Friday 27 June 1997

No comparison

I am happy to say that, thus far, I have not seen topless women in Hamilton when I have been out and about.

It leads me to believe that the majority of Hamiltonians are moral self-respecting citizens.

However, I have received comments from some individuals, who say "women go topless in Europe, Africa, and other various places." My response is this:

Recently on the 20/20 TV show, a beautiful Somalian woman told a horror story of how female children were circumcised, without any kind of anesthetic, with a razor blade, thread, and a needle.

This was done as young as five years old. I won't go into the graphics of it, but I can tell you it's horrific.

The reason I tell you this, is to let you know, there is no comparison to the male circumcision, just as there is no comparison to a male's bare chest, and a women's bare breasts.

If female breasts are not sexual, can you tell me why so many women risk their very lives, getting breast implants? Why are certain magazines in stores high up on shelves, out of the reach of children, if women's breasts can be bared before them now?

No one can convince me that breasts are not sexual. I've had to live all my adult years, with the male gender's smart sexual remarks, their lack of respect, their stares, and when talking face to face trying to make eye contact, because their eyes are looking beneath my chin.

I could not begin to imagine the hell I would go through if I were to go topless, as it has been bad enough dressed.

All I see is a fast deterioration of human morals, and self-respect, which is going to lead to many repercussions, and it will be innocent people who pay the price.

Freda Toles, Hamilton.