Annex A
Appendix 1
to Annex A
1. General responsibilities
Formulates policy and operational guidelines in support of policy for the conduct of disaster operations.
Approves general policy for disaster operations as set forth in the national disaster plan.
Ensures that information and directions are given to the general public and that contact is maintained with the appropriate levels of government.
Overall management of the nations survival and recovery efforts, working through the ministers and parish constituency offices.
2. Alert phase
Ensure that the public has been fully informed of the steps to be taken in the disaster.
Ensure that every effort has been made to enhance the capacity and quality of public shelters.
Ensure that all government departments with operational roles are prepared to respond.
Ensure that all available means are used to warn the public and that people are given explicit instructions regarding the actions they should take to increase their chances of survival.
3. Response phase
Maintain public morale by informing the population of actions being taken for their welfare and safety.
Receive assessments of damage suffered by the communities during the disaster.
Review plans for recovery and post-disaster establishment of medical and welfare systems, and the restoration of vital facilities.
Receive estimates of the time required to execute recovery plans and the number of men and equipment needed over that which is available.
Declare National disaster or State of Emergency if the situation warrants
Maintain contact with the appropriate departments of government, receive update situation reports, and respond to requests for assistance, if possible.
4. Recovery phase
Assist NEOC operations by personal announcements to the public to ensure orderly recovery from the disaster.
Ensure the continuity of authority in all major government departments and agencies, and in all major institutions, business and industry.
Ensure that steps are taken for the conservation, use, and distribution of any resources that are made available by Regional or international agencies and/or Governments.
Appendix 2
to Annex A
1. General responsibilities
Supports policy for the conduct of disaster operations.
Agrees with general policy for disaster operations as set forth in the national disaster management plan.
Ensures that contact is maintained with the appropriate levels of government.
Cooperates with the management of the nations survival and recovery efforts, working through the NEMO or Local Disaster Committee.
Ensure the authority of the NEMO and the Local Disaster Committee is maintained.
2. Alert phase
Ensure the authority of the NEMO and the Local Disaster Committee is maintained.
Liaising with the Local Disaster Committee, ensure that constituents have been fully informed of the steps to be taken in the disaster.
Liaising with the Local Disaster Committee ensure that every effort has been made to enhance the capacity and quality of public shelters.
Liaising with the Local Disaster Committee ensure that all available means are used to warn the public and that people are given explicit instructions regarding the actions they should take to increase their chances of survival.
3. Response phase
Ensure the authority of the NEMO and the Local Disaster Committee is maintained.
Maintain public morale by informing the population of actions being taken for their welfare and safety by the NEMO and Government.
Liaising with the Local Disaster Committee review plans for recovery and post-disaster establishment of medical and welfare systems, and the restoration of vital facilities.
Liaising with the Local Disaster Committee receive estimates of the time required to execute recovery plans and the number of men and equipment needed over that which is available.
Liaising with the Local Disaster Committee maintain contact with the NEMO. Provide the NEMO with update situation reports, and respond to requests for assistance, if possible.
4. Recovery phase
Ensure the authority of the NEMO and the Local Disaster Committee is maintained.
Liaising with the NEOC and Local Disaster Committees, make assist NEOC operations by personal announcements to constituents to encourage and ensure orderly recovery from the disaster.
Provide the Local Disaster Committee with the assistance to ensure that steps are taken for the conservation, use, and distribution of any resources that are made available by Regional or International agencies and/or Governments.
Appendix 3
to Annex A
1. Alert phase
Serve as primary contact between NEOC, District Sub-Committees, Regional and Divisional coordinators.
Ensure that the public has been fully informed of the steps that should be taken in the event of a disaster.
Review disaster shelter and evacuation plans with Chairman of Health and Welfare Sub Committee.
Ensure that the NEOC is staffed with trained personnel, that communications are operational and that appropriate
pre-positioned data and aids are available in the NEOC.
Check operational readiness of alert and warning systems and improvise means of warning areas not currently covered by
the system.
Review with the Telecommunications Chairman the mechanics of alerting and warning.
Check with Director to determine whether all positions in sections have been manned. If not, take appropriate action to fill
these positions:
NEOC director
Operations Officer (OpsO)
Public Information and Education Officer
Asst. Operations Officer/Emergency Coordinator (EC)
Communications Officer (CO)
Admin. and Support Officer
Logistic Officer
Radio Operator
Police rep
Coast Guard
Public Works rep
Transport Authority rep
Cable and Wireless
Fire rep
Health Ministry rep
Red Cross rep
PS Personnel
Admin. and support staff
Determine through the Director or Operations Officer that the police, fire, public works, welfare, shelter medical
emergency/disaster organizations and other appropriate agencies are alerted and ready to be deployed.
Request that the Chief Executive make appropriate announcements to the public over broadcast facilities, as necessary and
Ensure that the operations officer has reviewed current operational policy for each of his sections.
Check through the NDC the type of problems being experienced during the alert phase, and confirm that proper liaison is
effected between communications center and operations room personnel.
Check deployment of disaster response personnel to Forward Command posts if applicable.
Review with the Director or Operations Officer the operational status of emergency operating sites established by utility and
industrial plants.
Determine whether communications exist between these sites and the NEOC.
Check the deployment of manpower, vehicles and equipment of the various utility and industrial organizations and their
availability for operational assignments.
Determine that emergency shutdown procedures have been implemented.
Review the responses that have been made by utilities and industry and that they have been coordinated with the proper
services/authorities in the NEOC.
Review with the military liaison officer the availability of aid from military sources. Ensure that communications exists to the
nearest source of military assistance.
2. Response phase
Refer to the Chief Executive all problems that require the exercise of emergency powers or changes and interpretation of
Brief the Chief Executive on the situation that exists throughout the country including a summary of major emergencies that
have occurred or are under review by the staff in the operations room.
Post on the executive bulletin board any announcements affecting the conduct of the disaster operations.
Ascertain whether the Director and Operations Officer are receiving pertinent and timely reports from the field and disaster
Ensure that an analysis of field data is being made and that the information is posted on the situation and action boards and
operations map.
Review and keep abreast of the operational activities ordered, or being taken, by the various agencies in the operations
Check with the Public Information officer to determine whether information on survival action is being broadcast to the
sheltered population.
Make sure that broadcasts include assurance by the OECS and other key government officials that information available at
the NEOC regarding the disaster situation is made known to the public; that the public be advised to remain in shelters until it
is determined safe to return to their communities and homes, and to obey the instructions of the shelter managers.
3. Recovery phase
Determine when it is safe for the population to leave shelters.
Maintain surveillance over post-shelter deployment.
Closely monitor the establishment of the emergency medical and welfare systems and the clean up activities.
Ensure that the Public Information and Education officer informs the public of the details of shelter emergencies, particularly
with regard to instructions to restrict entry into specified areas.
Monitor the implementation of plans for the restoration of vital services.
Ensure the conservation, proper use and distribution of vital supplies and materials made available by outside sources and
international relief organizations and/or Governments.
Determine whether vital communications links have been disrupted and ensure that either communications are restored or
that prescribed reports are delivered by alternate means.
Ensure that reports are made to the appropriate government officials.
Appendix 4
to Annex A
1. General responsibilities
Chief advisor to the Executive
Responsible to the Executive for all strategic issues affecting both the activities of the incident and supportive functions of the
NEOC. (e.g. Liaise with donor agencies)
2. Alert phase
Ensure members of the NEOC have been alerted
Determine which staff officers are present and when the others will report
Open telephone log
Begin long range planning
3. Response phase
Direct NEOC operations
Obtain briefings from Operations Officer
Prepare briefings for the executive
Monitor information displayed
4. Recovery phase
Ensure NEOC properly deactivated.
Appendix 5
to Annex A
1. General responsibilities
Advises the Director about media related activities.
Gathers facts on the crisis and prepares for dissemination of safety bulletins/clips to the media and public.
Ensures the availability of 'expert' spokespersons as required.
Ensures the monitoring of print and electronic media coverage of the event.
2. Alert phase
Check personal telephone
Open log and record date and time of arrival
Check for any messages which relate to your function/responsibilities prior to your arrival
Report to the Director and receive briefings
Be aware of alternative methods of public information in the event that 'mass' media is not available. (i.e. loud hailers)
Brief the Executive on procedures:
By which decisions and guidelines for public information purposes will be issued from the executive authority; and
for the staff to follow in answering inquiries or issuing public statements and news releases.
Identify official 'expert' spokespersons for the news media. (In most cases this should be restricted to the CE, NDC, and the
Meet with the management and staff of the news media (newspaper, radio and television stations) to review emergency
public information plans and procedures.
Develop measures for authenticating the source of information before broadcast or publication.
After securing approval from the executive, issue news releases announcing preliminary steps the government is taking for
increasing preparedness and readiness.
Direct broadcast, publication and release of information on:
Individual and family protective measures
Available public shelters
Recommended routes to public shelters and other traffic control arrangements;
Ways to improve private shelters or improvise shelters where none exist.
Supplies which individuals should take to public or private shelters and how supplies can be obtained.
Activate the media center from which to brief media representatives on a periodic basis and ensure that the following are set
up in the media room.
Communications equipment
Stationery and supplies
Photocopy machine
Manual typewriters
Battery powered calculators
Battery powered radio receivers
3. Response phase
Prepare first news release to the public and include:
What happened (cause and effect)
A request for people to stay away from the emergency/disaster area
Any other relevant information
Monitor display boards and situation maps and consult with the Director to keep informed of local situations about which the
public should be provided information and advice.
Monitor radio broadcasts.
Schedule periodic press conferences for the media and general public to keep them informed of the situation. This should
include, but need not be limited to:
Information, advice or instructions related to living in shelters for the duration of the disaster(sanitation, food preparation and
Weather conditions
Estimate of length of time before emergence from shelters can take place
How the communities are faring.
4. Recovery phase
Continue to issue information as required to assist the population in recovering from the effects of the disaster with particular
emphasis on:
The kinds of relief available
The agency's responsibilities for providing the relief and where it may be obtained.
Appendix 6
to Annex A
1. General responsibilities
Operations advisor to the NEOC director
Responsible for the operational and tactical plans for the deployment of resources to the emergency/disaster scene.
(Coordination of emergency/disaster operations)
2. Alert phase
Review the operational status of the NEOC
Obtain a communications status report
Review the operational status of each department
Appoint an incident site manager and establish direct communications with him
Review the status of the emergency/disaster operation plans and procedures and ensure they are current.
Confirm that agency representatives have been notified and/or have arrived at the NEOC.
Check that personnel assigned to the operations room are trained in:
Internal operating procedures
Policy guiding emergency/disaster operations
Report forms
Distribution and message routing
Internal and external communications.
Ensure that the following tasks are completed:
Set up furniture
Set up communications equipment
Set up charts and display materials
Install phones, fax, computers, radios and scanners
Distribute stationery supplies to each desk
Inspect generator, antennas, food and water stocks, and fuel supply
Set up chalkboards/white boards.
Set up photocopy machine
Set up manual typewriters
Take out battery powered calculators
Take out battery powered radio receivers
Take out box of message and report forms
Take out stationery and supplies (see list at annex C)
Take out emergency/disaster plans and agreements.
Designate an alternate NEOC if necessary and ensure setup is completed as above.
3. Response phase
Ensure that rapid, well coordinated and effective responses are made to the emergency/disaster situations referred to the
operations group.
Ensure that response actions are treated on the basis of their seriousness.
Note whether action is deferred to later time periods, where possible, in favour of activity that must be taken immediately.
Anticipate problems and take remedial action before large problem situations develop.
Ensure that coordinated activity is taking place within the operations room and with the executive group and communications
Refer to the Director or NDC those decisions requiring the exercise of extraordinary emergency powers, departure from the
operational policy guidelines, and interpretations of policy.
Brief the Director or NDC periodically on the status of the situation and immediately on vital emergency/disaster operations
and major problems.
Brief all new arrivals
4. Recovery phase
Continue to coordinate the recovery activities.
Prepare and consolidate after action reports.
Deactivate the NEOC
Appendix 7
to Annex A
1. General responsibilities
Acts as primary message controller to ensure smooth information flow within the NEOC
Takes action to provide and coordinate assistance and relief requested by the parishes and communities through the
appropriate agency representative or volunteer agency in the operations room.
2. Alert phase
Test standby power unit
Ensure all radios, telephones, fax machines etc. are activated
Ensure a ready supply of logs, forms, maps, etc. are in the operations and communications area.
Report operational status to the Operations Officer
3. Response phase
Receive and record initial disaster reports, and divisional and local situation reports.
Ensure that maps, displays, logs and registers are correctly maintained.
Keep the Operations Officer and Director appraised of the situation.
Exercise direction over shift #2 when the NEOC is operating on a 24-hour basis.
4. Recovery phase
Deactivate the NEOC as follows:
Store furniture
Clean and store displays
Disconnect and store communications
Inventorise and store supplies
Replenish supplies
Appendix 8
to Annex A
1. General responsibilities
Acts as message controller/Emergency Coordinator in the absence of the Assistant Operations Officer
Supervises operations of the communications center
Receives and disseminates warnings to regions, parishes and communities as directed by the Operations Officer or Director.
Establishes and maintains radio communications (National, Regional and International)
2. Alert phase
Check personal telephone
Open personal log and record date and time of arrival
Ensure a ready supply of message forms and logs at all work stations.
Check for any messages which relate to your function or responsibilities, delivered prior to your arrival
Open in/out message register
Switch on all radios, fax machines, telephones etc.
Conduct a complete operational check of all available radio networks
Assign radio operators to location as required
Establish radio communications with site
Open radio logs
Report communications status to Operations Officer
3. Response phase
Coordinate establishment of communications in the disaster area.
Arrange for additional communications, with capability as directed by the Operations Officer.
Ensure communications and backup equipment are fully operational.
Maintain communications status board
4. Recovery phase
Prepare communications portion of after action reports.
Appendix 9
to Annex A
1. General responsibilities
Provides administrative support for the NEOC including the following as required:
Supplies and material, to include fuel for auxiliary power generator
Personnel augmentation from outside sources
Printing and reproduction
Funding and purchasing required for emergency/disaster operations
Maintenance and upkeep of disaster directory and work schedules.
Obtain additional facilities as required
Fiscal functions:
Maintain financial records for emergency/disaster operations
Perform emergency funding and emergency purchasing actions
Prepare financial portion of after action report
Appendix 10
to Annex A
1. Alert phase
Check personal telephone
Open personal log and record date and time of arrival
Check for any messages which relate to each individual's function or responsibilities delivered prior the individual's arrival.
Obtain brief from Operations Officer on all available information on the emergency/disaster including resources committed
and held in reserve
Begin compilation of needs assessment.
Brief operations Officer on logistics status and provide a situation report on the mechanisms in place to collect data on
emergency/disaster relief requirements.
2. Response phase
Ensure logistics related information displayed
Coordinate damage assessment in terms of identifying and obtaining critical emergency/disaster relief requirements.
Coordinate surveys in disaster areas to determine damage to property and repair or reconstruction requirements.
Prioritize and arrange for immediate repair of buildings and infrastructure to ensure speedy rehabilitation of the population to
normal activity in the shortest possible time.
Coordinate transportation of emergency/disaster supplies from air and sea ports of entry to the main distribution center
Establish a center for the storage and distribution of emergency/disaster supplies.
Arrange the necessary transportation required for distributing the emergency/disaster supplies from the central warehouse
into the districts or villages affected.
Procure the necessary essential emergency/disaster materials/food supplies and services that may be required.
Answer the immediate needs of the emergency/disaster.
Appendix 11
to Annex A
1. General responsibilities
Operational planning, decisions and coordination within services or committees represented. (e.g. Fire, Information &
Evaluation Sub-Committee, Health & Welfare Sub-Committee, etc.)
Operational support to the disaster response with continued service to unaffected areas of the country.
Police to provide security for the NEOC
2. Alert phase
Check personal telephone/desk
Open personal log and record date and time of arrival
Check for any messages which relate to your function or responsibilities delivered prior to your arrival.
Check the operational guidelines of the service represented.
Establish communications with the service represented.
Report operational and communications status to Operations Officer.
Obtain brief from Operations Officer on all available information on the emergency/disaster including resources committed
and held in reserve
Begin long range planning
3. Response phase
Brief operations Officer on Departmental status and provide a situation report on the emergency/disaster. Highlight problem
areas or unusual resource requirement.
Answer the immediate needs of the emergency/disaster
4. Recovery phase
Hand over to normal Government/Commercial agencies.
Appendix 12
to Annex A
1. General responsibilities
Operational planning, decisions and coordination within services or committees represented. (e.g. Military, Fire, Damage
assessment committee, Shelter committee, etc.)
Operational support to the disaster with continued service to unaffected areas of the country.
2. Alert phase
Check personal telephone/desk
Open personal log and record date and time of arrival
Check for any messages which relate to your function or responsibilities delivered prior to your arrival.
Obtain brief from Operations Officer on all available information on the emergency/disaster including resources committed
and held in reserve
Check operational status of the Ministry of Health and all other medical services.
Report operational status to the Operations Officer.
Establish communications with other Health and medical officials.
Check with hospitals to determine any unusual problems or needs.
Alert any Health clinics in the immediate area of the emergency/disaster or hazard and offer assistance in relocating patients
or residents.
Report any immediate or future communications needs to the Communications Officer.
Begin long range planning
3. Response phase
Brief Operations Officer on departmental status and provide a situation report on the emergency/disaster. Highlight problem
areas or unusual resource requirement.
Answer the immediate needs of the emergency/disaster
4. Recovery phase
Hand over to normal Government/Commercial agencies.
Appendix 13
to Annex A
1. General responsibilities
Operates assigned radio frequencies
Maintains accurate in/out message logs under the direction of the Communications Officer
Monitors and documents alternate frequencies.
Appendix 14
to Annex A
1. General responsibilities
Maintains maps, charts and status boards, and posts situations as required to keep current.
Becomes familiar with identifying codes and symbols of agencies in the operations room.
Ensures that sufficient map symbols are available and marked properly.
Ensures that actions are entered on the status board and action board, and that these boards are kept current.
Appendix 15
to Annex A
1. General responsibilities
Maintains prompt flow of information within the NEOC as directed by the assistant Operations or Communications Officer
Picks up and distributes messages within the NEOC
Reproduces the required number of copies of messages on duplicating equipment.
Appendix 16
to Annex A
1. General responsibilities
Receives all visitors, determines their business and informs appropriate member of the NEOC staff.
Maintains visitors register
Handles incoming telephone calls and informs the called individual through the intercom system (if available) or other
ring-down means.
Keeps a record of incoming calls not completed and routes information to called individual through messenger
Appendix 17
to Annex A
1. General responsibilities
Maintains the NEOC operations journal
Records incoming and outgoing messages in the journal.
Files one copy of each message and report with the journal.
Appendix 18
to Annex A
1. General responsibilities
Ensures sufficient clerical support staff for operations, services and committees at all times.
Correlates and reproduces records pertaining to the emergency/disaster.
Appendix 19
to Annex A
1. General responsibilities
Dictation, typing, filing of information as directed by the senior clerk
Assists operations/services and/or committees in the NEOC with clerical needs
Operates photocopier and other office equipment as required
Appendix 20
to Annex A
1. General responsibilities
Evaluates the situation
Assesses requirements for assistance
Represents the NDC on parish disaster committees
Keeps the NDC advised of the situation and conditions in the division.
Annex C
Appendix 1
to Annex C
The following items of equipment are ideally held in the NEOC:
Photocopy machine
Manual and electric typewriters
Video cameras
Television sets
Tape recorders
HF radios
VHF radios
UHF radios
SW radios
Portable satellite terminal
Commercial radios
Telephone switchboards
Telephones (listed and unlisted numbers)
Telephone jacks for additional phones to be installed
Radio station remote hookups
Telephones for press/public
Projection screens
Film, slide and OHP's
Easels with flip charts
White boards
Events display boards
Local, parish, country and regional maps
Aerial photos
Coffee machine
Food storage cabinets
Auxiliary power (generator)
Air conditioners
Extractor fans
Appendix 2
to Annex C
The following supplies are ideally needed in the NEOC:
Food/beverage supplies
Coffee pots and cups
Tea kettles
Paper cups
Water pitchers
Paper towel dispensers
Paper towels
Food preparation/serving equipment
Eating utensils
Coffee maker filters
Soap (personal, detergent, laundry, dishes)
Toilet paper
Coat racks/hangers
Coveralls for change of clothes
Extension cords
Light bulbs
Garbage bags
Medical supplies
Batteries/bulbs for flashlights
Film/flashes for cameras
Ash trays
Appendix 3
to Annex C
The following items of stationery will be required in the NEOC:
In/out registers
Operations log sheets
Note pads
Message pads
Message forms
Mutual aid request forms
Situation report forms
Overhead projection materials
Audio cassettes
Video cassettes
Reels for tape recordings
File folders
Typewriter ribbons
Paper and supplies for duplicating machine
Adding machine tape
Rubber stamps/ink pads
Felt tip markers
Washable markers
Chalk and erasers
Paper for easel charts
Poster board for signs
Map tack
Typing paper (standard and legal size)
Envelopes of various sizes
Scrap paper
Waste paper baskets
Staplers/staples/staple removers
Glue sticks
Scotch tape
Scotch tape dispensers
Rubber bands
Thumb tacks
Organization and name tags
Waste baskets
Filing cabinets
Adding machines/calculators
Pencil sharpeners
Telephone books
In/out boxes
Paper clips
Paper fasteners
Appendix 4
to Annex C
Propositioned data and analytical aids
The following documents and aids are pre-positioned in the operations room to assist the NDC and NEOC staff:
National and local emergency/disaster operations and preparedness plans:
Hurricane/tropical storm
Oil spill
Chemical spill/explosion
Ships fire
Major fire
Marine accident
Aviation accident
Civil disturbance
Volcanic eruption
Maps of the Islands/countries, parishes and major towns and communities showing physical features, land use and population
Data on parishes and major communities including their population, resources, and any mutual aid agreements that may exist.
Roster of key local government and private officials including their organizations, business and home addresses, and
telephone numbers.
Emergency/disaster communications plan and SOPs
Mutual aid agreements (Local, Regional and International)
National emergency legislation
Agency emergency/disaster response plans (police, fire etc.)
Agency organization charts.
National evacuation plan
Emergency/disaster plans for neighbouring Communities/Towns/Parishes
Current list of locations and descriptions of dangerous goods within the Town/Parish/Country.
Relevant documentation of dangerous goods
Resource inventories
Reference library (inventory of documents)
Distribution lists
Appendix 5
to Annex C
Below are some files that are normally maintained in the NEOC.
Status reports
Estimate of situation
News releases
Police incident reports
Message file
Journal file
Damage assessment file
Needs assessment file
Pledges file
Dispatches file
Receipts file
Distribution and use file
Appendix 7
to Annex C
Equipment & supplies for Public Info Center
The following items are required for the Public Information and Education center:
Separate entrance/exit for the PIEO
Folding tables
Filing cabinets
Tape recorders
Video camera
TV monitor
Slide/sound carousel
White board
Bulletin board
Coat rack
All Correspondence concerning the National Emergency Management Organisation [NEMO] should be addressed to:-
The National Emergency Management Organisation, P. O. Box 1517, CASTRIES