RULE cont.




Public notice and announcement shall be made for all Commission

Meetings and Public Comment Proceedings in accordance with these

rules and the By-Laws of the Commission. The Commission staff shall

have the responsibility for issuance of notices and announcements for

these proceedings. Public Information Meetings shall be noticed or

announced on the State level as required by the Commissioner of

each State. Each state shall have the responsibility of meeting its own

applicable State laws, rules and regulations relating to public notice


The date, time and place for all Commission Meetings and Public

Comment Proceedings shall be noticed by the Executive Director after

consultation with the affected state's Commissioner.


(1) Any notice or announcement of a Commission Meeting or

Public Comment Proceedings must include the date, time and

place of the scheduled meeting; a brief description of the matters

to be discussed; an invitation for the public to participate; and

the name, address and telephone number of a contact person for

further information.

(2) Meeting and hearing notices and announcements will be

distributed 30 days prior to Annual meetings and Public

Comment Proceedings and 14 day prior to Special and Regular

meetings, and 5 days for Emergency meetings from a mailing list

maintained by the Commission's office.


(3)News releases will be issued to a media mailing list maintained

by the Commission's office 14 days prior to the event.

(4)In the event of postponement or cancellation of a meeting or

hearing, a notice will be mailed to those receiving notice of the

meeting and posted at the entrance of the building where the

hearing or meeting was scheduled to be held.


(1) COMMISSION MEETINGS are' those meetings held by the

Central Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission for

the purpose of conducting Compact business. Such meetings can

be either Annual, regular (referring to mid-year and quarterly

meetings), special (referring to other meetings called for non-

emergency purposes) or emergency meetings. The agenda and

order for discussion for these meetings will be set by' the

Chairman. The Commission may request testimony of any

person or persons it desires to hear from. The Commission

reserves the option to question or respond to any person

commenting to or testifying before the Commission. These

meetings will be considered as formal and Will be transcribed,

and a copy of the official transcript of the proceedings will be

made available to the public at regular cost of photocopying in

accordance with Commissi6n policy.

a. At Annual, regular, or special meetings, opportunity shall

be given for public comments on agenda items for 1 hour

before the Commission conducts its business. This public

comment period may be increased at the discretion of the

Chairman. The time allocated for each commenter shall

be established by the Chairman according to the number


of persons desiring to speak. Persons wishing to speak

will be required to complete an official registration card

indicating that they want to make a public statement.

Persons who have properly indicated that they wish to

speak will be recognized by the Chairman. Persons

desiring to present written comments to the Commission

may do so at this time.

b. At Annual, regular, or special meetings, an additional

public comment period may be allocated at the

completion of the Commission's agenda as time permits

at the discretion of the Chairman. Persons who have

completed registration cards but were not recognized by

the Chairman to speak earlier will have an opportunity to

make a public statement, then those who have not

completed a registration card but would like to comment

will be recognized by the Chairman. The length of this

comment period will be at the discretion of the


c. Emergency Meetings. Opportunity for public comments at

Emergency Meetings are at the discretion of the Chairman

and shall be dictated by the nature and time constraints of

the meeting.

(2) PUBLIC CQMMENT PROCEEDINGS are those meetings held on

behalf of the Central Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste

Commission for the purpose of soliciting public comments. The

Commissions representative or delegate shall preside as the

hearing officer at such proceedings. These proceedings are held

to solicit comments on a particular topic or document.


Commission members may be present and serve as co-hearing

officers, however, their presence is not necessary for this to be

considered a formal proceeding of the Commission. The agenda

for these meetings will be set by the Executive Director after

consultation with the Commission. The time, location and

duration of the meeting shall be set by the Executive Director in

consultation with the Commissioner of the member state in

which the meeting is held. These meetings will be transcribed.

The length of the public comment period will be at the

discretion of the presiding officer with the intent to last until all

public comments are taken. Speakers may be limited to 5

minutes each in order to assure that all commenters have

opportunity to speak. Persons may speak for additional 5

minute periods once all commenters have been heard. Persons

wishing to speak will be required to complete an official

registration card indicating that they wish to make a public

statement. Persons who have properly indicated that they wish

to speak will be, recognized by the presiding officer. Written

comments may also be presented. Oral statements will be

limited to the subject matter of the hearing. All comments

received, written or oral, will be made a part of the official record

for consideration by the Commission and their technical experts.

(3) PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETINGS are those meetings held

on behalf of the Central Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste

Commission in any Compact State. The Commission member

or Executive Director may preside at such a meeting. These

meetings are held to provide the public with information on the

Compact and issues associated with its functions. The agenda for


these meetings may be set by either the Commissioner of the

member state in which the meeting is being held or the

Executive Director. Opportunity for public comments will be

afforded. The time, location and duration of the meeting shall

be set by the appropriate state Commissioner or the Executive

Director. Notice and announcement of these meetings shall be

as is reasonable under the circumstances. The Commission's

office will distribute a meeting notice, however, this is not a

required meeting of the Commission and therefore not subject

to notice and announcement procedures contained in Rule 27.2.

These meetings are informal and for informational purposes

only, and therefore will not be transcribed.

(4) (a) COMMITTEE MEETINGS, with the exception of the

Litigation Committee which shall be administered separately by

(4)(b) below and not by this section (4) (a), shall be held in the

host state unless another location is approved in advance by the

Commission. Commission and Committee members must be

notified in writing at least fourteen (14) days in advance of a

Committee meeting as to the date, place, time, agenda.

Background materials to be considered at Committee meetings

will be included in the notification mailing. Committee

minutes will be kept and circulated to the Commission members

within 30 days of a committee meeting. Committee chairmen or

their delegates will normally be expected to review and discuss

Committee activities at Annual or regular meetings of the

Commission. All Committee meetings shall be open meeting

with an opportunity for public comment subject to the


procedures and exceptions as set forth in the By-Laws of the

Commission, in Article IV.

(b) The LITIGATION COMMITTEE shall meet upon

reasonable advance written notice by the Committee Chairman

to Committee members and Commissioners for the purpose of

holding legal strategy sessions with respect to pending litigation

or imminent litigation. The Committee shall make a report to

the Commission at a duly noticed Commission Meeting on the

results of its Committee Meeting for Commission consideration,

response, or action.

Adopted 6-8-87
Amended 6-30-92
Amended 6-29-93
Amended September 14, 1994
Amended June 26, 1996
Amended June 25, 1997


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