o Quy' Vi. Ra^'t hay. Ra^'t U?ng ho^. nhie^.t lie^.t vie^.c la`m ra^'t co' y' nghi~a va` ra^'t ma^'t thi` gio+` (cho dda.i cuo^.c) cu?a quy' vi. Ddu+`ng que^n ghe' tha(m te^. trang Xin mo+`i . Du` la` sinh sau dde? muo^.n Chaos. Nguy. Nha^n Hung Manh Nguyen - 09/05/97 06:28:08 My Comments: Phan L N - 09/05/97 02:52:43 My Email:pln1011@ Comments: To^i ung? ho^. ddo^`ng ba`o Thai' Bi`nh !
Nguye^~n Va(n Tho^ng - 09/04/97 14:19:14 Comments: Chu'ng to^i luo^n quan ta^m dde^'n su+. an ninh cu?a ddo^`ng ba`o Tha'i Bi`nh VN. Ne^'u ba.o quye^`n VC ha`nh hung, ba('t bo+', ... ddo^`ng ba`o chu'ng to^i se~ va^.n ddo^.ng chi'nh quye^`n ca'c nu+o+'c Ta^y Phu+o+ng, ca'c co+ quan ddoa`n the^? dde^? xin ho. can thie^.p. Mong ddo^`ng ba`o ha~y giu+~ vu+~ng nie^`m tin. Chi? khi ba.o quye^`n su.p ddo^?, chu'ng ta va` ca'c the^' he^. con cha'u mo+'i ddu+o+.c so^'ng mo^.t cuo^.c so^'ng tu+. do va` no a^'m. Nguye^~n Va(n Tho^ng
Thanh Xuan Pham - 09/04/97 12:39:47 My Comments: Ca'm o+n My Linh dda~ da`nh nhie^`u ta^m huye^'t cho Tha'i Bi`nh. U+o+'c gi` co' the^m nhie^`u ngu+o+`i nhu+ ML, Viet Nam se~ ddu+o+.c hu+o+?ng tu+. do so+'m. Tha^n me^'n.
Nguyen C. Trung - 09/04/97 12:00:42 My Comments: I support Thai Binh, and want the whole world know: There is no democracy in my country Vietnam.
BN Pham - 09/04/97 07:10:42 My Comments: Every Vietnamese is entitled to freedom and democracy. I support the people of Thai Binh in their struggle against an oppressive regime.
Nguye^~n Thi. My~ Linh - 09/04/97 04:15:00 My URL: My Comments: Let's support Thai Binh to end the darkest chapter in Vietnam history. Ha~y ho^~ tro+. Tha'i Bi`nh dde^? su+? la^.t qua trang mo+'i .
Dung Nguyen - 09/04/97 03:42:10 My Comments: Chu? nghi~a CS ta.i VN dda~ dde^'n lu'c ca'o chung, ngu+o+`i da^n bi. dda`n a'p bo'c lo^.t dda~ ddu+'ng le^n ddo`i quye^`n so^'ng. VN ha?i ngoa.i xin ha~y ho^~ tro+. ho. . Xin ca?m o+n ca'c anh chi. dda~ construct web page na`y.
Uyen Thuy Le - 09/04/97 02:54:25 My Comments: Hoa\n toa\n u?ng ho^. su*. no^?i da^.y cu?a no^ng da^n Tha/i Bi\nh !!
Le Viet - 09/03/97 23:06:10 My URL: My Comments: VNCB sa(~n sa`ng pho^? bie^'n nhu+~ng tin lie^n quan dde^'n vu. na`y
Hung Henry Cao - 09/03/97 16:23:50 My URL: My Comments: Tha`nh tha^.t mong muo^'n ddo^`ng ba`o Tha'i Bi`nh cu~ng nhu+ ca? nu+o+'c ddu+o+.c tu+. do , da^n chu? va` a^'m no . Ca'm o+n toa`n the^? ca'c ba.n va^~n co' lo`ng nghi~ dde^'n que^ hu+o+ng VN cu?a chu'ng ta !!! Special Thanks to those who build & maintain this Page. HHC
Khai K. Phan - 09/03/97 15:43:22 My Comments: Good job! Ask Vietnamese web sites everywhere to have links to this page. Regards,
Trung Nguyen - 09/03/97 14:26:01 My Comments: DDa? DDa?o co^.ng sa?n!!!
Thu Nguyen - 09/03/97 13:18:56 My Comments: To^i he^'t su+'c tha'n phu.c su+. du~ng ca?m cu?a ngu+o+`i da^n Tha'i Bi`nh, dda~ no^?i da^.y cho^'ng la.i gio+'i ca^`m quye^`n co^.ng sa?n, mo^.t chi'nh quye^`n chi? ddem la.i su+. xo+ xa'c, nghe`o na`n, ba^`n cu`ng, kho^'n kho^? cho dda^'t nu+o+'c va` c n ngu+o+`i Vie^.t Nam chu'ng ta. Ne^'u ca'c ba.n co' go+?i tho+ chung ke^u go.i u?ng ho^. cho Tha'i Bi`nh va` Xua^n Lo^.c, xin la`m o+n dde^? the^m te^n to^i va`o, ca?m o+n ca'c ba.n. Thu Nguyen
Mike Do - 09/03/97 12:39:14 My URL: My Comments:
Tin Viet - 09/03/97 10:09:20 My Comments:
Trinh Allen (BeViet) - 09/03/97 04:34:16 My Comments: ..."Tu+'c nu+o+'c la` vo+? bo+`" Hy Tha'i Bi`nh se~ la` mo^.t trong nhu+~ng ngo.n dduo^'c tie^`n phong thie^u ru.i mo^.t che^' ddo^. phi nha^n ba?n, che^' ddo^. Co^.ng Sa?n kho^ng bao gio+` hie^.n thu+.c.....
Ly' Thanh Bi`nh - 09/03/97 03:08:26 My URL: My Comments: Hy ra)`ng nhu*~ng trang na`y se~ ddu*o*.c pho^? bie^'n kha^'p ca? nu*o*'c Vie^.t Nam tu*` ba)'c dde^'n nam.
Duc Vu - 09/03/97 01:25:40 My Comments: I'm 100% totally support the people in ThaiBinh - Vietnam who fighting for their Freedom & Democracy Mo+`i anh mo+`i chi. ghe' tha(m Tha'i Bi`nh Web Page ddo^`ng ta^m ta va`o Tru+o+'c ti`m su+. vie^.c ta.i sao DDo^`ng ba`o quo^'c no^.i ga^.y, sa`o vu`ng le^n Sau la` ho^? tro+. ky' te^n Go'p the^m lu+?a ddo^'t nhu+~ng te^n ca'o cho^`n Mo^.t lo`ng ba?o ve^. xo'm, tho^n Tha'i Bi`nh nghi~a ddi.a mo^` cho^n ba.o quye^`n Nha('c nhau xin nho+' ddu+`ng que^n Ai ngu+o+`i thu+o+ng nu+o+'c a^'m ye^n sao dda`nh Ducv 09/02/97
Tuan Hoang - 09/02/97 22:36:13 My Comments: I support ThaiBinh people with their struggle with Communist Government authorities for freedom and humant rights.
thuong Van - 09/02/97 18:42:25 My Comments: