March 19, 1998
What a sick joke we are. We who labor under the illusion that we are so civilized, so sophisticated, so admired by the rest of the world. We who boast about how kind and gentle we are. You want to know what we are in the eyes of the rest of the world? I'll tell you what we are. We're the dumb, gutless, indecisive, dreary, cowardly, doofus, little snots of the world, that's what we are. Everybody likes us? Sure, they like us. It's easy to like some vacant-headed, do-nothing, offend-nobody, drip-drooling nerd that hasn't got the strength or guts to stick up for himself, but doesn't have to worry because he never says anything that might upset anybody, anyway. We've all met the type. I remember him in Grade 8. Pimple-faced geek who walked around with a perpetual dozey half-smile on his face, polite to a fault, always so willing to accommodate without an ounce of thought, so kind, so gentle, so nice, so liked by us all because he was such a harmless, non-factor, twit. Get him to take a controversial stand on a point of principle? Not if it meant he might get shouted at, insulted, punched in the face -- not if it meant he might lose friends by doing the right thing. In other words, no guts, no glory. In other words, the "Canadian Way." The "Canadian Way" that saw those 194 MPs (Minuscule Pansies) vote against the right of members of Parliament to display, should they wish, small Canadian flags at their desks in the House of Commons, that hallowed temple of what is supposed to be Canadian pride in Canadian democracy. The Canadian flag, not the Cuban flag, not the Russian flag, not the Chinese flag, not the Iraqi flag -- the flag of Canada, do you hear, CANADA, and these 194 pooftas, these 194 pinheads brought shame and indignity to Canada and themselves by voting down the Reform Party motion, voted it down so as not to hurt the precious feelings of the fifth columnist idiots called the Bloc Quebecois, as if their feelings mattered. Did you hear what the prime minister said in defence of his anti-Canadian flag vote? Remember, this the prime minister who believes so much in decorum that he publicly tried to strangle a protester awhile back. The PM said: "We voted for order." Excuse me? You voted for order? What an insult. And who, may I ask, caused the disorder? The separatists in the House, that's who. Not the flag. The flag didn't cause disorder; the reaction to it from these traitorous scumbags was the disorder. If these Blockheaded separatists weren't in the House; if all the MPs were Liberals, Reform, NDP, and Tories who loved Canada, who believed in Canada, would there be any bloody disorder caused by MPs displaying the flag of Canada on their desks? None! None at all! But, what's the prime minister say? He voted for order. No, he didn't. He voted for cowardice. He voted to let a small group of loud-mouth, misguided, devious, anti-Canada, treacherous turncoats shove the flag of Canada up his nose and the noses of proud Canadians, English, French, whatever nationality, across this land they still feel is worth preserving as one nation. One day, we're going to wake up and we won't have our Canada anymore. It'll have been stolen from us right before our very glazed, naive, clueless, senseless eyes. Worse, we probably won't even care. Won't even fight. No guts, no glory. |