Branch 5561 October 2000

Local Memorandum of Understanding

It is the position of the U.S. Postal Service that those employees in the letter carrier craft that perform dirty work or work with toxic materials, should be granted such time as is reasonable and necessary for washing UP. This includes the period of time prior to his/her lunch break.
Full time regular carriers will have a regular work week of five days with rotating days off.
Item 3
The determination as to what constitutes sufficient emergency conditions as to require curtailment or termination of postal operations will be made by the installation head who will use due consideration to the safety and welfare of the employees in making this determination. Carriers involved in the actual emergency situations will take immediate action to protect themselves and the mails then notify management of the conditions existing on the route, management will then decide the course of action.

If and when air-conditioning, heating or air-ventilation equipment at any subject location is deemed inoperable by management, and any possible offsetting steps taken by it fail to attain an inside temperature level below 95 degrees or above 50 degrees for a full tour, the individual employees who fear to work under such conditions may request appropriate relief therefrom in the form of a transfer to a nearby location or of a leave. Responsible postal officials shall not only consider temperature; but, also humidity, air movement and other factors that can affect the climate of the working environ-ment. Postal officials will make the safety of the employees such as but not limited to cold juice to help cool down. The local union president will be notified as soon as possible when breakdown of air conditioning or heating unit results in abnormally warm or cold working conditions.
Item 4:
Section A:

Carriers who become ill while on vacation (annual leave) and whose illness is supported by a doctors certification, will be allowed to select another period of leave providing the illness is one week or longer. The selection of leave will be from that time which is available during the leave year, which has not been selected by other carriers within the limits allowed off.
Section B:
Employees who wish to-cancel selected leave will advise their supervisor as far in advance as possible by submission of PS Form 3971 in duplicate. It is the responsibility of the employee to schedule enough leave during the passing of the leave calendar to avoid and insure they will not have in excess of 440 hours accumulated by November 30. Leave scheduled by employees leaving the postal service or cancelled leave will be removed from the leave calendar and available to all under the provisions of Item 12.
Section C:
There - shall be no exchange of leave. Leave may only be taken or cancelled and therefore open for bid.
Section D:
No carrier shall be called into work while on annual leave unless he volunteers to do so, except in the case of emergency and all other carriers have been scheduled to work in accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of the National Agreement.
Section E:
Military leave will not be counted as part of a carriers choice period selection, but will be counted as part of the quota allowed off.
Section F:
Management will make up the leave calendar and will post the approved schedule within one week of its completion.
Section G:
The period for making choice vacation selections will begin on November fifteen prior to the leave year.
Section H:
Emergency leave may be granted for a family emergency of the carriers or spouses immediate family.
Section I:
The leave calendar shall be passed throughout the carrier workforce by seniority. Each carrier will indicate their choice period on the calendar, Selections shall be made by each carrier within a 48 hour period for first selection, 24 hours for second selection, or be placed at the bottom of the seniority list for that round.
Item 5:
The choice vacation period will begin the first full pay period in January and end the last full week of November.
Item 6:
Sunday must be the beginning day of the carriers vacation period.
Item 7:
The annual leave calendar will be passed around twice in order of seniority. Each carrier will have the option of selecting choice AL in units of 5 or 10 working days. A carrier may use both selections in one round, provided the total does not exceed 15 working days. A carrier may not exceed 15 working days on both rounds.
Item 8:
Carriers selected for jury duty, while on vacation, may select days at a later date from the available weeks that are open, to replace those days served on jury duty, if carrier wishes to do so. The time selected will be part of the quota allowed off at one time. This selection will be made as soon as the carrier returns to duty. The union may block off time for delegates to attend state or national conventions. The time will be charged to the quota allowed off at one time, but not to that carriers choice vacation time. One delegate will be allowed in excess of the quota allowed off.
Item 9:
A maximum of twelve (12) percent shall be allowed off at a time during the choice vacation period. In those instances where computing the 12% does not result in a whole number, and the fractional result is .2 or higher, the next whole number shall be considered the correct figure (e.g. 2.2 and above would become 3 employees)
Each carrier craft employee will submit, following final selection of their choice vacation period, PS Form 3971 in duplicate, filling in all applicable items. A copy will be handed to the supervisor for his signature and must be returned to each carrier craft employee within 24 hours or will. be automatically approved. This applies to all requests for annual leave and LWOP for union business.
Item 11:
Management must, no later than November 1, publicize on bulletin boards and by other appropriate means, the beginning date of the new leave year, which shall begin with the first day of the first full pay period of the calendar year.
Item 12:
There will be two choice vacation passes. After the passing of the leave calendar for the first choice selection, the calendar will be passed a second time. During the second passing, each employee may select up to the same amount as authorized on the first passing, with no splits, but he may not exceed those total weeks earned during the year. At the end of the second passing of the calendar a notice will be posted accepting applications for any additional earned leave the employee wishes to request. All applications will be consolidated and approved not to exceed 12%.
Section B
Leave requested of less than a whole week may not be submitted prior to 15 days in advance but before the Wednesday preceding the service week but not to exceed 12%. Leave applied for the Wednesday preceding the service week or thereafter, will be approved after all other types of leave are taken into consideration, such as sick leave, jury duty, etc., but not to exceed the 12% off. No carrier may make more than one request per agreement year for annual leave for the day proceeding or the day following a holiday unless no other carrier desires such leave.
Section C:
A weeks leave shall include Sunday through Sunday.
Section D:
Leave calendar will be installation wide.
Section E:
If a carrier with approved leave cancels part or all of a week the senior carrier applying for that cancelled time will be approved. A carrier wishing to cancel annual leave approved for the choice period may cancel such leave only in week increments.
Item 13:

The following order:

Management shall select carriers to work on holidays in.
2)Part-time flexibles
3)Full-time regulars who volunteer to work on their non-scheduled day, by seniority.
4)Full-time regulars who volunteer to work on their holiday or day designated as a holiday, by seniority.
5)Full-time regulars who did not volunteer on what could otherwise 'be their non-scheduled day, by inverse seniority.
6)All other non-volunteer full-time regulars, by inverse seniority.
Item 14:
The overtime desired list shall be by building.
Item 15:
Section A:

Light duty assignments; each injured or ill employee will be promptly relieved of those duties which would be detrimental to his welfare. Each case will be handled on an individual basis according to its merits, physicians restrictions and with the agreement of the individual and/or his representative with management.
Section B:
Management shall make every effort to provide an eight hour tour of duty for every applicant of light duty whenever the physician states the employee is able to perform light duty for such a period of time. There shall be one light duty assignment for this installation.
Item 16:
Upon receipt of the doctors certificate stating what duties the carrier may or may not perform the request for light duty will be- prauptly acted upon, The carrier will not be requested or required to perform any duty the doctor states will be detrimental to his welfare. - If the doctors opinion is question-able, management may handle as the National Agreement states.
Item 17:
Within the letter carrier craft, the following shall be considered as examples of light duty assignments:
a)Casing letter size mail or flats.
b)Office assistance to other routes.>
c)Labeling carrier cases.
d)Vehicle operations maintenance assistance.
f)Normal carrier duty on auxiliary routes which ill or injured carrier may be able to perform.
g)Any other duties the doctors statement does not prohibit.
h)No able bodied employee shall be denied the opportunity to work just to provide a light duty assignment to an ill or injured employee for that one day.
Item 18:
When it is proposed to reassign within an installation employees excess to the needs, the junior carrier, installation wide will be the one reassigned.
Item 19:
The Parking Spaces at this office will be assigned as follows:
1. all government vehicles
2. management vehicles
3. a parking space will be assigned the president of the NALC
4. those spaces left will be for all employees on a first come, first serve basis except for those spaces which are for customer parking
Item 20:
Leave to attend union activities requested prior to determination of the choice vacation schedule is to be part of the total choice vacation plan.
Item 21:
Section A
When a letter carrier route or full time duty assignment, other than the letter carriers route or full time duty position of the junior employee, is abolished at a delivery unit as a resuly of, but not limited to, route adjustment, highway, housing projects, all full time duty assignments at the installation held by letter carriers who are junior to the carrier(s) whose route(s) or full time duty assignment was abolished shall be posted in accordance with the posting procedure in this agreement.
Section B
No letter carrier route will be posted becuase there is a change in starting time.
Item 22:
Utility carriers and preferred PTF assignment shall work their bid assignments unless they volunteer to be moved to another assignment for that one day.